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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2008-09 Gear Sightings

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Perhaps he asked for it to be put on his shoulder pad? He wears RBK/Jofas, which are made by THC as well as his clothing line, perhaps intended to be visible in locker room shots.

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Nash was using Easton Gear in the Allstar Game.

He switches back and forth between Easton and TPS, he was using TPS last night when he stomped the wings

The wings helped him as much as they could. The stat sheet shoud say:

Nash from Meech

Rafalski from Nash

Nash from Kronwall

And the fact that Hossa was all but asleep defensively on the OT goal was unbelievably frustrating

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Nash was using Easton Gear in the Allstar Game.

He switches back and forth between Easton and TPS, he was using TPS last night when he stomped the wings

Nash was wearing his normal TPS gloves last night and the SE16 Grip he has been using the last month and a half or so.

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Any reason why Malkin's One95 has the yellow-ish webbing on the lower shaft similar to the One55 stick?


Pro-stock paint? All of my prostock One95's have diff colored webbing. Also, I've noticed (at least on the few I have) that prostock one95's do not have the textured corner "grip zone" like the retails do.

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most pro-stocks are custom colored to the team, see my p.kane stick


anyone know why it has warranty #'s on it? unlike easton/warrior where it says prostock no warranty

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