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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

New Bauer logo leaked

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So, the new trend is simple scripted words....Reebok....now, Bauer...how long do you figure till CCM loses the stylized logo/font and goes back to something more simplified?

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Try fitting Canadian Cycle and Motor on a Helmet :P

No, I just meant the more tradition looking font.

I know, just throwin it out there for humors sake

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correct me if im wrong, but the NBH logo will be on product for up to the next 18 months right? so this logo is still about a year and a half away from being slapped on product?

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No...the NBH product that carries over after the sale was completed will keep the NBH logo. The new product going forward will be Bauer. NBH will die out when the new Supreme line hits in 2010.

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I like the new CCM logo - think it was a good update.

Yeah, it grew on me, but I live it now.

Not bad, but I did like the Nike/Bauer logo also.

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Yep. Saw it last week when I was scrolling through the NikeBauer blog.

HUGE improvement. I never liked the NikeBauer logo and I'm happy to see that its lifespan was very, very short. And I'm not just picking on NikeBauer, because I think the new CCM logo can take a long walk off a short pier itself. Its font is basically a slightly modified version of the "Demonized" font which can be downloaded from any one of a million free font websites. It's not that it looks terrible, but it just isn't very creative or original.

Seeing the flying B make a return would be nice, but I'm not holding my breath. Even if it did, I'd like to think that they'd tweak it somehow.

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Funny, I saw that on the NBH website last week and noticed the logo but it didn't register.

I think that picture has been pulled from the website though...haha

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