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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Brooklynite Almighty

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Joe and company:

First, let me say I admire your dedication and gamble you are taking to be an entrepreneur and start a company from scratch. But I think you need to be realistic and rational when it comes to your expectations from this site, and how it fits into your overall business model and future plans.

1) You are not going to recieve any positive reviews here if no one can try your product.

2) Dont try so hard to sell your vision here...the sucess of your company doesnt depend on MSH seal of approval.

3) Focus your energy in other ways to help your company.

4) The harder you try here, the more it seems like you are forcing it.

5) If your business model makes sense, then it will work.

6) If you want to get real opinions, and not just getting busted on, send an f-ing stick to one of the mods. They are extremely knowledgeable, and will give your stick an honest review. Let your product do the talking....you should be doing less (talking).

7) If you cant do #6, then walk away, as you are only doing harm to your business by putting a bad taste in peoples mouths.

I wish you luck, but you have to treat this like a business, and not your personal quest.

Just my 2 cents

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Have your cake and eat it too. So either his gloves are crap or they're high quality, remade gloves? Which is it?

Edit: Called Joe, he'll be on soon.

Never said they were crap, I actually liked the original Canadian Fury gloves. The Pakistani version, not so much.

In fact you might want to go back and see that I never commented on the product in a negative way. Business practices and marketing, are a different story.

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Joe and company:

First, let me say I admire your dedication and gamble you are taking to be an entrepreneur and start a company from scratch. But I think you need to be realistic and rational when it comes to your expectations from this site, and how it fits into your overall business model and future plans.

1) You are not going to recieve any positive reviews here if no one can try your product.

2) Dont try so hard to sell your vision here...the sucess of your company doesnt depend on MSH seal of approval.

3) Focus your energy in other ways to help your company.

4) The harder you try here, the more it seems like you are forcing it.

5) If your business model makes sense, then it will work.

6) If you want to get real opinions, and not just getting busted on, send an f-ing stick to one of the mods. They are extremely knowledgeable, and will give your stick an honest review. Let your product do the talking....you should be doing less (talking).

7) If you cant do #6, then walk away, as you are only doing harm to your business by putting a bad taste in peoples mouths.

I wish you luck, but you have to treat this like a business, and not your personal quest.

Just my 2 cents

As per my understanding, he tried to do exactly that but was unable to obtain their contact information because someone was having a bad day etc and never replied...

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I am here. I see their has been quite a bit of talk here. One post I want to comment on. I could never sell my Almighty at 79.00 it cost allot more then that to make. It is quality.

Here is the glove situation. I made Silver and Brass knuckles, the factory made big mistakes. I went out and found a factory that produces for the big boys and can get me the product quickly.

The glove is a traditional 4 roll I can name ten companies that have the same model. Its a 4 roll...

"The Exodus" this is non traditional, look at the design on the Almighty stick the glove has the same design as the stick. It matches perfect. If your saying my gloves are like fury's I take this as a compliment, maybe the price will be right.

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In regards to RBK sticks, the only one I have seen in person that does NOT look cheap is the 7K - the 9K - looks very cheap. Easton and NBHs look like much nicer sticks. Later,

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6) If you want to get real opinions, and not just getting busted on, send an f-ing stick to one of the mods. They are extremely knowledgeable, and will give your stick an honest review. Let your product do the talking....you should be doing less (talking).

As per my understanding, he tried to do exactly that but was unable to obtain their contact information because someone was having a bad day etc and never replied...



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Seriously folks. Couldnt ALL of this crap be completely avoided by just sending an f-ing stick to MSH? Christ...everyone is saying its crap...no it isnt...its the best...its mediocre. No one has used it. Send in a stick and have JR try it. I am sure he wll give an honest review. The sooner we know, the sooner we will stop having these discussions, and this poor guy can know if he has a shot, or if he is going broke. The sooner he knows, the better, for all of us.

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Joe and company:

First, let me say I admire your dedication and gamble you are taking to be an entrepreneur and start a company from scratch. But I think you need to be realistic and rational when it comes to your expectations from this site, and how it fits into your overall business model and future plans.

1) You are not going to recieve any positive reviews here if no one can try your product.

2) Dont try so hard to sell your vision here...the sucess of your company doesnt depend on MSH seal of approval.

3) Focus your energy in other ways to help your company.

4) The harder you try here, the more it seems like you are forcing it.

5) If your business model makes sense, then it will work.

6) If you want to get real opinions, and not just getting busted on, send an f-ing stick to one of the mods. They are extremely knowledgeable, and will give your stick an honest review. Let your product do the talking....you should be doing less (talking).

7) If you cant do #6, then walk away, as you are only doing harm to your business by putting a bad taste in peoples mouths.

I wish you luck, but you have to treat this like a business, and not your personal quest.

Just my 2 cents

As per my understanding, he tried to do exactly that but was unable to obtain their contact information because someone was having a bad day etc and never replied...

Because there is just one mod here....

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Joe and company:

First, let me say I admire your dedication and gamble you are taking to be an entrepreneur and start a company from scratch. But I think you need to be realistic and rational when it comes to your expectations from this site, and how it fits into your overall business model and future plans.

1) You are not going to recieve any positive reviews here if no one can try your product.

2) Dont try so hard to sell your vision here...the sucess of your company doesnt depend on MSH seal of approval.

3) Focus your energy in other ways to help your company.

4) The harder you try here, the more it seems like you are forcing it.

5) If your business model makes sense, then it will work.

6) If you want to get real opinions, and not just getting busted on, send an f-ing stick to one of the mods. They are extremely knowledgeable, and will give your stick an honest review. Let your product do the talking....you should be doing less (talking).

7) If you cant do #6, then walk away, as you are only doing harm to your business by putting a bad taste in peoples mouths.

I wish you luck, but you have to treat this like a business, and not your personal quest.

Just my 2 cents

As per my understanding, he tried to do exactly that but was unable to obtain their contact information because someone was having a bad day etc and never replied...

BS. If he is as serious about his business, he would have tried a little harder. Tell him to put up or shut up. I say that in a nice way.

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As per my understanding, he tried to do exactly that but was unable to obtain their contact information because someone was having a bad day etc and never replied...

Stop digging yourself into a hole.

The way I heard it, JR (or whoever was in contact from MSH) did not want to give out information until there were physically sticks ready to ship. I assume that Joe, being enthusiastic as he is, wanted to get everything done in the car on the way to taking his kid to school (or something like that).

The man has no patience from what I can gather.

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Joe and company:

First, let me say I admire your dedication and gamble you are taking to be an entrepreneur and start a company from scratch. But I think you need to be realistic and rational when it comes to your expectations from this site, and how it fits into your overall business model and future plans.

1) You are not going to recieve any positive reviews here if no one can try your product.

2) Dont try so hard to sell your vision here...the sucess of your company doesnt depend on MSH seal of approval.

3) Focus your energy in other ways to help your company.

4) The harder you try here, the more it seems like you are forcing it.

5) If your business model makes sense, then it will work.

6) If you want to get real opinions, and not just getting busted on, send an f-ing stick to one of the mods. They are extremely knowledgeable, and will give your stick an honest review. Let your product do the talking....you should be doing less (talking).

7) If you cant do #6, then walk away, as you are only doing harm to your business by putting a bad taste in peoples mouths.

I wish you luck, but you have to treat this like a business, and not your personal quest.

Just my 2 cents

As per my understanding, he tried to do exactly that but was unable to obtain their contact information because someone was having a bad day etc and never replied...

And time for me to chime in as this obviously is a swipe at me -

I told Joe I would give him two testers, something that I am still willing to do FROM THE START, even when the first thread went up. He told me he was going to get the sticks in late September. Why should it matter if he has the names last month? The sticks aren't made yet. I told him once he got the sticks in hand, that I will submit the addresses of the testers.

Simple as that. Joe said that he will do it, and I don't doubt he will. He doesn't have the sticks right now, they are being made.

And for the record, I am not testing the stick.

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With all due respect Joe, you really need to send a stick in, and not post until the review is done. Your opinion of your own stick being top quality holds as much weight as my opinion that my corn filled poop wrapped in 12k is a top quality stick. seriously, stop making your reputaqtion worse before you even have a product to show. Get the stick, send the stick, and dont post until there is a review. For the sake of your business, that is the most prudent course of action.

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The Almighty is the very top end model, so to whoever suggested $80, I'll use restraint and not laugh.

I paid less than that on all but 3 of these:


Guess who will continue to get my business......

P.S.- Who's laughing now??????????????

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I will send you the two testers. Lets not argue guys, seriously this is hard enough. I dont need to hear, negativity. It is a quality product. I know it is. It costs allot of money to produce. I am also trying to design something. Just give the company a chance before you rip and roar. I have the passion for this sport. I am working very hard and I will go to any extent to build this.

Look I know its not going to be easy or everyone would do it. All I am saying is I am sick and tired of working for someone else. I bust my ass every day to make a living just like you guys. I am going for my dream. Its going to take time. I am not going away. I will keep at it until this company becomes a player in this market. I am also going to do urban wear, sneakers, and all sort of products. Obviously I have big goals and to reach them I have to expand this company.

Lets not argue, lets talk about something you want in a product. I spent allot on this stick, it can not be sold for 80 dollars. I lose money by doing this. The product will sell itself, you will see. Everyone who saw or used my stick loved it. It has a nice feel to it.

They will be in the week of the 20th......I will get the 2 sticks over to you. It will be the first thing I do when the shipment comes in. I trust you that it will get a fair review.

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Again, I must tell you that preaching the praises of your stick here, before any review, is only hurting your business. Logic, not passion, needs to guide your business decisions. Stop talking about your trials and tribulations of your start-up....it is turning the people (your future prospective customers) off. Please, Please, for your sake, stop posting.

Send the stick, and use the feedback productively.

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To be fair, how many of those are pro stock and come with no warranty? Still, I get your point.

I'm all about no warranty. If I had to pay for a warranty, I'd only have 2-3 and 2-3 unclaimed warranties.

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I dont need to hear, negativity.

There's a difference between negativity and constructive criticism. If you're going to try and make a living in the hockey market I strongly suggest you learn the difference in the two. People who kiss your ass and look for handouts aren't the ones who are going to help you. The people who offer useful and constructive criticism are the ones that will help you survive.

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Drew, I want your stick hook up! JR, it wasn't a shot at you whatsoever. It was my honest understanding of what happened.

How many of you or members of your family own a small business and stake their livelihood on its success or failure? Would you want people reacting to your mother and father's business this way? If you took out a second mortgage to open up the company of your dreams, would you want everyone to hope for your demise? Or would you prefer people to be understanding of all you're sacrificing so even if you come off poor initially, they'll be willing to forgive you just this once? I have to say shame on you all for behaving this way.

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Again, I must tell you that preaching the praises of your stick here, before any review, is only hurting your business. Logic, not passion, needs to guide your business decisions. Stop talking about your trials and tribulations of your start-up....it is turning the people (your future prospective customers) off. Please, Please, for your sake, stop posting.

Send the stick, and use the feedback productively.

Why do you feel the need to tell him what to do? If he wants to post, he can no matter how much it upsets you.

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