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***OFFICIAL*** Bauer purchasing Mission-Itech

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OT for this forum, but I wonder if this means that Dom Malerba will take over where Jerry Wright left off with the Itech masks...

I wish Bauer would buy TPS just so they could figure out how to make a first-rate trapper.

I guess this is just the industry adjusting to Nike's absence. Interesting times...

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Well at least Bauer/Mission/Itech is a hell of a lot better than Reebok/CCM/mission/Itech. I really do love Mission products, so if this does happen, I just hope the Mission name would stick round (like Reebok/ccm has done) although it could be interesting to see some Bauer/Mission inlines with Missions tech with some old Bauer style :lol:

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could this be the end of all mission branded product? or would it be more like RBK's owning CCM where CCM still puts out some products of their own? it'd be hell the day the fuel ti pro's with their 60 day warranty are gone...

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Well I love my Intake helmet and I'm eyeing down an Itech shield, so I suppose I won't be disappointed if the sticks and skates go away. I really did like the Adila made L2's, except they were too whippy for the flex rating. And the Fuel skates never fit my feet.

It would have made more sense if Warrior and Mission/Itech merged, but what can you do.

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It would have made more sense if Warrior and Mission/Itech merged, but what can you do.

Right now the only thing I can think of that would be worse than that would be a Mission logo with Nike swoosh's in place of "i"'s...

Just think of the horrible names they would give to some of the helmets, skates and various peices of goalie equipment :blink:

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I've seen on a couple other message boards that Bauer bought Mission-Itech...

any truth to this rumor?

IMO this would explain the NME skate. It looks very similar to the one90. Just in case NME came out before Mission and Bauer were talking, it's a very big coincedence.

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I've seen on a couple other message boards that Bauer bought Mission-Itech...

any truth to this rumor?

IMO this would explain the NME skate. It looks very similar to the one90. Just in case NME came out before Mission and Bauer were talking, it's a very big coincedence.


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it figures something like this would happen.

i find a stick that im very happy with (fuel ti) and poof....no more!

not that mission keeps a line of sticks around for more than 1 season.....

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I'm going to take the Mission/Itech perspective and say this was a perfect time to sell. The economic conditions are getting to the point that discretionary income is much harder to come buy. The M&A activity from wall street, coupled with the mass reduction of personal wealth from investment losses is going to hurt the hockey (and most) industry. Take one look at the retail sales outlook for the holiday's...abysmal.

Just like John Thain of Merrill, the CEO's of these companies saw the writing on the wall. To try and stay independent would be futile. Sell now and realize a gain, or minimize the losses, for your shareholders.

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I've seen on a couple other message boards that Bauer bought Mission-Itech...

any truth to this rumor?

IMO this would explain the NME skate. It looks very similar to the one90. Just in case NME came out before Mission and Bauer were talking, it's a very big coincedence.


Oh well.... I still think they resemble each other.

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I'm going to take the Mission/Itech perspective and say this was a perfect time to sell. The economic conditions are getting to the point that discretionary income is much harder to come buy. The M&A activity from wall street, coupled with the mass reduction of personal wealth from investment losses is going to hurt the hockey (and most) industry. Take one look at the retail sales outlook for the holiday's...abysmal.

Just like John Thain of Merrill, the CEO's of these companies saw the writing on the wall. To try and stay independent would be futile. Sell now and realize a gain, or minimize the losses, for your shareholders.

From a gain perspective the time to sell would have been 18-24 months ago. That is when multiples were at their absolute highest and selling then would have maximized value for the shareholders. However, selling now would certainly help to minimize any pain/losses caused by the economic downturn. That being said, back then there was not an independent Bauer to buy them up so it may have been a moot point at that time.

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I've long been a fan of Bauer equipment, and love my Mission Intake/HS22 combo; so a merger is a great idea to me. I doubt Bauer will cancel the Mission/Itech brand, as they both have a vast following. My experience in marketing is enough to know you have to satisfy your loyal customers first, before seeking to convert non-clients. A brand makes 80% of their profit from 20% of their clients. From a business/marketing vantage point continuing the Mission/Itech brand will just incorporate that income into Bauer's portfolio. It's also great inside competition for each brand's product designers.

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I've long been a fan of Bauer equipment, and love my Mission Intake/HS22 combo; so a merger is a great idea to me. I doubt Bauer will cancel the Mission/Itech brand, as they both have a vast following. My experience in marketing is enough to know you have to satisfy your loyal customers first, before seeking to convert non-clients. A brand makes 80% of their profit from 20% of their clients. From a business/marketing vantage point continuing the Mission/Itech brand will just incorporate that income into Bauer's portfolio. It's also great inside competition for each brand's product designers.

I don't see anything other than helmets, visors, goal and inline surviving the merger. Mission/Itech ice product isn't in demand at all.

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I've long been a fan of Bauer equipment, and love my Mission Intake/HS22 combo; so a merger is a great idea to me. I doubt Bauer will cancel the Mission/Itech brand, as they both have a vast following. My experience in marketing is enough to know you have to satisfy your loyal customers first, before seeking to convert non-clients. A brand makes 80% of their profit from 20% of their clients. From a business/marketing vantage point continuing the Mission/Itech brand will just incorporate that income into Bauer's portfolio. It's also great inside competition for each brand's product designers.

I equate this to GM's failing business model. Try to sell different brands to different focus groups. GM is hemorraging (sp?) on the Hummer, Pontiac and Buick brands. Supporting a niche brand just isn't worth it in the end. The only think keeping Buick around is that it would cost them more to shut it than it would to keep it going.

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It would have made more sense if Warrior and Mission/Itech merged, but what can you do.

New Balance/Warrior/Mission/Itech

The warrior philosophy on acquisitions seems very similar to Easton, in as much as they go for production capabilities.

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My boss was telling me about it, as well as Sher-Wood purchasing TPS?


That doesn't sound right. Wouldn't it be the other way around (TPS buying Sher-Wood) as Sher-Wood's struggles were well documented a few months ago?

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Sher-Wood was bought by an investment group, they have money now.

So did TPS a couple years ago, funny how things change so quickly in this industry.

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I'm starting to strongly dislike Bauer in some ways.

Their skates, IMO, have lost manufacturing quality over the years, and have done nothing but become hard and uncomfortable. And break down fast.

Their sticks are redundant.

Mission's skates are comfortable, fit better, lock your heal better.

Their sticks are better then Bauer sticks. As each line has more options for different people. If you hate stick um you are forced to buy Bauer's TOP of the line stick at over $200 a pop. Whereas Mission's Fuel Ti is available in both grip and non grip, lower flex on senior models, and has great blades.

Personally, I'll be VERY disappointed if Bauer engulfs Mission.

Let Bauer have it's mass market appeal.

For people who are picky about their equipment, let them have their Mission, TPS, Sheerwood, Montreal, etc...

The more options the better.

The minute you have monopolies and less options, the more customers will get finicky.

I know i personally like to have an array of options.

If this is true...Corporate wins again, little guy loses yet again. Pisses me off.

I am seeing more Mission products on NHL players then ever before, however.

I love Mission products, i hope they remain their own entity and their own identity.

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I think that's unduly harsh on Bauer. Their skates may not have fit you, personally, but they're undeniably successful pieces of equipment. It would be equally unfair of me to run down Mission because they never made a skate with sufficient depth for my feet. Frankly, my Flexlites have held up better than my Daoust 301s - precisely because they fit me better. And the S9's are a thing of beauty, in terms of craftsmanship.

Either Bauer will begin to put their brand on Mission/Itech's quality products (as others have detailed), or they'll keep the brands diverse; either way, Bauer's goal is not to buy and phase out their competition, but to make themselves stronger. It can't possibly matter to anyone what the label on the stick is if it still performs like a Mission, or whether there's a Bauer logo on the side of an Itech visor.

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