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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
JR Boucicaut

Blackstone Flat-Bottom V Thread

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Here is a list of SEC member stores that just purchased the Blacksone Stealth with FBV spinners (3 head)

please contact them directly for price and availability. Hope this helps. Keep posting feedbacks.

Factory Sports Excellence - Lloydminster, Saskatchewan

Maritime Sports Excellence - Moncton, NB

Front Row Sports Excellence - Thorold, Ontario

Sports Excellence - Joliette, Quebec

Maison de Sport - Pierrefonds,Quebec

Majer Hockey www.majerhockey.com - Toronto

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  JR Boucicaut said:
Haha whatcha talking about, we have sand all year long! You know, because we all go to the beach daily...
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haha :lol: I hadn't thought about that. Only difference is our sand comes from our boots, yours come from your thongs or speedos!

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  jimmy said:
The price of the spinners really has to be figured in, in addition to machine costs which is about 25% higher than a regular machine. You have to get 5 spinners at $85 ea ($425 total plus shipping) to offer the current 5 different FBV's. This is vs 1 diamond at $20 total which can do any hollow. In addition, going back and forth between 100/75 and 90/50, etc, really burns thru the wheels, twice as fast as a conventional dressing. Changing the spinners also takes about twice as long as a regular dressing. So while the mechanical sharpening process may be the same, time and operating costs are more so a premium price is certainly warranted. Other intangibles like having to take 10 minutes to explain and answer questions what a FBV is to interested customers also have to be considered.

As for how long a sharpening lasts, I've found that earlier in the year the longevity of the edges was excellent, even longer than a regular. However as the winter came and rink floors were filled with rocks, dirt and sand (from road sanding brought in on shoes), the longevity of the FBV decreased. Those in the south and west who don't have a snow season, don't have to worry. Those of us in snow areas with rinks that do not clean their floors, will find reduced life of edges. I was playing at a rink that had been open for 4 hrs and the locker room had so much crap on the floor I could hear my skates crunching on it. Even worse after I tied my skates, I could feel the crap on the bottom of my sock. Really that bad. You can always wear the hard rubber guards until you step on the ice to prevent damage, but in reality who's going to do that.

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Thanks for the explanation. Now $10 doesn't sound so bad! Can't wait to try it.

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If anyone is looking to get this done in Calgary:


#21B - 8720 Macleod Tr. S.E.


I just had this done last week and things are going pretty good. Todd is the guy that will FBV your skates and its $10 (less if you buy a pack of sharpening). A small shop that cleans equipment too...


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Does anyone in the North NJ or NYC area have this? I would really like to try it out. Benders like myself need all the help they can get. :D

  TBLfan said:
BTW. I am on my second set of steel since Bouce sharpened my skates. I'm finding the effects of FBV fade over time but they hold their edges as well or better than a standard sharpening(90/75).
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Can you expand? What is it exactly that seems to fade?

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Glide seems to fade as well as the usual edges getting dinged up... still better than a regular hollow.

Edited by TBLfan

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We have had the flat-bottom for a week now with great seccess for all who have tryed it.

Procut Skate Sharpening

920 Farewell st south

Oshawa On



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I've been on the 100/75 for about a month or two now and I've noticed the same thing that TBLfan has, that the glide fades after a while. I was wondering if anyone could clarify why that happens. Thanks in advance.

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Just a guess here, but might the reason be that the longer you're on the FBV the more you get used to the effects so you stop "feeling" them? In other words, after a while people just adjust to the new feeling so the effects are still there but not noticeable.

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100/75 here. Glide is better, but I'm not totally used to the edge. I may have a bit of an alignment problem with one of my holders (8090 - Lightspeed1) which would lessen the impact of the edge due to the flat bottom. I guess I'm a player that likes skates really sharp. Used to always get my skates done at one of the "best" places in town, Done Right. They used dupliskate sharpeners after a radius job.

I've only done mine twice and the second time was much better.


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Any goalie's using FBV? Obviously the glide would be less important.

My son (goalie) actually uses a dual cut or, what I call, a compound edge. Not sure how realistic it is but the guy that does his skates brought it up and we tried it. Junior loved the way it felt so we have stuck with it. Basically, he puts a 5/8 hollow in the entire blade and hits the toes with a 1/2" to give him that extra bite when pushing off. In theory, it makes sense to me and Junior likes it. Not sure what it would look like to a trained eye. Could that still be done with a FBV?

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  in da crease said:
Any goalie's using FBV? Obviously the glide would be less important.

My son (goalie) actually uses a dual cut or, what I call, a compound edge. Not sure how realistic it is but the guy that does his skates brought it up and we tried it. Junior loved the way it felt so we have stuck with it. Basically, he puts a 5/8 hollow in the entire blade and hits the toes with a 1/2" to give him that extra bite when pushing off. In theory, it makes sense to me and Junior likes it. Not sure what it would look like to a trained eye. Could that still be done with a FBV?

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I do a number of goalies on it. most are 90/50 but 1 is on 100/75.

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Goalies who like deep cuts will like the 100/75. Goalies can certainly use all the different FBVs, just find one that has the grip they like and they'll be happy.

indacrease, the dual cuts have pretty much gone the wayside as most bfly goalies now want a lot of bite along the whole blade. have your son try 1/2" on the entire blade, you may see he likes that better. of course the 100/75 as well.

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I finally got around to trying out the FBV. The Hockey Shop did my skates at 100/50 and I regularly skate on a 1/2 inch hollow. The glide of the FBV is noticeable but not extremely significant IMO. To articulate it more clearly, the glide felt very similar to a regular 5/8 hollow but definitely not as much as a 1" hollow. During my skate, I felt that I had adequate grip on inside edges but not enough for my outside edges. Overall, I just feel more comfortable with my regular hollow and would prefer to stick with it than converting over to FBV.

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I wish I could say that myself.

90/75 felt like 1" or more glide and bite so I felt like I was going to lose it every turn.

100/75 felt like 5/8" bite and glide, too much bite and no "floating" super-awesome glide.

100/50 is not yet an option for me so I'm back to sharpening my own at 1/2"

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  Ahriman said:
I wish I could say that myself.

90/75 felt like 1" or more glide and bite so I felt like I was going to lose it every turn.

100/75 felt like 5/8" bite and glide, too much bite and no "floating" super-awesome glide.

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Most people I have put into the FBV say the 100/75 has more bite than 1/2", and I would agree. The 90/75 is right around 5/8 or 11/16 in terms of bite.

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