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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Congrats to Gongshow11

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so much of a debut I got released today...what a joke, prob heading to the SP for a few games and back up. shows me pro sports is a very political business. I guess being fan favorite of the game isnt enough

damit draper!

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One game - 2 goals including the GWG and they release you? Nice logic there......*rolls eyes*

Maybe EA Sports is running the team. Seems like NHL09 logic to me.

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One game - 2 goals including the GWG and they release you? Nice logic there......*rolls eyes*

Not for nothing but it was an exhibition game.

For the OP, keep working and don't blame the "politics" of pro sports. That is just a cop out. Find out what management thinks you should improve and go from there.

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hey fellas just thought id update you guys. Havent been posting on here in a while just reading. Currently playing overseas. Just goes to prove never give up!

Good story here, make us proud man!

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hey fellas just thought id update you guys. Havent been posting on here in a while just reading. Currently playing overseas. Just goes to prove never give up!

Over which sea?

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