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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Skates for 18 month old

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I bought these for my son today on a lark. I see youth Bauer One95 sticks are only $49 at LHSs..Now my son is a gear whore too


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And the first thing to be bronzed in epstud's home has been decided.... Buddy at work is having enough trouble getting his 4 year old to not bite the ice, can't imagine 18mo's.

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Your back is going to be doing more work than the skates. What hollow is he using? :D

You know what? I have no idea..I just gave the skate to some kid working at Westwood and they sharpened it up..Took em about 25 min though..Probably not used to setting up the machine for such a small blade

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Those are sweet! You just found them at the LHS?

I keep looking for a size that small for my daughter (also 18 mos) but no where I've checked yet has anything that small.

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Those are sweet! You just found them at the LHS?

I keep looking for a size that small for my daughter (also 18 mos) but no where I've checked yet has anything that small.

I keep trying to find a pair online fo rmy son, he's in a 7Y (he's 21 months) and I can't seem to locate any online.

And here in Vegas, there isn't SHIT for a decent shop that would carry toddler skates....

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Would you sharpen those? Or does it not matter for a toddler? I am going to get my little guy skates for Christmas (he'll be 23 months at that time).

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Yeah I got them at a LHS. Westwood Sports in Apple Valley, MN to be exact. General Sports on 50th & France in Edina also has them in that small size.

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I didn't even know that NBH made skates that small. I've only seen 8Y's before. They only have 6 eyelets. That's crazy. Good luck to you and your son. I hope he has fun out there.

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Yeah they're sharp, but teaching an 18 month old to skate may prove difficult :blink:

Seriously. I just got my boy out on the ice at 3 years. He is not the easiest to introduce new items to though.

You better be ready to be extremely patient. At 1.5 they are not going to be able to understand or follow much direction so an aid is a great idea as recommended.

I would also recommend a girdle or something as if he falls on the butt it may be game over for the day. I padded up the 3yr old before we went out the first time and he ended up having no fear of falling and it helped a lot. Girdle, elbows, little jersey and a helmet and he was just like thorton his hero.

Actually just talked my neighbor who plays rec out of taking his boy out in a few weeks and told him to wait a little longer. I know him though and knew he would have no patience .

Another good thing to do is a reward at the end of the skate. My boy loves his blue icee from the snack shack after his lesson or when we do pub skate.

May also boy a pair of roller blasdes for the garage my boy loves to do that also now and it helps. Then agin I live in cali so if I want to see ice it means the rink.

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I keep trying to find a pair online fo rmy son, he's in a 7Y (he's 21 months) and I can't seem to locate any online.

And here in Vegas, there isn't SHIT for a decent shop that would carry toddler skates....

I feel your pain, the Denver area doesn't seem to have many toddler skate choices either.

Yeah I got them at a LHS. Westwood Sports in Apple Valley, MN to be exact. General Sports on 50th & France in Edina also has them in that small size.

I wonder if the wife would go for a road trip to Minnesota, it would be for the benefit of our daughter after all. ;)

Yeah they're sharp, but teaching an 18 month old to skate may prove difficult :blink:

Seriously. I just got my boy out on the ice at 3 years. He is not the easiest to introduce new items to though.

You better be ready to be extremely patient. At 1.5 they are not going to be able to understand or follow much direction so an aid is a great idea as recommended.

I would also recommend a girdle or something as if he falls on the butt it may be game over for the day. I padded up the 3yr old before we went out the first time and he ended up having no fear of falling and it helped a lot. Girdle, elbows, little jersey and a helmet and he was just like thorton his hero.

Actually just talked my neighbor who plays rec out of taking his boy out in a few weeks and told him to wait a little longer. I know him though and knew he would have no patience .

Another good thing to do is a reward at the end of the skate. My boy loves his blue icee from the snack shack after his lesson or when we do pub skate.

May also boy a pair of roller blasdes for the garage my boy loves to do that also now and it helps. Then agin I live in cali so if I want to see ice it means the rink.

Patience is defenitly key. I think right now skates for her are more for the "cute" factor, and my own personal satisfaction.

We got her some little Barbie roller skates that she'll ask to put on, and then her Mom or I will hold her hand while she walks across the living room. After one trip back and forth she's usually done.

At this point it's just fun to take her to do stuff, whether that trip to the rink is for 10 minutes or not.

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X107metallica posted a good method, if pipe skate aid is around its far better than a large pylon. Take the kid to a quiet school hour parent tot if possible, public skates are scary for the little ones. The plastic ice isn't as slippery as real ice, great way to start a toddler off.

Not an option for many reading but backyard rink is by far the best to start a kid on. Easy access, if session lasts 10 minutes you won't care....takes very little ice for a toddler just beginning. Throw a few kids just beginning on together and they won't want to come inside.

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I feel your pain, the Denver area doesn't seem to have many toddler skate choices either.

Patience is defenitly key. I think right now skates for her are more for the "cute" factor, and my own personal satisfaction.

We got her some little Barbie roller skates that she'll ask to put on, and then her Mom or I will hold her hand while she walks across the living room. After one trip back and forth she's usually done.

At this point it's just fun to take her to do stuff, whether that trip to the rink is for 10 minutes or not.

Northern Cali isnt good for gear either. The one thing I found was that they will only stock what they can definetly sell. Around here no one really puts there kid out before 3 so I haveno chance of locally findng anything small. I would have o have them order and they lookat you with that funny look when you ask them about ordering. You need to pay first even though you dont know what will fit or if it will be an issue. The rink shop guy had one pair of ccm size 9 youth like over a year old he was dying to get rid of. The boy should be in an 8. Being a admitted gear whore I bought the skates knowing they were over a size big. Then I went on ebay and found a pair of rbk 1k size 8 and waiting on them to arrive this week.

Our first skate session was pub skate and he made it about 20 min. When the tears came it was time to leave. I walked over to the counter and found the lessons sheet. Signed him up for the parent tot which was meeting the following day and that was the best money I could have spent. He had a great time with the other kids being out there. Last friday night we were at the pub skate for over 1hr and he didnt want to leave.

We did the same with a pair of phisher price adjustable skates in the garage.

I didnt even think about the just getting them expoed factor as to the little skates. Maybe I will try that with our daughter and our third and fourth

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I feel your pain, the Denver area doesn't seem to have many toddler skate choices either.

Patience is defenitly key. I think right now skates for her are more for the "cute" factor, and my own personal satisfaction.

We got her some little Barbie roller skates that she'll ask to put on, and then her Mom or I will hold her hand while she walks across the living room. After one trip back and forth she's usually done.

At this point it's just fun to take her to do stuff, whether that trip to the rink is for 10 minutes or not.

Northern Cali isnt good for gear either. The one thing I found was that they will only stock what they can definetly sell. Around here no one really puts there kid out before 3 so I haveno chance of locally findng anything small. I would have o have them order and they lookat you with that funny look when you ask them about ordering. You need to pay first even though you dont know what will fit or if it will be an issue. The rink shop guy had one pair of ccm size 9 youth like over a year old he was dying to get rid of. The boy should be in an 8. Being a admitted gear whore I bought the skates knowing they were over a size big. Then I went on ebay and found a pair of rbk 1k size 8 and waiting on them to arrive this week.

Our first skate session was pub skate and he made it about 20 min. When the tears came it was time to leave. I walked over to the counter and found the lessons sheet. Signed him up for the parent tot which was meeting the following day and that was the best money I could have spent. He had a great time with the other kids being out there. Last friday night we were at the pub skate for over 1hr and he didnt want to leave.

We did the same with a pair of phisher price adjustable skates in the garage.

I didnt even think about the just getting them expoed factor as to the little skates. Maybe I will try that with our daughter and our third and fourth

Where are you at in NorCal? We have got some small CCMs & NBHs in Roseville,CA (near Sacramento).

For the original poster:

Not much point in trying to teach skating at 18 months. Most have just started walking and they don't have the leg muscles developed. I would guess the kid is still wearing diapers as well. I know you are excited to get started, but take it slow. BTW: Those skates are pretty cool. I hope you guys have a lot of fun.

My son started out slow at 2+ years old. Now at near 4, he can skate and has fun with his friends.

It has been mentioned in a few other good threads at MSH. Take it SLOW and have a good time, don't make it work.

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Does anyone know where one could find these on the internet? My nephew is 17 months old now, and I'm looking for a pair of tiny skates for christmas. The only ones I've found so far are those lame plastic skates with buckles. He needs the real deal!

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Good amount of toddler skates on ebay, last time I checked anyway.

I think we have talked about when a kid should skate and tips in the general hockey thread, but I think if the kid is having fun any age is good, my big bro was skating on his own at 13mths(walked at 9mths), I hate that guy.

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I am over in the bay area, san jose.

What sizes do they have in the shop and what is the number for them?

Even though I likely dont need any now that I have the reebok size 8 comming.


thats insane about your brother, never heard anything like that before. Amazing.

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Hah, I took a picture of the tiny skates at General Sports to send to my girlfriend. We found out recently we have a little one on the way last month.

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Hahah the same pair I probably had in my hands 2-3 weeks ago I bet. Got one on the way eh? Good luck to you and I hope it doesnt cut down on your ice time! I get a dirty look every now and then when I get home from the arena. Last night I got a text from the GF that went like this: "Are u almost home?" Me: "yeah why?" Her: "I'm about to kill your son! He's getting into everything since you left for the arena! and will not go to bed!"

Hard to believe this little angel can wreak such havok



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