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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pull any of these in my beer leagues and you'll get laughed off the rink.  If you're my age and still acting like you won the cup after a goal and you've got bigger problems than just embarrassing yourself.

Like my post said, it depends on the league. My league is more about having a good time then playing serious hockey.

How sad is it that you can't cut loose and enjoy yourself while playing the greatest game in the world? You're what, 33? 34? 35? You're not dead yet. Live a little. Show some emotion. Stop worrying about looking respectable. It's OK to act like a kid every now and then. If your league thinks less of you for showing some emotion, it's time to find a new league because they are taking themselves way to seriously.

I spend over 40 hours a week at work being respectable and dignified and professional. When I'm home I get to be husband and father. For those couple hours a week when I play hockey, I get to be a kid. Nobody is going to take that from me.

A fist pump or a rasied stick is acting like I won the Stanley Cup? WTF? Next goal I score is for you chippa, I'll be sure to disgrace the game with a quality celebration.

Actually, you have it backwards. By not jumping through the glass or rowing the boat, you are taking the game less seriously. Sure, everyone likes to score and the game is supposed to be fun, but how is celebrating like some of these clowns do making it fun. It just makes an ass out of yourself. Hey, if you want to raise your stick, go ahead. That goal and $2 gets you a cup of coffee.

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I think any time its natural and comes out, cool...but if you're sitting there thinking "hmm..what did Chad Johnson do yesterday" it's probably a bit much..

right now one league isn't so hot..I don't go out of my way to score and when I do, its a small glove tap, meet the team at center..now that being said..I can't stand one team..so we try to score and run it up...I've taught the guys the "woooo" sound the Mission Snipers do after they score..its caught on ...and I look forward to those 3 games each season

but its hard to score goals in hockey, most are the result of hard work and effort..so there should be excitement to it..

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not mine but.....

4 team mates skate to center and chop up the red line with their sticks, goal scorer comes by with his stick upside down and pretends to snort up the chopped up red line

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not mine but.....

4 team mates skate to center and chop up the red line with their sticks, goal scorer comes by with his stick upside down and pretends to snort up the chopped up red line

Coke team with a hockey problem?

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Since i started scoring rather frequently, will just raise the arm, but sometimes if its a important goal, raise a hand to my ear. Or play the guitar (on my stick)...Im not the smoothest of guys you can tell.

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in college we went into overtime against vermont at gutterson. I scored on a 2 on 2 in OT for the winner. I pulled my jersey over the front of my head and did the airplane like they do in soccer. pretty funny stuff.

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Most of the time I just raise a fist or pump th arm out of celebration, and on big goals like game winners or something I tend to do the samething. I guess it depends on the kind of player you are. I know a lot of loud mouths that love to get annoying after a goal, just gets the blood boiling. It's like football, there's always the fan who likes the endzone dances and one who would rather see the ball get handed to the ref. I usually let the stands to the celebrating.

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in college we went into overtime against vermont at gutterson. I scored on a 2 on 2 in OT for the winner. I pulled my jersey over the front of my head and did the airplane like they do in soccer. pretty funny stuff.

I tried that with a funny t-shirt under but I couldn't get my jersey over my head with my gloves on and my stick in my hand.

Anyways...I've only once pointed at the other team's bench b/c they did it to us first, the game was a see saw battle.

However, after getting into soccer alot since the NHL lockout, I am brainstorming some ideas from soccer. Our league is full of crap and therefore have no respect for it anymore. So I just don't care. Here's some things I've seen in soccer:

1. After you score grab your linemates hands in a straight line and run to your end facing your goalie(watch your backs!)all 5 of you. If you like, end it with a bow.

2."The proposal" Go up to your main assisting guy grab his hand, get on one knee, and you know the rest.

3.The Macarena

4.Most likely for me to do...Run away fast with your index finger in the air Praising heaven like Ronaldo does.

5. I took this from Totti when his wife was expecting a baby. After you score put your glove in you jersey and hold it like your pregnant all while running away.

He used a soccer ball.

If i was in a real league like OHL or even University Hockey I would not disgrace the sport, but I could care less about my league and the hackers I play against, our league is full of ringers from higher tiers and full of corruption, so if anyone wants a piece bring it on. I've been respectful for 5yrs it's time to have fun and treat it like the Convenors do....a joke.

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You could try 'the bomb' everyone huddles around the scorer, he throws his glove in the air, and when it hits the ice everyone jumps back and falls on the floor. Like a bomb hit them. It looks pretty cool if it goes right

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Till yesterday i have never seen someone OVER celebrate. Someone on my team scored a pritty crap goal "Just crashed the net" and he mannaged to find some space to slot it in. Ok fair enough he scored! Thats what we all want. We kinda expected him t do something normal, like rase his stick in the air or just hug a team m8....... But no,

He avoided all team m8s then started shouting and went on one knee and started fist pumping the air! Then skated by are bench and brushed gloves with everyone while still shouting........ I know a few other ladz on my team thought he O.D on the celebration. So i can only imagin what the other team was thinking....... "What a LoSeR" ;)

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Till yesterday i have never seen someone OVER celebrate. Someone on my team scored a pritty crap goal "Just crashed the net" and he mannaged to find some space to slot it in. Ok fair enough he scored! Thats what we all want. We kinda expected him t do something normal, like rase his stick in the air or just hug a team m8....... But no,

He avoided all team m8s then started shouting and went on one knee and started fist pumping the air! Then skated by are bench and brushed gloves with everyone while still shouting........ I know a few other ladz on my team thought he O.D on the celebration. So i can only imagin what the other team was thinking....... "What a LoSeR"  ;)

LOL haha probabley someone that never scores, not like i do neway

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in the end of the day a goal is a goal wether it is a slapshot, tip in what ever!!! but shud u change ur celebration to the type ov goal it is? it all looks the same on the score board and stats sheet...... :( . alot ov the time it comes down to the excitment ov the moment.. keep it simple or be imaginative :unsure: any advice?

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Till yesterday i have never seen someone OVER celebrate. Someone on my team scored a pritty crap goal "Just crashed the net" and he mannaged to find some space to slot it in. Ok fair enough he scored! Thats what we all want. We kinda expected him t do something normal, like rase his stick in the air or just hug a team m8....... But no,

He avoided all team m8s then started shouting and went on one knee and started fist pumping the air! Then skated by are bench and brushed gloves with everyone while still shouting........ I know a few other ladz on my team thought he O.D on the celebration. So i can only imagin what the other team was thinking....... "What a LoSeR" ;)

Whats wrong with showing emotion? It got the team on the bench pumped. Job done.

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I would have to say that the best celebration that i have ever made has to be when a player cheapshoted me big time on a brekaway so i got a penalty shot and once the ref blew the whistle i pointed at the kid with my stick and went down and scored, then i skated by him and waved.

Another one that i did this season is the kayak it is when you slide on your butt and use your stick as an oar.... then i got a ten minute with 2 min. left for unsportsmanlike conduct. I still made my coach laugh.

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His celebrations dont include what people on here are talking about, like all these football type celebrations. He just does the usual just with more excitment.

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A guy who used to play with us scored a goal, got confused as to where he was on the rink and went and high fived everyone on the oppositions bench. Pretty sure they were kickin our asses though so they didn't really mind.

I usually just skate back and thank whoever passed it or knock gloves with our own goalie...thank him for the saves that are bailing us out in defence.

Who was that? Barely remember it but was it Ger?

Depending on the type of game. If I'm pissed off I'll try and rile one of their players if we're up by a few goals and ask him the score. Otherwise dont do much!

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A guy who used to play with us scored a goal, got confused as to where he was on the rink and went and high fived everyone on the oppositions bench. Pretty sure they were kickin our asses though so they didn't really mind.

I usually just skate back and thank whoever passed it or knock gloves with our own goalie...thank him for the saves that are bailing us out in defence.

Who was that? Barely remember it but was it Ger?

Depending on the type of game. If I'm pissed off I'll try and rile one of their players if we're up by a few goals and ask him the score. Otherwise dont do much!

it was sean browne

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His celebrations dont include what people on here are talking about, like all these football type celebrations. He just does the usual just with more excitment.

Please, you don't remeber the Canada vs Russia, empty net fist pump?

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Couple years ago we were in the Semi-finals of a tournament and I came racing off the bench and saw the puck sitting a good 5 or 6 feet from the goalie and noone new where it was so i dove and put it in and when i landed I dont know how but did the Theo Fleury thing and somehow managed to do a roll into the boards, absolutely unneccesary & we lost in the Finals 6-0 nonetheless was exciting.

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