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Retail Blade Patterns...?

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hey guys....i tried doing a few searches on this, but couldn't find anything.....i'm sure it has been discussed before, but i had a few questions about retail patterns....

1. is the reason these patterns are chosen because of popularity?

2. when companies change some retail patterns, or add a few, is it because they've gotten custom orders for a pattern becoming more popular?


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1. yeah for the most part. the companies usually offer versions of the 3-5 most popular curves (heel, open mid, slight mid-heel, and stuff in between, etc). It is all economics, they try to appeal the the greatest number of people without having to produce too many curves at retail.

2. I'd imagine that might happen, but the number of patterns usually depends on the company's size, and therefore ability to produce alot of product. (ex. NBH has a ton of patterns, while say Warrior only has a few). They will not add a new pattern to retail if they don't think people will buy it.

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I've always wondered why nobody offers a "Russian" curve, as they seem to be incredibly popular here, and in the NHL. By Russian curve, I just mean a huge toe or mid-toe that is open.

I know why they offer the curves, by best selling, it just seems that if even one major company offered a retail pattern like that it would have a good corner on that market, even if it is a slightly niche one.

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Bauer offers the P02 Samsonov/Lidstrom clone to European dealers but not to North American dealers. This is the only blade I will use. I just bought a ONE90 Stick'um in the P02/87 flex(would have preferred 77) because it was on inventory. For the handful of us that use P02, stock a dozen or two. We will buy them. It is the ONLY square toe blade on the market!! I have no problem working with the curve, either. That is just about practice.

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thanks guys....

basically my reasoning for the question is that it seems there are some patterns that are not on retail that could be quite popular

i know for fact that if i could get an NBH P89 at retail, i'd be set forever :P....i know there are clones from other companies, but i'm a big NBH/Bauer guy....

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I've always wondered why nobody offers a "Russian" curve, as they seem to be incredibly popular here, and in the NHL. By Russian curve, I just mean a huge toe or mid-toe that is open.

I know why they offer the curves, by best selling, it just seems that if even one major company offered a retail pattern like that it would have a good corner on that market, even if it is a slightly niche one.

Real toe curves don't sell well at retail.

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I've always wondered why nobody offers a "Russian" curve, as they seem to be incredibly popular here, and in the NHL. By Russian curve, I just mean a huge toe or mid-toe that is open.

I know why they offer the curves, by best selling, it just seems that if even one major company offered a retail pattern like that it would have a good corner on that market, even if it is a slightly niche one.

Real toe curves don't sell well at retail.

Because as "gear enthusiasts" we enjoy exploring all types of curves. However a large percentage of the hockey world isn't interested in a huge open toe curve. I know plenty of players who go into the store, pick up the modano clone and leave.

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I've always wondered why nobody offers a "Russian" curve, as they seem to be incredibly popular here, and in the NHL. By Russian curve, I just mean a huge toe or mid-toe that is open.

I know why they offer the curves, by best selling, it just seems that if even one major company offered a retail pattern like that it would have a good corner on that market, even if it is a slightly niche one.

Real toe curves don't sell well at retail.

Because as "gear enthusiasts" we enjoy exploring all types of curves. However a large percentage of the hockey world isn't interested in a huge open toe curve. I know plenty of players who go into the store, pick up the modano clone and leave.

Modano clones are the only blades I can use, everything else has a lie that's too high.

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I used to use a sakic forever but I look at them now like whoa how did I ever use one of those. I'm with chadd nowadays, I tweak my wooden forsbergs just a bit with the heat gun and theyre perfect

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I've always wondered why nobody offers a "Russian" curve, as they seem to be incredibly popular here, and in the NHL. By Russian curve, I just mean a huge toe or mid-toe that is open.

I know why they offer the curves, by best selling, it just seems that if even one major company offered a retail pattern like that it would have a good corner on that market, even if it is a slightly niche one.

Real toe curves don't sell well at retail.

Because as "gear enthusiasts" we enjoy exploring all types of curves. However a large percentage of the hockey world isn't interested in a huge open toe curve. I know plenty of players who go into the store, pick up the modano clone and leave.

That's me. I have become very used to that curve and don't want to take the time to adjust in the middle of a travel season.

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i always thought it would be interesting to see a company come out that guarantees to sell the nhl players "real" patterns..

i think as long as they made a quality product they would do pretty well since they would be the only company that does it imho - i mean there may even be enough people on this site with an "addiction" to keep a company like that afloat

and if that wasn't enough business i'm sure there would be a decent amount of people in beer leagues or minor leagues that would be interested in trying out certain players real patterns.

i could be completely wrong though :rolleyes:

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i always thought it would be interesting to see a company come out that guarantees to sell the nhl players "real" patterns..

i think as long as they made a quality product they would do pretty well since they would be the only company that does it imho - i mean there may even be enough people on this site with an "addiction" to keep a company like that afloat

and if that wasn't enough business i'm sure there would be a decent amount of people in beer leagues or minor leagues that would be interested in trying out certain players real patterns.

i could be completely wrong though :rolleyes:

What do you do when the guy changes his pattern?

It's far better to be consistent and have the same name be the same pattern year after year than to have people changing patterns all the time because player X changed his pattern. Personally I think it's sad that some people use a pattern simply because of the name on it and not how it works for him.

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Personally I think it's sad that some people use a pattern simply because of the name on it and not how it works for him.

Agreed, I couldn't care less about what name is on it, I just like a big open toe that the market currently doesn't offer is all :)

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i always thought it would be interesting to see a company come out that guarantees to sell the nhl players "real" patterns..

i think as long as they made a quality product they would do pretty well since they would be the only company that does it imho - i mean there may even be enough people on this site with an "addiction" to keep a company like that afloat

and if that wasn't enough business i'm sure there would be a decent amount of people in beer leagues or minor leagues that would be interested in trying out certain players real patterns.

i could be completely wrong though :rolleyes:

What do you do when the guy changes his pattern?

It's far better to be consistent and have the same name be the same pattern year after year than to have people changing patterns all the time because player X changed his pattern. Personally I think it's sad that some people use a pattern simply because of the name on it and not how it works for him.

i suppose if a guy changes his pattern then they would change theirs as well - i know what you mean about having a consistent pattern - but i figure that there are 5 or 6 other companies that are already doing that so why not have 1 company that changes patterns to stay up to date with what the players are using?

im not trying to say that if you use a particular players pattern it will automatically make you better - but how many people on here keep asking for kovalchuk or kovalev or [insert player name's] curves? i think there is a decent demand for this type of stuff and there aren't too many companies out there trying to meet that demand

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ive been playing hockey since i was 6, and i've never played with anyone who used a true toe-curve, or systematically asked for a specific proreturn curve. nuff said

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i always thought it would be interesting to see a company come out that guarantees to sell the nhl players "real" patterns..

i think as long as they made a quality product they would do pretty well since they would be the only company that does it imho - i mean there may even be enough people on this site with an "addiction" to keep a company like that afloat

and if that wasn't enough business i'm sure there would be a decent amount of people in beer leagues or minor leagues that would be interested in trying out certain players real patterns.

i could be completely wrong though :rolleyes:

What do you do when the guy changes his pattern?

It's far better to be consistent and have the same name be the same pattern year after year than to have people changing patterns all the time because player X changed his pattern. Personally I think it's sad that some people use a pattern simply because of the name on it and not how it works for him.

i suppose if a guy changes his pattern then they would change theirs as well - i know what you mean about having a consistent pattern - but i figure that there are 5 or 6 other companies that are already doing that so why not have 1 company that changes patterns to stay up to date with what the players are using?

im not trying to say that if you use a particular players pattern it will automatically make you better - but how many people on here keep asking for kovalchuk or kovalev or [insert player name's] curves? i think there is a decent demand for this type of stuff and there aren't too many companies out there trying to meet that demand

Some are asking because it's a curve type not offered at retail and others are asking because they like his name. There is next to no profit in offering actual pro curves via retail stores.

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20 guys on a message board of 6000 wouldn't support a whole company.

There are ways to get whatever pattern you want, you just have to pay through the nose for it. Same with anything really.

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It would be interesting to see a smaller lesser known company to try just one or two different curves instead of the usual. Could be a way to gain more exposure.

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Back in the days of wood sticks there was a lot more diversity in curves available at retail even toe curves. The curves that don't sell are discontinued and with the move to more expensive ops it doesn't make sense to produce something that only a few people will use.

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I wish one company would make a retail toe pattern. Just produce fewer quantity in that pattern and they don't have to worry about selling as many. But I remember when I was a kid anyway, it was always cool to have a big curve, so maybe it would catch on that way and more people would use it. That's the reason no one uses it, it's never really been available to try, at least not in a long time. Kovalchuk is a popular player, maybe it would sell just because of his name like Chadd said. I could care less whos name was on it though, I just know the Smyth doesn't cut it for me as far as retail curves, and I can barely use any other type of curve since getting a Kovy pro stock. Lucky for me I'm finally adjusting to a Sakic but I really have no choice. Oh well, maybe some day.

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I wish one company would make a retail toe pattern. Just produce fewer quantity in that pattern and they don't have to worry about selling as many. But I remember when I was a kid anyway, it was always cool to have a big curve, so maybe it would catch on that way and more people would use it. That's the reason no one uses it, it's never really been available to try, at least not in a long time. Kovalchuk is a popular player, maybe it would sell just because of his name like Chadd said. I could care less whos name was on it though, I just know the Smyth doesn't cut it for me as far as retail curves, and I can barely use any other type of curve since getting a Kovy pro stock. Lucky for me I'm finally adjusting to a Sakic but I really have no choice. Oh well, maybe some day.

Get wood. Buy a gross of Christian woodies and tweak them as you need. If you really want something bad enough you can get it. Send a pro stock into TPS (if they still do that), SWD, Christian, Ballistik, whoever, and get customs made. I'm sure you could even organize a bulk order through MSH to help cut end cost.

Maybe that's the next MSH item- toe curves just to satiate the people who constantly whine about the Smyth not being close enough to the Kovalchuk pro.

And Kovalchuk is currently a NBH name I think, isn't that what P91 is right now?

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I wish one company would make a retail toe pattern. Just produce fewer quantity in that pattern and they don't have to worry about selling as many. But I remember when I was a kid anyway, it was always cool to have a big curve, so maybe it would catch on that way and more people would use it. That's the reason no one uses it, it's never really been available to try, at least not in a long time. Kovalchuk is a popular player, maybe it would sell just because of his name like Chadd said. I could care less whos name was on it though, I just know the Smyth doesn't cut it for me as far as retail curves, and I can barely use any other type of curve since getting a Kovy pro stock. Lucky for me I'm finally adjusting to a Sakic but I really have no choice. Oh well, maybe some day.

Get wood. Buy a gross of Christian woodies and tweak them as you need. If you really want something bad enough you can get it. Send a pro stock into TPS (if they still do that), SWD, Christian, Ballistik, whoever, and get customs made. I'm sure you could even organize a bulk order through MSH to help cut end cost.

Maybe that's the next MSH item- toe curves just to satiate the people who constantly whine about the Smyth not being close enough to the Kovalchuk pro.

And Kovalchuk is currently a NBH name I think, isn't that what P91 is right now?

the P91 is called "Johnson" now....

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Every time I see a pro return toe curve, I'm tempted to try it, but I'm afraid if I fall in love with it, I won't be able to find it again. So I stick with the Federov and Weight curves.

Most guys on my team just play with a Lindros or a Forsberg and are happy. I don't think they know what a lie is.

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Most guys on my team just play with a Lindros or a Forsberg and are happy. I don't think they know what a lie is.

I've held many impromptu information sessions in the locker room. Usually stems from someone asking what the weird-ass curve I use is. Lang pro is a long, thin Drury with a bit more kink at the heel and it sticks out like a sore thumb from the profile. Or someone will say something like "I like the Forsberg, so no way will I try Bauer" and I'll respond with "Oh, well you know that Bauer's PM9 is almost exactly the same, you might give it a look when you're in the shop next".

I think they keep me around for their gear questions and to for the cheap resells on the gear I pick up here and end up not liking, it certainly can't be for my skills on the ice :lol:

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