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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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HFC Helmet Decals

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I would think the NHL site but I searched it and came up empty...if anyone else has any ideas I'd like to get one myself.

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I've been looking for these for a while now with no luck. You'd think the NHL would sell these. Sell them for like $3 a pop and donate $2 to cancer or something...

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that would be a great idea!!!! I'd pay for them if some of the money went to cancer research.

I'm going to check with a few of the Rangers contacts I have and see if they can get them...

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We worked with the people over at Hockey Fights Cancer for our charity event. I didn't know they done helmet decals. They sent us t-shirts and little pins.

I've sent an e-mail to my contact there, and if I can buy them in bulk (as I think they would be cool to have at our sign in desk each month, to pay a buck a piece for) I will let you know.


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If anyone has any luck getting some of the decals please let me know. If you are willing to part with some ill gladly buy them.

It would be a great idea if they could produce them with the proceeds going to the charity.

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Just to note, I don't have any HFC helmet decals. What I have are metal lapel pins. They are the same logo (2 hockey sticks with the attachment like this


Here is the actual picture.


I run a charity that gives the proceeds to hockey fights cancer, they gave us some auction items for our annual game this july, as well as t-shirts and these pins.

I've sent an e-mail to our contact there, but they are out of the office until the 12th.

If I can get decals, I will let you know, perhaps we can do them for teams, in exchange for a donation to Hockey Fights Cancer (through our charity Put Cancer on Ice)

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I think just about all of us could get behind some helmet stickers. You could put me down for a couple stickers and a lapel pin or two.

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To everyone who is PM'ing me about these, I have the pins, I don't have decals. Give me until I hear back from HFC after the 12th to see if I can get them. If I can, I will let you know, if not, we can sort out the pins.

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