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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shop guys! Need advice on a fitting Fee

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I need advice.

I was going to do custom skates through my LHS and they spent about 2 hours working with me, etc. However, I've decided to attend the MSH skate and have JR fit me while I'm there. I want to be fair to them for the time they've spent.

What would be an appropriate fitting fee for me to offer them? $50? $75?

Thanks for any input.

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JR is the man. I got custom fitted by him last weekend in Orlando. You better check if there is a Chick-Fil-A near the rink though, or you might be out of luck.

As far as the guys who fit you for skates, assuming they didnt lose money due to you not buying, I would bring them lunch and a six-pack.

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JR is the man. I got custom fitted by him last weekend in Orlando. You better check if there is a Chick-Fil-A near the rink though, or you might be out of luck.

As far as the guys who fit you for skates, assuming they didnt lose money due to you not buying, I would bring them lunch and a six-pack.

No Chick-Fil-A near Detroit, might have to settle for Chicken Shack, I don't even think there's Popeye's.

It's always awkward giving people money out of the blue. If you didn't do it right after the fitting, I think a gift like beer and pizza next time you go for a sharpening or tape would be cool.

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Well because it was a custom fitting, I tried on stock stakes to get a feel, thought about some questions, reseached those questions, then went back for measurements....

It was two sittings, then I decided to go with JR.

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I'd say as long as you give them a majority of your regular business, you don't need to give them anything. If you really feel compelled, $20 is a fair tip.

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I have so much stuff that I don't really need anything else. Most of my stuff is pro-stock from the Caps or Hershey Bears.

If I needed a stick I'd get it through them, but I have a decent stock of sticks and I'm not rough on them. So basically, it's tape, etc. I did buy some S17 Shoulders a few weeks ago, but that's about it...

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Really, you have two choices. You can be remembered as the guy who came in twice for custom skates, had a fitting, and went elsewhere. Or you can be remembered as the guy who brought pizza, beer, donuts, coffee, whatever.. The shop guys would prefer to remember the second guy, not the first guy.

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Really, you have two choices. You can be remembered as the guy who came in twice for custom skates, had a fitting, and went elsewhere. Or you can be remembered as the guy who brought pizza, beer, donuts, coffee, whatever.. The shop guys would prefer to remember the second guy, not the first guy.

Defintitley will NOT be the first guy. I bring them food or pay them a fee. I don't care as long as I make it right.

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JR is the man. I got custom fitted by him last weekend in Orlando. You better check if there is a Chick-Fil-A near the rink though, or you might be out of luck.

As far as the guys who fit you for skates, assuming they didnt lose money due to you not buying, I would bring them lunch and a six-pack.

No Chick-Fil-A near Detroit, might have to settle for Chicken Shack, I don't even think there's Popeye's.

It's always awkward giving people money out of the blue. If you didn't do it right after the fitting, I think a gift like beer and pizza next time you go for a sharpening or tape would be cool.

Haha, there's actually a Popeyes about 15 min from the rink, on MLK Blvd in Pontiac :)

That's the one I used to go to, with the lazy-susan at the drive-thru and the bulletproof glass inside.

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Are these the guys that do your skate sharpenings on a regular basis? Will wait for response... :D

Nope! I send my blades off to a forum member for sharpening.

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The question wasn't whether I'd make it right, just a question on how much $$$

The consensus seems to be lunch. It was only the Manager that helped me.

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My LHS manager won't take compensation. I offered lunch for the whole staff, a fitting fee or a promise that I'll buy a new fancy stick there.

I told him that I will make sure I buy stuff through his store.

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JR is the man. I got custom fitted by him last weekend in Orlando. You better check if there is a Chick-Fil-A near the rink though, or you might be out of luck.

As far as the guys who fit you for skates, assuming they didnt lose money due to you not buying, I would bring them lunch and a six-pack.

No Chick-Fil-A near Detroit, might have to settle for Chicken Shack, I don't even think there's Popeye's.

It's always awkward giving people money out of the blue. If you didn't do it right after the fitting, I think a gift like beer and pizza next time you go for a sharpening or tape would be cool.

Haha, there's actually a Popeyes about 15 min from the rink, on MLK Blvd in Pontiac :)

That's the one I used to go to, with the lazy-susan at the drive-thru and the bulletproof glass inside.

there's also one on telegraph north of summit place mall. as far as a meal b4 the skate try the Lodge on orchard lk rd in kego harbor about 5 mins for st. mary's

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sounds like some good people, thats what I would have suggested doing is just talking to them and being honest, sometimes its not the material but the thought that counts, now he knows that you feel badly about it and you tried to do it right. Props for manning up btw, alot of ppl wouldnt care at all

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JR is the man. I got custom fitted by him last weekend in Orlando. You better check if there is a Chick-Fil-A near the rink though, or you might be out of luck.

As far as the guys who fit you for skates, assuming they didnt lose money due to you not buying, I would bring them lunch and a six-pack.

No Chick-Fil-A near Detroit, might have to settle for Chicken Shack, I don't even think there's Popeye's.

It's always awkward giving people money out of the blue. If you didn't do it right after the fitting, I think a gift like beer and pizza next time you go for a sharpening or tape would be cool.

Dude there so is a chick-fil-a at Oakland University, and there are like 4 Popeyes in Pontiac.

The Lodge is ok. Try Mary Donelleys

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Yes, OU is the ONLY CFA in Metro Detroit.

It's a little-known fact. I remember talking to my ex-gf who was eating CFA and rubbing it in my face, and she's like "But according to the store locator there's one like two miles from your apartment." I was telling her that there wasn't one on that corner, then I figured it out...

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