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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skates tongues!

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Here is my situation

I have a laces bites on every of my skates (2 pairs of S500s, Bauer XXX, Graf G-7, Graf 735, NBH One95)

I have no idea what's wrong with my feet, but it is true -))))

By the way, I think that is why I'm tall (6.3) but I have small size of shoes (8.5-9)

Because I have a huge experience with that kind of issues, here is some tricks that I used to do to eliminate laces bites:

- Put plastic inserts into tongue (the plastic should be slightly flexible) - this method works not bad;

- Just add simple sponge under tongue while I'm lacing up the skate - this works also works good but you should have a lot of sponges and don't feel anything to Sponge Bob -));

- Finally, I've switched the standard tongue on my One95 with the XXVs tongue - not bad at all!

Maybe someone had different ways to eliminate a laces bites?

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I just pimp out my tongues with 3mm felt.

You seem to be using relatively high volume skates, but I'd consider checking out the Graf G9 or 709 if you haven't already. What insoles are you using?

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i found the only time i got lace bite was when i really try to go tongues out, at a 90 degree angle, then the tongue would rub against my fore foot, and it would kill, i wonder how players in the nhl can do that... does the felt do something special? I wear 9K's btw...

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i found the only time i got lace bite was when i really try to go tongues out, at a 90 degree angle, then the tongue would rub against my fore foot, and it would kill, i wonder how players in the nhl can do that... does the felt do something special? I wear 9K's btw...

I guess they use a different tongues, not for standard retail skates

I just pimp out my tongues with 3mm felt.

You seem to be using relatively high volume skates, but I'd consider checking out the Graf G9 or 709 if you haven't already. What insoles are you using?

I use the standard insoles for each pair of skates

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Lining the back of the tongue with Clarino or leather works well.

However, the easiest thing to do is to change the way you lace your skates. There have been a bunch of threads on it.

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i just got a pair of the new 9k's after having lacebite problems with my XXX's. I get lacebite if i use my superfeet grey insole, but with the stock insoles the pain is nearly gone.

My biggest problem with the 9k's is rubbing against my ankle...i actually have three or four bruises from them...but that's meant for another topic.

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^^ That's because Superfeet support your foot, meaning that they place it in a higher aspect, which takes up more volume in the boot.

Don't cut off your nose to spite your face.

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funny you should mention that, ive actually been skipping the second last eyelt, but because the laces in them are bit to short, but the pain is almost gone from the tongues out, i may try going outside in on the top eyelet and see if that helps more. thanks for the tip.

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funny you should mention that, ive actually been skipping the second last eyelt, but because the laces in them are bit to short, but the pain is almost gone from the tongues out, i may try going outside in on the top eyelet and see if that helps more. thanks for the tip.

I had the issue with my retail XXXXs. When I got my customs, I went to the One90 tongue with the thick black felt. Problem solved for me.

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It's not the tongues at all. I had that problem with my xxx's. What it was for me was the skate wasn't the right size. My foot was too deep in the skate. I went to a shop and they put a thin liner under the footbed and put in superfeet footbeds to lift my foot in the skate. The lacebite was because the skates were not properly fit and never had the pencil test done on me. The second my foot was in the proper position the lacebite disapeared.

my advice is to go to a good shop that does skate work and have them refit you for the skates. If you don't have a shop like that around you. You can PM me with your shoe size, skate size, exact problem. I'll ask the guys what your problem might be.

Before you do anything with your tounges, make sure your skates fit properly. I had all sorts of pain in my skates, after I got them customized for my foot, they feel almost like sneakers. I'd rather wear my skates then any dress shoes. They are that comfortable.

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You can PM me with your shoe size, skate size, exact problem. I'll ask the guys what your problem might be.

He stands the chance of getting better advice on here than that shop in question could possibly give. And I know which one.

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if you want I have some of those gel pads that I can give you. I used them when I had a lice bit problem with my easton z airs. Pm me if you want them

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You can PM me with your shoe size, skate size, exact problem. I'll ask the guys what your problem might be.

He stands the chance of getting better advice on here than that shop in question could possibly give. And I know which one.

Without giving names, is the one your thinking of, on 5th Ave. between 22nd and 23rd in NYC. Do you think they're wrong? I go there all the time, If you could PM me about why you think they'd give bad advice, please pm me, I'd really like to know as like I said I go there often.

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I'm not saying that they are giving bad advice - I don't believe they have the most experience out there.

One of them was on MSH a few years back and acted like he was God's gift.

I had exchanged PMs with him at the time he was on here and the arrogance was quite evident. All a result of that Graf/M-E brainwashing.

Ran into the guy in Toronto at one of the tradeshows and introduced myself, then he acted as if he had never heard of MSH.

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Here are some Lace Bite Pads that you can buy.

I used those pads, they worked great

How thick are these, and is one enough, or a guy with a size 11 will need two for each foot.


They are are a out 1/4 inch thick, you should only need one per foot.

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Just wondering if there is a size limit at all for adding tongues. I wear a 7EE and just wondering how big of a tongue i could put in my skate? I am looking at the nbh tongues on East West hockey.

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If you're looking at pads, You can make your own with craft foam. Cut out two pieces, staple them together most of the way around, and cut off little strips of the same foam and stuff 'em in, then staple it all the way closed. At a dollar per sheet of foam, it's certainly the economy option. Worked well enough for me when I was having trouble with a sore spot right at my top lace (since recovered)

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