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Tropic Thunder

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A couple guys at work were RAVING about this....I watched it tonight. Not that good.

Downey Jr. was decent....and Cruise was pretty funny...but overall...I was disappointed.

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i really hated it, i did like downeys character, absolutely hated jack black tho


Pineapple Express was much, much better.

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I WANTED to like it. I really did. I saw it in theaters and told my roomie not to bother. He just didn't see how it could be anything other than great due to the cast. So he decided to buy it. I waited till he finished watching it. Asked him how it was. He simply said "what the F*#$?"

And Pineapple Express is just plain hilarious.

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Same thing here. My friend was raving about how hilarious it was... I was unimpressed.

Tom Cruise was pretty funny, but I expected more with a cast like it had.

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It had its stupid funny moments. If you want to see Ben Stiller in something funny recently, check out The Heartbreak Kid. Much more his style of comedy.

You mean where he plays the same character in every movie?

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Here's thed deal on Ben Stiller and Mike Myers (in my mind anyway). They've both had some success and made some funny movies. Now, they go into a studio with a script and the studio says "Here's $XXXXXX.00...go and make your movie" without any serious thought into whether or not it's worth making...

That's how we end up with Love Guru and this, and all the other unfunny movies they've made in the last few years.

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Here's thed deal on Ben Stiller and Mike Myers (in my mind anyway). They've both had some success and made some funny movies. Now, they go into a studio with a script and the studio says "Here's $XXXXXX.00...go and make your movie" without any serious thought into whether or not it's worth making...

That's how we end up with Love Guru and this, and all the other unfunny movies they've made in the last few years.

You left out the part where they also say:

we know that certain things work, make sure you do them again.

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It had its stupid funny moments. If you want to see Ben Stiller in something funny recently, check out The Heartbreak Kid. Much more his style of comedy.

You mean where he plays the same character in every movie?

but this time he didn't have the fu-manchu going (dodgeball, happy gilmore, and that disney movie about the fat camp)

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Yes, Happy Gilmore was Adam Sandler but he didn't play every role in the movie. Stiller played the orderly, which is close to a nurse like he played in the Meet The... series. OMG HE DOES PLAY THE SAME GUY OVER AND OVER.

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happy gilmore was adam sandler. then again I get them confused too sometimes....

Ben Stiller was a retirement home nurse in Happy Gilmore.

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I thought Tropic Thunder was really well made, and funny. It's pretty much a satire parodizing Stiller's career. It was original and one of the better satires I've seen.

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I thought it was pretty good. You have to look deeper into how dumb this movie. It was dumb and cheesy for a reason. That reason being that it was making fun of all of hollywood and what actors and actresses will do to try and achieve that perfect Oscar performance. And more than often these actors and actresses just look stupid in the end and come away with nothing. Thats what this movie is trying to do, satirize hollywood.

I think the funniest movie by far this year has been Zach and Miri. Absolutely hilarious.

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I enjoyed the movie but have others I'd have put ahead of it for funniest movies of the year. That said, this movie is a huge inside joke about Hollywood and to those with working knowledge of that it's incredibly funny.

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Ive done my fair share of "hollywood" stuff and went with the mind set of how it really is behind the scenes and seeing the comedic portrayal of it in a movie.

But I thought it failed miserably. Maybe because Ben Stiller sucks, or they just tried to hard to come away with it; I dont know.

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