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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Crazy Amount of Snow in Toronto

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Just stay home... I tried to drive around, everybody is going at 40km/h, I saw a few accidents and cars stuck on the ramp to the highway... I had winter tires on and was still sliding and slipping around.

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Older locals talk about The Blizzard of '77 all the time.

We were supposed to have our last skate before the holiday break today. Coach had made it optional - most of the guys who are away from their homes/families left the area yesterday. Given the timing and the threat of the weather conditions, the practice was canceled entirely last night (we've got a few guys - myself included; 45-60 min. - who live close enough to stay at home, but far enough that getting to the rink can be a bit of a bitch in weather like this).

Unfortunately, my gear is still at the rink - so if I want to get on the ice to keep my legs moving, I'm going to have to head-out and get my stuff...otherwise, I won't be skating until Boxing Day.

I just spent over an hour shoveling-out our driveway, and am getting myself ready to get in the car to go get my equipment <_<

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We got hit hard today. I remember the Blizzard of 77, drifts near my house were 6-8 feet high. School seemed canceled for weeks. This is nothing compared to that.

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I'm well north of the city (if you really want to call Buffalo a city...lol) - near The Ridge (104), all the way up near Lake Ontario. We accumulate a lot of snow, but we don't really get hit with the lake effect stuff, so we don't see big, one-shot hits like this too often; maybe a handful of times each winter.

This is just another December day for people in the city, the Southtowns and down in the Southern Tier.

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last i hear we got about 12" of snow in milwaukee. I dug my car out of street parking but didn't move it. I sure as hell hope they aren't ticketing tonight. There is no place to move a car. (alternate side parking here)

How much did Toronto get?

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Its pretty bad here in Mississauga... lost the dog in the yard for a few minutes earlier

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My landlord isn't the greatest when it comes to snow removal...I spent almost 2 hours shoveling so I could get into my parking spot a the end of the day. Thankfully, he and the landlord next door (shared lot) came out with snowblowers.

Cripes, If I wanted to shovel...I'd be a homeowner...not a renter.

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I'm in Windsor, and while we didn't get the amount of snow you guys further north got, our roads were crap all day. I think Windsor has the worst team of street plows I've ever seen. Trying to get to the University for my exam earlier was ridiculous and I take main roads that bus routes run on. Then again, rear wheel drive in a crown victoria isn't the most fun to drive through any kind of snow.

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Here in central NY (Adirondacks) we got about 14" yesterday....with more coming today, tomorrow, and Monday.

Glad I bought the plow for my quad last year.

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well the most ive seen all year here in the UK was 3 snowfalls, that lasted about 20 minutes max then turned back to water as soon as it hit the ground, and they were all in the space of about 4 hours. I love snow and wish we got some over here, maybe someone could mail me some to remind me of what it is :(

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Got another foot of snow last night....well over 2 feet in 3 days, with two more days of snow expected. My plow banks are over 6 feet now. Luckily, we're used to this type of snow, so we are well prepared. On a Sunday, snow plows out at 4:30 in the morning. Roads were clear before sunrise. That makes things more tolerable.

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yep, northeast and midwest is a mess. 18"+ here, an hour or so north of Detroit. just had to help shovel some poor old guys caddy out of the middle of our street. 25 mph winds + drifting + poor county snowplowing = ghey.

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  MLSman said:
Got another foot of snow last night....well over 2 feet in 3 days, with two more days of snow expected. My plow banks are over 6 feet now. Luckily, we're used to this type of snow, so we are well prepared. On a Sunday, snow plows out at 4:30 in the morning. Roads were clear before sunrise. That makes things more tolerable.
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whoa that storm must have parked itself over the area.

like i said we got about a foot out of it. We're expecting 5-8" more over the next couple days, I am hoping for the lower side since we fly out on Wed. morning.

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I just hope we don't get too much snow overnight...if the city plows my street...I know my landlord won't have the entry way to the lot opened up. I live 4 KM from work...if the people who drive an hour can get in and I can't...I'll be laughed at.

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im in illinois, and we got like an inch of ice where im at like 2 days ago. I went out to warm up my car right before leaving work, and fell on my ass. put my crappy old pond hockey skates on that were in my trunk when i got to my car, and skated across the street back to work, taking a couple laps around the lot, of course. Some guy at a 4 way stop that let me cross was laughing his ass off. Im glad to have that kind of weather, i can still get around on skates at least :lol:

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  dw91 said:
im in illinois, and we got like an inch of ice where im at like 2 days ago. I went out to warm up my car right before leaving work, and fell on my ass. put my crappy old pond hockey skates on that were in my trunk when i got to my car, and skated across the street back to work, taking a couple laps around the lot, of course. Some guy at a 4 way stop that let me cross was laughing his ass off. Im glad to have that kind of weather, i can still get around on skates at least :lol:
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Ha...that's a story that TRULY belongs on MSH.

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