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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Holidays 08: The Payoff

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  nickyb13 said:
On a sad note our one fox hound Bunker seems to have received cancer for Christmas. waiting for test results tomorrow and if its positive he is going to be put down Sunday or Monday :(
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My wife had to have our Aussie put down a few years ago, while I was in Vegas for the hockey show, on my birthday. Enjoy the time you have with him now.

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  JR Boucicaut said:
  Prhockey2607 said:
the red ring of death on my xbox :angry:
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Got it today.

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I'm expecting the red rings anyday now.....my 360 can barely read discs now. I thought it was just my 09 disc, but it turns out it won't read anything now.

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I got a 360, Ipod Touch, clothes, money, and some games for my 360. All in all it was a great Christmas and I wish you guys all a Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays.

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  Chadd said:
Just bit the bullet and picked up something for myself. Since I've been getting back into playing guitar more and more lately, I decided to pick up a thinline tele. This one is a mid-80s MIJ model.


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Wow chadd that is a really nice present to yourself lol. I have been considering buying a tele as well all i have electric wise is ibanex gax, totally different sound from what a tele is.

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  hattrick74 said:
got the red rings about 3 weeks ago, microsoft was cool, i sent it in, they repaired it and got it back in less then 2 weeks...
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I only have one red ring and the extended warranty only covers if you have three and my warranty expired less than two weeks ago. Its going to be about $100 to repair or 200 for a new arcade. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do yet.

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I know from experience it will start coming back to haunt you. You may want to call and just explain the situation they may just take it back anyway.

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Warrior dolo spyne

Totes slippers

2 Warrior hockey tees

Warrior hockey hoodie

Detroit winter classic hoodie

Dangerous hunts 09

Xbox 360 memory card


Tickets to Great Lakes Invitational


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C&C Christmas....Cash & Clothes.

The cash will most likely be used for hockey stuff....just not sure what yet. And to keep the C&C Christmas going...I was drinking Canadian Club most of the day.

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  Fletch said:
  JR Boucicaut said:
  Prhockey2607 said:
the red ring of death on my xbox :angry:
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Got it today.

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I'm expecting the red rings anyday now.....my 360 can barely read discs now. I thought it was just my 09 disc, but it turns out it won't read anything now.

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Fletch, google how to clear your cache. I had the same problem for a week or two and since I cleared it, it's worked brilliantly for a couple weeks (knocks on wood).

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I got an amount of cash. Which will be thrown into new ice hockey gear after I'm done paying for my snowboard trip and any other expenses I see fit. Not sure. I got two jackets, one nice and thick one nice and thin. Girlfriend got me a beanie for the snow. And my friend's parents bought me a lift ticket for tomorrow. I did well this year...........

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  roller to ice said:
Wow chadd that is a really nice present to yourself lol. I have been considering buying a tele as well all i have electric wise is ibanex gax, totally different sound from what a tele is.
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I "loaned" my father my tele copy that I built so I needed a new one. I've been going through a fender phase again lately, and I've never had a thinline tele over the years. I did have a couple Ibanez, 560 and a 570 if I remember correctly. Nice guitars but the locking trem stuff is way too much of a pain in the ass for me. I wouldn't mind a nice Ibanez artist or ghostrider though, the ghostrider was a really nice guitar that flew way under the radar when it came out.

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  JR Boucicaut said:
Now, I got the RROD, but then I restarted and while the Xbox froze, it didn't reappear (I only tried once.)

Will they know?

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They will take it back regardless, from what I have heard.

  greech said:
  Fletch said:
  JR Boucicaut said:
  Prhockey2607 said:
the red ring of death on my xbox :rolleyes:
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Got it today.

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I'm expecting the red rings anyday now.....my 360 can barely read discs now. I thought it was just my 09 disc, but it turns out it won't read anything now.

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Fletch, google how to clear your cache. I had the same problem for a week or two and since I cleared it, it's worked brilliantly for a couple weeks (knocks on wood).

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Oh yeah, I know all about that. I usually have to do it 5-6 times before the game finally works. One thing I have noticed that helps is starting my system up, letting it sit for about 2 hours, then trying the game. For whatever reason, it works with no problems after that.

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a great deal of sleep. Family has been great by not bothering me much this holiday. Been tough the last few months with a tough term at school, coupled by a rough illness.

Quite possibly the best present i've ever gotten. I almost feel like my old self again ;)

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Got myself a single malt cask reserve Macallan today, late X-mas present to myself. It will be good, 120 proof $70 scotch is worth it.

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Apparently, I was given financial security for Christmas.

On Christmas morn, we anxiously awaited as the garage door opened to reveal The Big D's new car with a red bow (which had remained on the car lot for 3 1/2 months until Santa's sleigh could pick it up) and a TV in the back seat (although Miss A was slightly disappointed that Santa had misunderstood she had meant "TV's in the seat backs!")

Anyway, a couple of hours later, Miss A said, "I'm so glad Santa brought us a new car and the TV. Now we're not poor anymore!"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, because we won't have to pay for them......"

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.The biggest thing was my Russian hockey Jersey =) They look awesome with my four rolls

.Call of duty 5

. My brothers old laptop (No more Tiny Keys and mispellings!!!)

.Loads of gum (It's like my crack ;) )

.A reebok hockey sweater

.My brothers old car (The economies rough A lot of my gifts were my brothers old stuff)

.Im getting a new hockey bag from my dad

.A bunch of USA hockey stuff

And my girlfriend got me some AWESOME GLOW IN THE DARK BOXERS I'm soryy I got excited

Oh and freakin Red Ring of Death But I had a Best buy replacement warranty because i bought my 360 before the 3 year xbox warranty

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