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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What do you use to protect your shield?

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I use a home made helmet bag. I could not get my hands on an Oakley bag. Its not easy to find an Oakley. Like to get one.

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Same thing you use to protect helmets/visors that cost... well... a lot more than any hockey helmet/visor combo. I don't use the $30 outer nylon carrying bag but just the $9 inner drawstring one and throw the hockey helmet in the bag with the rest of the stuff. Works like a charm. The company also makes a $10 bag to carry extra visors which would work for spare hockey visors too. Yes... it would scare you to know how much these carbon fiber helmets are... even at dealer cost (I sell them), ouch! Very light but very safe when used along with a head & neck restraint system.

The go-fast helmet and carrying bag:


Hockey helmet/visor-cage combo and drawstring bag:


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I take a thin towel and I wrap the visor, then fasten down the straps/clips, so the J-clips/helmet hold the towel in place.

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One of my buds uses the wide end of a hockey sock to protect his I-Tech visor, seems to work great.

Exactly what I have done for years.

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I have always used a pillow case for my Concept 2 Deluxe, and haven't had a scratch yet. Cheap and effective.

Interested to see how that works out Chadd, good idea.

Since someone dug up the topic, I found someone to partner with on this. Once we're ready to roll I'll post more info.

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I actually bought a 'visor shield' that clips onto the visor with padded clips. What a stupid thing that was....went back to using a helmet bag.

This works pretty well. The only issue is making it work for as many models as possible.

Are you referring to the Protex Shieldguard? I have no idea when or where I bought mine, but it's been absolutely brilliant at keeping my visor in almost perfect condition. It fits like a glove on my plain Bauer FM1000 but perhaps not as well on a curved visor.

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Glad I came across this topic in my search as I am looking for a way to safely cover my RBK 8K/Bauer X100 visor combo.

Looks like it's a pillow case to start well I wait for my Eagle helmet bag to be delivered! B)

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I have one of those play-dry microfiber shirts (5 years old or so) that I wear under my gear. I just stick the helmet/shield inside of it- it doesnt smudge or scratch, on the way to the rink or on the way home.

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had my mom sew up a fleece bag since it was cheaper than getting one of those helmet bags shipped. I also wrap mine w/ a micro fiber towel and use that on the bench. Which came in handy when i took a puck to the chin Sunday. Pretty deep gash but elected for no stitches.

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