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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Thin calves. What's a good fitting shin pad.

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I have chicken legs, and the One90 fit me great.

Just another option for you to look into.

If the price is too high, the Supreme 70 are the same fit i believe.

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I've got skinny shins and calfs and have always been comfortable in Jofa/RBK's. They seem to be pretty versatile since I had to modify one of the knee's to allow room for a bulky knee brace, but as far as the shin/calf area they've always fit real nice once taped in place.

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Are both NBH lines thinner shins? Is one thinner than the other? If I had to choose between the two, anyone want to recommend one over the other? I've read that the knee cap has cracked on a lot of peoples' Supreme models. Haven't heard the same about the Vapors but I don't know which one is thinner as well.


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To the original poster: I have Easton S17 Shin Pads and they are great and my friend who is tall with skinny legs also likes his as well, so I'm just throwing out another pair of shin pads you should maybe try out if you can.

Hate to thread jack

Would you guys recommend going down a size or stay the same when wearing the 90s under your tongues

I'm not sure if this is an option but if it is, why don't you take your skates to your LHS and try on the shin pads with varying length and see what you like. Then you'd know best.

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I just received the Bauer One90 shins and I found them to be almost too narrow. I also have thin calves, but I had to grab and pull the shins to make them wider. Some people have posted that the Vapor XXXX shins are even narrow, which shocks me. The One90 shins are nice and do not twist when wearing them, which is probably helped by them being narrow and quite tight on my legs (i'm coming from CCM Vector 10 shins).

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I have One90 shins now. They're narrow, but have decent volume. They're comfortable for me, but while I wouldn't want them to by any narrower I do have to pull the strap that goes around the calf to the end of the velcro to ensure a good snug fit. I did try the Vapor XXXX pads on and I'd say they're pretty similar as far as width goes, but have a different knee cap and a bit less volume. That combined with the extra strap at the bottom of the pad that the One90 shin pads don't have would make for a tighter more secure fit on the lower part of the leg in my opinion, however; for those with bigger calves they likely wouldn't have a problem with the One90, but could have a problem fitting the XXXX. I'm personally happy with the One90 pads I picked up off a member here, but do have to tape the bottom to ensure a secure fit since I don't have the biggest calves, but when it's time to get a new pair (or before if a good deal comes along) I will certainly be considering the XXXX pads or something like them as I think the decrease in volume and extra strap would allow for a perfect fit without the tape.

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Yeah, I still have to tape the top of the shins to secure them and I have the straps as tight as they go. 13.5 would be perfect for me, but what can you do. My old 14" Supreme 4000 or whatever were HUGE compared to the One90's.

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To the original poster: I have Easton S17 Shin Pads and they are great and my friend who is tall with skinny legs also likes his as well, so I'm just throwing out another pair of shin pads you should maybe try out if you can.
Hate to thread jack

Would you guys recommend going down a size or stay the same when wearing the 90s under your tongues

I'm not sure if this is an option but if it is, why don't you take your skates to your LHS and try on the shin pads with varying length and see what you like. Then you'd know best.

I would love to hace a LHS close by. But I did go ahead and order the one90s in 14, so lets hope they work and I wont have to exchange them for 13s.

Also how narrow are they around the ankle.

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I'm reading a lot of love on here for the NBH one90 shinpads, but ironically enough I am returning some as we speak b/c I found them to be too bulky. I thought the calf strap was too bulky and I thought the shinpad itself just stuck out too far. I wore them for 10 minutes before I decided to take them off so I could still return them. I was looking to replace my deteriorating 16-year old Sherwoods, but not at the expense of bulk.

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