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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What team(s) will you be playing for this season?

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NJ Gangsters XIHL

Tell me all of the names aren't going to be over the top. Between the "X" thing and names nobody is going to take it seriously if they do that.

hah our name is sort of a "throwback" to an old tournament team out of our rink. and it sure beats what we used to be "nj bullets" where the logo more or less looked like a skating penis. XIHL as of now is mainly former MLRH teams, the tour growl from piha outta feasterville, and a team out of western PA.

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I know a bunch of guys in the PIHA, we knew about the league before most of them did. Hopefully it works out

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Probably house league & selects again although I got asked to play AA <_< (why iss travel so expensive). Also I will be playing high school hockey for Msgr. Paul Dwyer in Oshawa.

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18U AA Major slayers (were a joke of a team), and my other joke of a team, my high school, the nutley raiders (www.slayershockey.com)

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Teams I always play for...

Frigidaire Icemen - think its changing to Polaroid soon..

Terminal Hockey - long time club in NY

best hookups

-most recent - Team Larry Flynt..we were sponsored by the Hustler Club out in CA

-Arrogant Bastard Ale - team mgr was a rep for them...jerseys, socks, bottled watter on the bench, gatorade, etc..$100 credit at the bar after the game

Sobe - same guy from above..add Sobe to the bench..

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Allegheny College in Meadville PA's D3 Club team.  Anything to keep me out of trouble

One of the guys that I used to play hockey with in York lives in Meadville now

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