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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Plane crashes into Hudson River

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Water is probably as cold as the showers at one of Cincinnati's rinks........

I hope everyboy on board is ok and nobody lost their life.

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Shit, it looks like one of our A320s. That's not a small airplane, 150-ish seats

  dangle said:
geese into the turbine(s) possibly?

It's on MSN.com now

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BOTH engines flamed out.

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CNN's feed has a passenger on the phone. He said boats were right against the doors of the plane. Good to know how quickly and efficient everyone worked here.

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  dangle said:
  Chadd said:
BOTH engines flamed out.
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Geese will do that to an engine. What bad luck.

It's about 20 degrees in Manhatten right now... the water must be cold!

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I've seen 40 and 33 both mentioned as water temp.

  dangle said:
151 people onboard including crew members
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That would be Captain, First Officer, three flight attendants and 146 passengers.

  wex12 said:
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I tried pulling up FA as soon as I read it here but the site was down due to the heavy traffic.


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So far the only injuries that are being treated are for hypothermia they just said on CNN. I know hypothermia can be dangerous but that is incredible as well.

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Every news report this morning is about the pilot. Did you hear that he still walked the whole isle after evacuation, to make sure every single person was off the plane? There's special spots in heaven for people like him. He's a rare breed of human: in the face of danger he still puts complete strangers before himself. And he has a side business for safety consulting!

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My dad was on a trip for a coaches' clinic and saw the plane land in the water. He said it was amazing how smooth the plane landed, all things considered. That, combined with what djosbun said really says something about the type of human that guy is.

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  LkptTiger said:
...and now a flight goes down and pancakes a house just outside of Buffalo. What a shame; I know the area - it couldn't have been more than 5-10 miles from the airport/it's destination.

*edit* - link to story: http://us.cnn.com/2009/US/02/13/plane.cras...york/index.html

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I live about 10miles away from this and it's crazy around here. The local news was on until about 4 am. The worst part about it is that all 48 on board and 1 person who lived in the house died...

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I heard about it on my way out of the hotel in Baltimore this morning. I do know a couple people that work for Colgan, hopefully they weren't involved. Oddly enough, I'm also in Buffalo tonight.

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