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CCM U+ Stick Break Help

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Am I the only one who thinks buying a $150 OPS for a nine-year-old Squirt is nuts, and that a top-of-the line stick for a kid that age/size really doesn't make a difference?

Don't get me wrong, I think it's great that you support your kids' hockey. I just think spending this on a stick for a little one is ridiculous.

Okay, I'm ready to be ambushed! :)

totally agree, I think kids should use wood sticks to at least twelve. I see so many nine year olds while reffing with absolutely no feel for passing, recieving passes or stickhandling. And most of the time their shots aren't anything to talk about anyway. I saw an 11 year old throw a tantrum and slam his O-stick on the crossbar, snapping it, and I almost puked. i was pleased to see him back the next week with a sher-wood 5030

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I can't tell you how many times I cringe when I see my high school players get upset and crank their OPS over the net or against the boards. The immaturity is just... oh well, to each their own. And here I am trying to find a decent deal on a stick that will last me like my old UltraLite shaft with blade combos did. I didn't switch, and still haven't totally, to a OPS until just recently because of the cost. And here kids treat themas disposable wood twigs - where have I been for the last 10-15 years!

Back ON TOPIC... original poster (goodguy), did you try the email yet? Favourable response?

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This is a perfect example of why all the big companies say their losing millions of dollars through their warranty department. I'm not saying what happened was your fault or theirs but lets look at it from this stand point. You said your son had used the stick for atleast 15 hours on the ice. In those 15 hours think about how many shots he took, think about how many times that stick made contact with another stick, and then think about how many times he slammed it on the ground in anger or had a flex competition with his friends like every 9 year old does. What people dont understand is that the warranty is suppose to be for a "manufactoring defect". No one ever said these sticks last longer then wood or that they would even last for 30 days. Your paying $150 for the technology and materials involved in making the stick. In my honest opinion a 9 year old will have the same shot with a $150 CCM or a $30 Sherwood, its the parents that think their game has changed with this huge purchase. I'm not trying to get on anyones back or cause a fight, i just cant stand having to deal with customers walking through my door everyday with broken sticks in their hand.

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I would say like most here......Give them a call and see what they say. CCM has ALWAYS been wonderful to me. Last time had a stick break...and they were out of stock...for a 110....they sent me 2....COUNT THEM 2 ovechkin V10 sticks. I'll always back up CCM. They will take care of you. Worst case...they say NO.

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OK, Update - Called CCM - could not get through to the warranty line because it was full (yes, still full). So I finally got a call back form the woman I left a message for (Tamara in customer service). I was not at my phone so she left me a message and I called her back five minutes later. It was not her direct line so I had to go to operator and then ask to be connected to Tamara, when I explained I was returning her call reagrding the broken stick I had called about, she said "yeah" and sat there and said nothing (making me feel like I was bothering her).

So I explained the situation and she said "there is nothing we can do it is past the warranty period". I explained again that my son was 9, not taking any slapshots with the stick, didnt really start using it unitl 20 days ago (due to being off for christmas break, he got it for christmas). She said "it is form the time you bought it" (in an irritated tone).

She said " like I said , we can't warranty it past 30 days or we would be doing that for everybody".

I was like "please, can you do anything for me?" she was like "No, we had a meeting about this recently and we were told we cannot be helping people out with this type of thing anymore..." (did I just hear her right?).

I was like wow, I cannot believe the level of customer service here. After hearing from you guys how CCM stood behind thier products for you - I thought for sure they would see the logic in my argument that a stick like this should not break that quickly, especially for a nine year old who had really only been using it 20 days or so. Regardless, it is very dissapointing that they would also not understand that they are really going to break the kids heart. I know this should not come into it but come on, they are supposed to be gaining loyal lifelong customers and they are not helping out young players and parents who took a leap of faith and purchased thier products. Come on.

I personally will never buy anything CCM (or my three sons) again if they do not step up to the plate here. I will try again through some other channels. But I am constantly giving equipment advice on my three sons hockey teams as well as the two teams I coach on and I will NOT recommend CCM for any product as long as they act like this.

Oh, and to those who say a stick should not matter. I thought the same thing until I saw the result. He plays on a very competitive team which is ranked #1 in North America right now (for whatever a ranking of 9 year olds is worth) so when he gets two or three assists a game from rebounds off his shots from the blueline - it definitely makes a difference in the team outcome. The coach said "don't EVER get rid of that stick". and he lwas like "Noooooo..." when it broke..(his reaction was pretty funny). But to say one more thing, this was the stick he really wanted and asked for for Christmas. He sacrificed other gifts, etc. to get this, so to say it is too expensive may be true but considering it was his big gift. Regarding passing and feel and wood, I also thought the same thing - he had a cheaper RBK 4K composite which had pucks bouncing over his blade all day long. The U+ (not sure if it was curve or lie or what) completely amazed me how pucks did not bounce over his stick at all, his passes were amazingly accurate - so I was surprised at how well it worked. Trust me, after finding out how well it worked for him I was torn (damn, I am going to be in the poor house but I'm glad it has helped his game so much). The coach now puts him out on the power play more and more to get pucks to the net.

Oh, and one more thing - after calling around to multiple pro shops to get him a replacement - I found a few of them sadi "Oh, U+ stick eh...we get those breaking all the time...I would not recommend them at all.. you might want to try a Vapor XXXX or a Warrior". And come to think of it my older son (uses a Warrior Dolo) and has used it for 2.5 seasons with nary a chip on it. and that stick I expected to break because it is so light and hollow feeling.

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John -

You may not like what I have to say about the situation, but CTHockey is right.

When you think about it, the warranty is for a manufacturing defect. Now, I'm not lumping every case as it does go on an individual basis, but the bottom line is that when you really think about it, you are striking pucks, ice, other players, boards, posts with a stick. Breakage will eventually happen.

Unfortunately, the warranty system is looked upon by a lot of consumers as a 2 for 1 deal - they pay X amount for the stick and then they get a new one 30 days later.

The manufacturers must stick to their guns when it comes to the warranty process as this is something that is being abused by a lot of consumers. Unfortunately, those who have had instances such as yourself take the fall based on the fraud committed by others. However, it's really no reason to not buy from that manufacturer again because they didn't bend the rules for ya.

All that being said, I already told you what your best option is.

Good luck.

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The manufacturers must stick to their guns when it comes to the warranty process as this is something that is being abused by a lot of consumers. Unfortunately, those who have had instances such as yourself take the fall based on the fraud committed by others. However, it's really no reason to not buy from that manufacturer again because they didn't bend the rules for ya.

Aye. The whole swearing off CCM kinda gets to me; it seems completely over the top and undeserved because CSR personnel broke the rules for someone else in the past and wont for you in the present.

I mean, think about this for a minute or two and you'll realize how silly this sounds, you're mad at them for following their policy the way they were suppose to from the beginning. You even said, they admitted having a meeting about stricter enforcement of the policy recently. So basically you're saying unless someone deliberately disobeys a rule from the corporate offices and endangers their job for you, you'll never buy anything from them again; on top of this, the whole thing is about a stick they make is so high performance, so utterly awesome, you can't think of him playing with anything else.


Just seems like one of those thing's you just can't control, time to either pony up the dough or find a cheaper stick, you can't really be mad at a manufacturer for a hockey stick breaking.

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Back in the day when there was the $20 wood sticks no one ever complained when they broke.... Now a days just because consumers are spending $150+ on a stick their expecting it to last 8 times as long as that $20 wood stick. Companies offer that warranty to somewhat put the customer at ease about forking over that much dough for a stick, but they also offer it in one way or another to say, "hey we stand by our stick, but just incase something did go wrong when we manufactored it will give you 30 days to have that stick replaced!!" A manufactoring defect might not come about in the first shot or the first week, a hairline crack or a faulty fuse point might take weeks to come about. But truth be told after a stick has been used and abused for 30 days all defects can be ruled out for the most part. When i was in college i was going through roughly one stick every week or two. Thank god i was supplied with 24 a season. i was on the ice 2-3 hours a day 4 days a week for practice and then sometimes 2 games a week. I put my sticks through hell and i can honestly say probably 2 at most ever broke to what i would call a "manufactorers defect". After dealing with this issue for almost 7 years or so now i can honestly say im fed up with it. Hopefully soon the manufactores will learn that if they remove the warranty and lower the price then this issue will be solved and they'll save millions in warranty replacements. Lets say the stick costs them $50 to make, why do they have to sell it to us the pro shops for $120 where we then have to sell it for $160+++.... A little losening of the whips would go a long way here. I know a lot of research and developement go into these sticks as well as expensive airgrade graphite but there has to be a equalibrium that can be met. One piece sticks will never be "cheap" to buy, but if the prices come down for everyone i dont think consumers would mind as much if or when they broke!

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Well said CTHockey, I get into this with customers all the time, "Folks it's a hockey stick, you hit things with it, it's going to break."

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Flyerman I agree with you wholeheartedly. Personally I think ops for anyone below peewees at the youngest is complete overkill and most hockey players won't see any dramatic performance enhancement until at least bantams.

I have seen a marked improvement with kids using youth OPS. Those kids can't flex youth wood sticks but many of them can flex the youth composite. The composite blade won't go soggy like a wood blade, as those kids/parents aren't re-taping the blades after every game like they should if they want a wood stick to last all season. Plus, the parents just have to add a plug if little johnny happens to grow a bit over the year. As the kids start to get older they get in a rush to move up to the next level in sticks and usually use ones that are too stiff for their strength. Part of it is ego, part of it is lack of knowledge. Either way, I do think youth OPS are overlooked. Plus, if you have one at the right price point, you can make a fortune selling them.

As for the stick in question; High performance sticks aren't durable. As you have mentioned a couple times, you can see the improvement in his game by using this stick. The downside of the superior performance is that the sticks tend to break down, and break, much more quickly. No manufacturer has been able to make a high performance stick that has better than average durability. We'll be sure to rave about it once it happens though.

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I say good for the RBK/CCM for not giving you a new stick. It has been said, but it's hockey, 9yr olds can throw a pretty mean slash to each others sticks, who cares if he doesn't take slap shots, I can't remember the last time I took a slap shot and my sticks break every so often(btw my U+ is going 3mths strong)

The warranty on the stick has been abused so badly, people should be a least happy that for the most part compaines honor the 30 day warranty even though a very small amount of breaks are actually due to the manufacture defect. I hope they take away all warranties, now that they have everyone hooked on OPS and drop the price, or give us an option.

It says 30 days from purchase and they are sticking to it, what is so wrong about that, I know your choked about buying another overpriced twig, that turned your boy into a star, but you come off as a real ass, you should change your name to whinerguy. I think of all the post I have read since I joined MSH, this one gets the blood a little hot.

For my little guys it is 2-piece sticks for a number of reasons.

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I'm glad you are so happy for my kid losing his stick. Thanks for the support.

It is my choice to not buy from a company who will not work with me.

If they choose to be rigid in their warranty then I have the right to 1) let people know about it and 2) not buy ANY of thier products again. I figure between my three kids and myself (skates, sticks, pads, helmets, etc.) there is quite a bit of money over the years spent on gear which wil not be going to CCM (and I typically buy the higher end stuff).

I usually send my $ and time to companies who do not come across as rigid and will look at the circumstances of the situation. Just as it is their choice to not be flexible - it is my choice to not spend my hard earned $ with them. Sorry if that assaults your personal view of your beloved CCM but I am reporting the facts of what happened. If you are so enlightened as to not be a bit frustrated when you stick breaks a day or two out of warranty then you are a better man than me.

Am I happy about their response ?, of course not but do I need to funnel more money to them - absolutely not. My choice. They can choose to not be flexible and I understand that but the result is an unhappy customer. Regardless of whether I am being resonable or not (which I think I was, based upon the past experiences of many here with their warranty repair) they have an unhappy customer which they are choosing to say "too bad" to. I understand it. Can I do anything about it...sure.

Part of my post was 1) to see if anyone had any similar experiences 2) get some help on a resolution and 3) to let other know of my experience so that they might avoid it in the future.

If you want to bash on me for 1) being a bit pissed and 2) giving you some insight - go right ahead. I hope your equipment lasts forever so you never have a item break 1 day past the warranty period and have the company say "tough shit". I'm sure you will all just accept it and not try to contact the manufacturer to see if they can "help you out" because you "really understand and agree" with their warranty policy.

I really was not that pissed until I got the cold shoulder and bitchy response from their CS rep. I approaohed them in a totally honest and "I know this happened past your warranty period but....is there anything we can do?" to which I got, essentialy "tough shit" atttitude which shocked me. That is what frustrated me and led me to question - why should I be sending anymore money a company who would 1) not just warranty the stick but more importantly 2) treat me like "oh well" ? Their attitude about it was more troubling to me than the standing behind their policy.

Thanks for the responses (good and bad) but I just don't agree with CCM on this one.

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I understand your frustration but as a dealer and a player there are two sides to the story. Like most guys have said, OPS are going to break at some point. As a hockey dad with a player at the AAA level, I know you have made a commitment to your son's hockey. However, ask around and you will find out you are not the first or last dad this has happened to. Unfortunately, the OPS breaking just a few days after warranty happens. OK, so some guys were lucky(yes, lucky) to get a replacement for their 32 day old stick. Others, beside you, have already gotten the same "tough luck" answer from Customer Service. High end OPS are performance tools. The OPS enhanced your son's game. How many low/mid price point OPS did you purchase that lasted quite a long time? You have been getting the previous OPS to last for you. Add up the $ and figure this the total average of $ spent with how long all the OPS lasted. So, this OPS broke quickly. Look at the big picture.

If all anyone thinks about is how much money they are spending in hockey and equipment, maybe they shouldn't think about it so much if they want to play the game. The high cost of everything in hockey is a built-in component of playing hockey. We either have to accept it or move out of playing hockey. Yes, I'm so old that I remember $4 Victoriavilles and paying $6 for pick up hockey. Now I pay $200 for a OPS and $30 for hockey per session with my buddies. I do it because I enjoy it and want to do it. If it was about the money, I wouldn't do it.

As a consumer, you have every right to boycott CCM. As a dealer, it seems as if a lot of players already are!! However, what will you do if Easton, Bauer, Warrior, TPS, Sher-wood, and any other OPS brand does the same thing to you on the 32nd day? Have your kid quit hockey?

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What's the difference between it being one day out of warranty or one week out of warranty? Nothing, it's out of warranty.

Did it break because of a manufacture's defect? No? Then we shouldn't be having a warranty discussion.

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I really was not that pissed until I got the cold shoulder and bitchy response from their CS rep. I approaohed them in a totally honest and "I know this happened past your warranty period but....is there anything we can do?" to which I got, essentialy "tough shit" atttitude which shocked me. That is what frustrated me and led me to question - why should I be sending anymore money a company who would 1) not just warranty the stick but more importantly 2) treat me like "oh well" ? Their attitude about it was more troubling to me than the standing behind their policy.

Thanks for the responses (good and bad) but I just don't agree with CCM on this one.

Fine, obviously we're not going to convince you that a CSR who hears a thousand sob stories a day from people begging, asking nicely, demanding, and screaming at them for a new stick in warranty, out of warranty, "juuuuuuust barely" out of warranty, and under downright questionable circumstances, even though the company tells them not to, despite the fact that they just might loose their job for so much as getting you're hopes up about it ("Well I called yesterday and someone else told me I would PROBABLY get a new stick")...

Vent all you like, but I'll defend CMM, Warrior, Bauer, or anyone else who says "Out of the 30 days? Then no" and hangs up on you. I'm sure you're sob story was of great interest to the rep and listening to it is part of his job description, as is making the people calling after you wait longer while he sympathizes and comforts you.

They're just doing a job, and you seem to be taking it personally; if that and the previous posts about how warranties when done properly (not including all the bogus claims), cost companies far too much money as is, can't convince you to just move on and get over it, if you have to hold a grudge about it, that's your prerogative. But a lot of lifetime players, some of whom work for manufactures, retail and other positions along the line between factory and customer, are telling you that shit happens and don't seem to think they did anything particularly horrible here.

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Dark star - I hear you and thanks for the resonable response.

Of course I am venting on here and totally understand that some guys got "lucky'.

I guess it is my frustation with seeing what a difference it made in my sons game (surprisingly) and realizing that I was now in for expensive sticks for the long haul.

My only consolation was, "well, if it lasts a season...then it was worth it". When it broke 20 days after he started using it - it was like "damn, should I buy another...what if the new one breaks after 32 days ...then what?" Just another worry. I realize that is not on CCM - that part of it is on me.

So, as much as it sounds like I am over the top with my frustration. it is just one more thing to have to find a new stick that works (that maybe isn't as expensive) or stick with the CCM which I will worry about him breaking and being out a few hundred dollars when it is all said and done.

Does CCM make some good products - I'm sure they do - even though this stick is the only CCM thing I have purchased since I can't remember when. And I guess this expereince has just been a bad one. It is not like everybody is on here raving about the first U+ skate or stick when they had major issues with those - so it is not as if CCM has been hittig home runs with their latest products - is it possible that there is a defect in the design of stick causing them to prematureley break - maybe? The fact that you can't get through to thier warranty support line makes me question whether than their share of customers with problems - I don't know?

From my research (after this incident) and in my own personal opinion, CCM has an issue with the U+ sticks breaking (perhaps prematurely but of course I am biased to that conclusion now). I had hoped that CCM, if they are truly experiencing issues, would have stood behind it regardless of warranty. Maybe they are not having any issues with this stick and it is just normal wear and tear - but talking to various pro shops about the U+ (and before telling them about my issue), a good number of them said "we have seen the same breaking problem...you might want to try...".

I guess you either have flexibility and get really happy customers who tell others about how great the company and products are -or- you are more rigid in your policies frustrating some customers.

Not sure why everybody is so defensive of CCM - they have $150 of my money and I have a kids stick that lasted about 10-15 hours of hockey. Good deal for them, bad deal for me. Oh well. Am I allowed to be a bit frustrated coming out on the losing deal on that one.

CCM can be as short with me as they like and choose to reject my "sob" story -and- I can choose to not buy their products. If they treat enough "customers" similarly - I would guess they will not have fewer and fewer customers relying upon their equipment.

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Yeah, what assholes. They won't honor the warranty after the warranty is expired, for shame.

I don't blame CCM for not providing post-warranty support, but I would be annoyed enough with the CSR (assuming that dialog posted was accurate) to not buy any products from the company again...

It sucks that his kid's stick broke, but once it's past the warranty period I wouldn't expect a new stick.

edit: annoyed with the CSR because of the attitude, not the denail of warranty service. A CSR with a bad attitude can equal a loss of business, which is why companies normally terminate such employees...

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Frustrating is when you build an engine yourself using the best parts you can buy... then in less than 50 runs down the strip a wrist pin fails at the finish line turning 8100 (when the parts are being babied and with more camshaft in the setup would easily live spinning up nearer 9K). Taking the piston, cylinder wall/block, roller cam, roller lifters, both cylinder heads, the other pistons and aluminum rods, and oil pan with it. Warranty? Ha ha. Unfortunately I see issues like this now and then with my own stuff, and at work. I run the service department at an RV dealership and can tell you this: over the last year the manufacturers have tightened up tremendously with their goodwill offerings to folks out of warranty. Same deal... if you're one day out or one month out... you're still out of warranty. Often though if the customer bought from us we'll go the extra mile as the dealer to help out to some extent if not the entire amount. We know this goodwill gesture will likely retain them as a current and future service customer and possibly as a customer who'll trade/buy up front again. But if it's one we didn't sell we're not as likely to extend the same courtesy. In closing... I can understand your frustration... but... you have to realize it's a wear-and-tear item that no matter what will have a limited lifespan. And knowing the product warranty period is something you have to consider before any purchase. That said, I'd not be inclined to bash a vendor who is unwilling to step up once an item is out of their stated warranty period. I'd suck it up and be unhappy but realize the fact that 'shyt happens' and move along. And if the product was good I'd still not worry about buying another even after going through what you did.

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to be honest, i dont think there's much else CCM can do for you. Your son broke the stick after the 30 day warranty, regardless of when you bought it him. If i were you id just let it go, you were unlucky, but sticks do break, it is inevitable.

Next time you get him a stick, if you haven't already, take him with you to the shop and let him hold a few and pick out one he likes thats maybe a model down from top end. these are usually more durable.

Take a look at the flex, curve, lie of the stick and maybe we can help you find a suitable replacement.

Dont give up on CCM either, id be angry too, then again id have to pay over 4 times as much for a stick, but there's not really anything else they can do, they have to stick to their policy and they do make some really good products.

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As I said, I'm not defending CCM, I'm defending hockey equipment manufacturers. I've met people who break Easton sticks constantly, I personally go through vapor sticks like beers after a saturday night game. Some people can't seem to find a CCM that will last more than 2 months. It's not the stick, it's you. I've never broken a stick before in the flex zone, or before I'd been using it for at least 6 months. I literally outgrew every stick I had from 10 til 14, and then broke every stick through high school and college either in anger or going into a corner where the blade snapped. After that I snapped three XXVs in the flex zone in an adult rec league. I don't buy them but I dont take it personally. Half the people I work with say there is a stick company they wont buy anymore because they always seem to break their sticks and they all have a different brand they dont use.

Here's another tip: I personally also always say the same thing every time someone comes in with a broken stick. "yeah we see a lot of those" - why? because I work full time in a hockey shop, sticks break, customers come in looking for "anything else because man these are expensive" I'm not gonna say no it was obviously just that one stick, or you, just go grab another because I've never seen this stick broken before you came in today.

Again, go ahead and be frustrated, be frustrated that OPS cost so much and they still break but you know what, it's gonna happen with CCM, it's gonna happen with Mission, it's gonna happen with Sherwood. They break.

It's not personal, you're still talking about CCM like they personally hurt your feelings, like middle management overseeing entry level CRS people are targeting you specifically to write off. Easton is gonna tell you your out of warranty stick can't be replaced for free, so will Bauer, so will everyone else. CCM isn't doing anything different than any other company, you're just acting like they are because the CRS didn't really want to spend 20 minutes listening to you explain why you're the exception to the rule, a person just like that could easily be at all those other companies as well.

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Have you ever considered getting your stick fixed? I don't know where you live but in a lot of the urban centers, there is a place called "Stick Fix" or something similar where you can take your broke OPS and they will repair it for you for about $60-80. Lots of people claim that after repair the stick still performs as if it wasn't broken. So, instead of paying up for a new stick maybe you can just get it repaired for half the cost of a new stick.

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I bought an Easton Synergy SL. I used it as my backup stick (i.e. didn't see 1 minute of ice time) until I broke my S17 in a pickup. Pulled out the SL ... 3 shots later broke the blade.

It happens. It sucks but the warranty is there for a reason.

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The high cost of everything in hockey is a built-in component of playing hockey. We either have to accept it or move out of playing hockey.

And that doesn't bode well for the future of the game.

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