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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The Choices, The Choices!

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I ordered some Graf G70's last week that are coming in to my LHS this week. I'm currently using 705's with custom +.

Now i haven't had a problem with the custom + since replacing the cobras, but want to put LS2's on the G70's. Part of me wants to try something new and part of me is nagging me to stick with the custom +. Whats the main differences between the holders?

I know the LS2 will look alot better and i don't know, with the G70's being a high end skate, whether the custom + is a bit dated?

EDIT: Just read YouTuuk's post on a thread further down about the differences between holders.

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Why do you care about the way your holder looks? Appearance doesn't help you skate any better.

I prefer the Mission Pitch holder. It will allow you to try different settings without having to shave down your steel and it has some of the best steel on the market.

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Why do you care about the way your holder looks? Appearance doesn't help you skate any better.

I prefer the Mission Pitch holder. It will allow you to try different settings without having to shave down your steel and it has some of the best steel on the market.

Do you not see putting custom + on a top end skate a down grade then? I agree i've skated on them for a few years with no problems so could be best sticking with them.

I'll take a look at the Pitch. What skates do you have them on?

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Why do you care about the way your holder looks? Appearance doesn't help you skate any better.

I prefer the Mission Pitch holder. It will allow you to try different settings without having to shave down your steel and it has some of the best steel on the market.

Do you not see putting custom + on a top end skate a down grade then? I agree i've skated on them for a few years with no problems so could be best sticking with them.

I'll take a look at the Pitch. What skates do you have them on?

I have Pitch holders on my Mission S500s and my Kors, plus a spare pair in the closet. I used to put Custom+ on all of my skates and never considered it a downgrade, especially since they were a lot more durable than the pro lites that were on my tacks. The custom plus was heavier but was more comfortable for me. I was planning to yank the pitch off my first pair of S500s and slap some custom+ on them but I really like the way the pitch feels and holds an edge.

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Going to agree with the "who cares about looks and go with what's comfortable" approach. I like Custom+ and didn't mind LS2s but I just like the older crap better.

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Seems most on here slap Lightspeeds on instead of custom +, suppose its all down to personal preference at the end of the day.

Edit - I'm not overly fussed about the appearance, i just think the lightspeeds will look better, when i said i thought the custom + was dated i mean its got to be an old holder (I won't say how many years as i don't know)

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Just a random question, what setting do you have your Pitch set to? If 0 is neutral would -1 be closest to the TUUK C+'s?

I prefer the Neutral setting on the S500s, haven't tried moving around the Kors but I do feel back on my heels more in them. I will probably try them in the +1 setting this week.

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Going to agree with the "who cares about looks and go with what's comfortable" approach. I like Custom+ and didn't mind LS2s but I just like the older crap better.

Couldn't find another pair of ICMs?

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My question would be: Why change a good thing?

Haha, I'm a big fan of the Custom + holder and I'm not very fond of the LS holders that I had on my last pair of Bauers. I'm only 150lbs though, so that might make a difference.

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from my experience the Custom+ is good for skaters who like agility and skating between defence like a zig-zag, where as the LS2 better for speed and beating skaters to a loose puck, or that break away speed. I also found the LS2 I have the good "first move" in getting around a defence man, but once around them sometimes it hard to get back on track and "centered" and square to the net. Where as Custom+ the "first move" is not as quick, but its easier to get back on "track. So agility and balance for Custom+, compared to speed and quick first move for LS2's.

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from my experience the Custom+ is good for skaters who like agility and skating between defence like a zig-zag, where as the LS2 better for speed and beating skaters to a loose puck, or that break away speed. I also found the LS2 I have the good "first move" in getting around a defence man, but once around them sometimes it hard to get back on track and "centered" and square to the net. Where as Custom+ the "first move" is not as quick, but its easier to get back on "track. So agility and balance for Custom+, compared to speed and quick first move for LS2's.

Lightspeed2 is a stiffer holder meaning the energy transfer is more direct to the ice.

Custom+ is a softer holder that is more forgiving.

To the OP:

Either one will probably do you just fine after an adjustment period. If you've been skating on C+ for a long time the LS2 pitch along with the stiffer holder may not be comfortable to skate on. On the other hand, the slightly more forward lean along with more responsiveness may give you slightly better posture for a better stride and you may end up preferring the feel over the C+.

You're not going to get a definite answer without either seeing an expert or trying them both for yourself.

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Why do you care about the way your holder looks? Appearance doesn't help you skate any better.

I prefer the Mission Pitch holder. It will allow you to try different settings without having to shave down your steel and it has some of the best steel on the market.

Do you not see putting custom + on a top end skate a down grade then? I agree i've skated on them for a few years with no problems so could be best sticking with them.

I'll take a look at the Pitch. What skates do you have them on?

I have Pitch holders on my Mission S500s and my Kors, plus a spare pair in the closet. I used to put Custom+ on all of my skates and never considered it a downgrade, especially since they were a lot more durable than the pro lites that were on my tacks. The custom plus was heavier but was more comfortable for me. I was planning to yank the pitch off my first pair of S500s and slap some custom+ on them but I really like the way the pitch feels and holds an edge.

what is the process for doing the adjustment? I am considering putting tuuk C+ on my Graf 727s but the more I hear about pitch the more I think they'd be a better option because of the possibility of adjustment. So what does adjusitng entail?

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Loosen up the front screw, remove the back one, adjust it how you want it, and then put the screw back in. I ordered a set of Pitch3 holders as well. They should be here this week.

I've swapped settings on the bench between shifts

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In my opinion LS2's are the best holder hands down:)

I'm trying the LS2's for the first time on my new One75's, I've been on Custom+ for almost 20 years so it'll take a little getting used to. I skated in them for one game so far and can see the pro's and cons... They feel more stable and faster in a straight line but starting and cutting sharply are a bit more difficult, it'll take some adjusting and maybe some profiling if I get impatient but I did like the feel of the holders, felt more sturdy.

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Whats the difference between LS1 and LS2? LS2's about £50 more fitted, Is it worth it?

In my experience the LS holder has a hex nut and bolt system that is inferior to LS2's 8mm nut and bolt system, along with the steel that comes stock in the LS holder is LS steel and is inferior to LS2 or LS2.1 steel which comes stock in LS2 holders. As for the holders themselves I have not noticed much difference other than one has grey accents and the other either red or blue accents. Maybe some other MSH members can exaborate my findings....

P.S. there is no such animal as a LS1 holder, or even a LS2.1 holder. Cheers

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In my opinion LS2's are the best holder hands down:)

I'm trying the LS2's for the first time on my new One75's, I've been on Custom+ for almost 20 years so it'll take a little getting used to. I skated in them for one game so far and can see the pro's and cons... They feel more stable and faster in a straight line but starting and cutting sharply are a bit more difficult, it'll take some adjusting and maybe some profiling if I get impatient but I did like the feel of the holders, felt more sturdy.

I think its a visual thing. I felt the same way back when I switched, which was about six years ago. You will get used to them though.

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I'm skating in them again tomorrow night and will be trying them with the top eyelets undone... I read in an old thread that doing that helped someone else that had the same feelings as me. They said the boot is plenty stiff (which it definitely is, and is also slightly taller than my old Graf 705's) so leaving the top undone will add some mobility to the ankle and compensate for some of the additional blade length. I figure it's worth a shot and if it doesn't work out I didn't lose anything.

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