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Suggestions on Shoulder Pads Needed

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I'm looking for some new shoulder pads and would like some suggestions on what I should check out. I've been wearing Easton Synergy 700 for a few tears, but after two seasons of two broken collar bones, I'm hoping to find something different. I want something more protective, noticeable bigger/bulkier, but also fits well. Something that will widen my shoulders while protecting them. What should I be looking at?

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I'm wearing the Itech 655TL right now and they are very protective and feel great. The only time they feel bulky is when I'm putting my jersey on and it gets stuck on the spine protector on the back. The IceAIR fabric on the inside is a nice feature too. You should definitely check them out.

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rbk 9k

Collar bone, kidneys spine and back protection. And the shoulder protection is really good

I've been slashed and cross checked in the back with these and I don't even feel it

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i really like my vector 10's very mobile and protective for me. not the biggest shouldies but they got some hard shoulder caps.

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I have a Easton ST16 pads right now and they're focused more on spine protection, but also has very beefy shoulder caps that extend all the way out to the outer 1/3 of the clavicle (collarbone) which protects the glenohumeral joints very well. But I guess the thing I notice in general is that you can't be depending on cheap pads for protection, mostly because cheaper materials and less materials are being used. I would look into pads that are at least $50 or up. I know it sounds cliche and like a bad advise to shell out more $ but I'm no rep for any companies, I just know from experience

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I am always the nice guy but you should be looking at 45lb plates. Head up squats and power cleans hit them before they hit you. or just buy douglas

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Nothing is more protective than the old Douglas defenders. The newer top end stuff from any manufacturer is pretty solid and it should just be a matter of finding what fits you best. Anything that doesn't fit properly isn't going to protect you.

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Speaking of those Douglas defenders, does anyone remember the weight to them, or at least comparatively to todays off the shelf pieces that were similarly protective like a CCM 08 or 10, etc etc

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I bet you could get them from Douglas if you called them up

When you google their name it says specializing in football hockey and baseball pads

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I bet you could get them from Douglas if you called them up

When you google their name it says specializing in football hockey and baseball pads

If you look at their site, hockey's not on there anymore.

You might be able to get them to make you a pair if you call them up though. The question would be if the setup still exists to make it.

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Farrell... I love tem. They feel heavy on the shelf but they move with you. Very protective and adjustable if you want to take any of the protection out. Highly recommended.

I wouldn't think of suggesting them to someone with a history of injuries. Protect you from a puck, maybe. Protect you from big hits and stickwork, no chance.

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works well for me... Two seperated shoulders in my past. I love them and no problems thus far. Also suggest the old cooper V-Flex. Can't find them anywhere but loved them as a kid.

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works well for me... Two seperated shoulders in my past. I love them and no problems thus far.

Both of the kids I've seen leave HS games with shoulder injuries this year were wearing them. Not scientific, but I've seen way too much anecdotal evidence to suggest them to anyone playing contact hockey.

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works well for me... Two seperated shoulders in my past. I love them and no problems thus far. Also suggest the old cooper V-Flex. Can't find them anywhere but loved them as a kid.

I'm recovering from a separated shoulder and I had a full speed head on collision with my 9k's right on my shoulder and I didn't even noticed it.

This was a pretty big impact also, I'm 195 and he was probably 180ish

I had a similar one with a smaller kid and some regular style shoulder pads no JDP and I hurt it again really bad

The douglas defenders definitely would work also

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Hey Spartan....I was thinking of the Farrells....do they fit big? Im 40" and the sizing is right on the cusp...S -32"-40" M-40"-44". Big spread of 8" in the small but 4" in the medium.....

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