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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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0 shaped shafts? Who makes them?

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I broke my old branches performance pro shaft that i loved...the shaft was a lot more rounded then regualr shafts, it looked more like an 0 shape rather than a square [] shape.

Does anyone know of a shaft like this.


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wow...i never seen those trilage sticks but no, thats not the shape. Id like to try one of those though. The shape is lie the trilage but rounded on both side rather then convexed on one and rounded on the other...i think i saw a tps like this a while back but i cant find one at my lhs!

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Branches offered a rounded and a square shape for their 9900 and 9905 shafts. It's a shame they didn't last I liked their shafts and they did a great job with custom wood blades for me.

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I had an old Inno 1100 that was shaped somewhat oval all around

My friend had an Inno shaft back in the 90's when they first came out (as far as I know they were new at the time), they were still known as Innovative and the shaft was black with blue/white writing and dimple sort of things for texture and I definitely remember the shaft being the most oval shaft I've ever seen. Now I want to get in touch w/ him and see if he still has that thing, he got it right after Kovalev started suing one. I don't remember seeing any of the modern sticks being anywhere near as close to that level of roundness, they all seem pretty square to me more or less.

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here in east lansing at the peranis they had a couple ak27 pro stock shafts that were rounded like what your looking for, they really reminded my of the innovative i used to have when i was younger. but they are sold now, but if you near a peranis, they should beable to hook you up

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Bauer vapor shafts are rounded on the corners, However their supreme line is boxy. Stay away from warrior as well. I find that if you can use intermediate shafts, they feel rounder. I have had a vapor xxxx in both 67 and now 77, and the 67 was rounder.

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The Inno 1100 came in the "0" shape, as did the Hespeler 9010 and a couple of special "pro kick" versions of sticks. Some of the old Nikes were close to being wounded like those as well. In the smaller diameter shafts you have the Easton Cyclone, Graf shafts and TPS pro radius shafts. All of these will be very difficult to find.

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The TPS Rubber was rounded, you can find them every now and then. So was the wood looking one.

The colored ones were pro radius but the black was generally the standard shape from what I recall.

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The TPS pro radius from the 08 model year (I have 2 whip flex r8 tapered shafts lying around) are rounded, and quite small. Dont know if what you had was small, but the TPS gets smaller it seems as the shaft goes up. Maybe look for those.


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yeah...my inno 1100 is the 0 shape shaft rather than the [] style. Easton Cyclone is also very close in shape and in feel, closer than the 1100 IMO. Good stick for the price...i also liked that it came in a 95 flex. Also, it has more of a standard clear coat finish rather than the Polar Fiber on the shaft you would find on a lot of the 1100's.

It appears the site below is selling both 70 and 95 flexes for $79.99. Good price if you ask me...


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I'm in the same boat, I now shave down shafts to get them oval.

Try the TPS R8 tapered shaft. They come with pro radius.

The problem was I use 100 flex and those only came in 70 flex senior length.

Thus I had to sand my own shafts to oval shape

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Ha! LEGENDARY. I was going to say that...but i didn't want to put him on some wild goose chase looking for one. I have one left though...10/7 and 0-shaft. I will likely frame it.

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I'm in the same boat, I now shave down shafts to get them oval.

Try the TPS R8 tapered shaft. They come with pro radius.

The problem was I use 100 flex and those only came in 70 flex senior length.

Thus I had to sand my own shafts to oval shape

yep, I've only seen R8 pro radius in whip

Id love to have one in Reg, but no one carries one and Im not even sure anyone could order one for you

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