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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Thinnest blade on a one piece

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Not quite top of the range, but the high end ccm vector 08 is probably going to have the thinnest composite blade you can find.

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of mine: tie between Vector U+ & Response R10. i used to think my SL's were thin but not compared to those two and my Syn Elite positively needs to go on a diet :D

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I've always noticed that RBKs had thin blades. A result of how they manufacture their blades, entirely different than other companies. Of course I can't stand their blades either.

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German Titov Pro Synergy, no comparison; thinnest blade ever!

Completely unrelated but his story is impressive. Spent his hitch in the russian military in the artillery, not on the hockey club.

I know the Original CCM vectors (the light blue ones) had one hell of a thin blade.

That would be my pick for retail blades. The problem is thin doesn't really mean you get better feel. Thin without stiffness is kinda pointless to me.

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The TPS R8 Lite and R10 OPS have the thinnest blades. For replacement blades, the thinnest are harrow composite blades.

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Maybe it's just me but the Warrior blades are the thinnest I've used (never used a composite RBK or CCM). Christian Torch was one of the thicker blades I used. Both held up very well.

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My Warrior blades were never very thin. The Dolomite 2 tapered replacements at least. I assume the blades on their OPSs are about the same.

-1 on the durability of the RM series' blades. Junk.

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I know the Original CCM vectors (the light blue ones) had one hell of a thin blade.

I was sitting here trying to remember what blade I had that was super thin. That was it.

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Spezza Pro Stock!


sooo hard to find one :(

There is somebody on here trying to sell 3-4 of them

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Without having the new 10K and Octogun in front of me, me S17 is clearly most thin at the heel, but overall U+CL followed by U+ are most thin. The toes on the U+/U+CL are the most thin I've seen.

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