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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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3point5 and lhs workers

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Bought a 9500 helmet (bauer just gives a discount based on catalog list price). CCM U+ skates, U+ stick. Smith Optics sunglasses, and a pile of stuff from Underarmor (gives a code for use at their online store).

I very much like 3point5.

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Warrior gives you 90% off their product but their test is you have to kovalev the puck from centre ice on one knee.

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One of the guys in the shop ordered EPs from CCM. They shipped SPs. He eventually got it straightened out but it was a bit of a PIA. We have used it with Bauer also. It does help train your staff with product knowledge. I like 3.5. And yes it is only for retail staff as you have to be registered by your shop manager.

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the purchase form also has to be approved by the manager and theres limits to how many you can buy per year

Just like the employee purchase program, you can only buy one per category per year.

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