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Twitter dot com

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I had a friend ask me to join this site and I've heard a lot about it this past week.... What exactly is it? It basically looks like a facebook status update website.

If that's the case, I don't really see the point of it. I guess it sends you text updates but is there anything else special about it?

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i dont think its up to facebooks popularity yet - but there a TON of people starting to use it over the past year - I personally don't think it's revolutionary and dont really have a good use for it..

maybe someday

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Technically it's called "micro-blogging". Who knows its longevity, but it's an easy way to quickly say what you're doing or share interesting things with friends. My favorite twitterer has got to be Shaq.

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I love shaq's updates. :). I've been using it for the past 6 months or so. mostly I use it as a free way of text messaging friends, but it's a cool way to keep in touch with all my friends

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It's interesting that Facebook has now updated the layout which strangely resembles Twitter. I think twitter is perceived as being more adult, and with the spike in popularity I think it is definately the main rival to Facebook.

My personal favourite twitter sites are:

Fake Brian Burke (Hilarious) http://twitter.com/brianburke

Lance Armstrong (Interesting insights) http://twitter.com/lancearmstrong

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  RadioGaGa said:
Their is a new one called Friendster that is (apparently) going to kill both FB & Twitter.
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Friendster has been around for a LONG time, I had a Friendster account before a MySpace account.

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  chikinpotpie said:
To sum it up:

Its for people who believe that other people are interested in the most inane details of their life

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I'm surprised that to this day, you haven't made a comment about the edit I did on your MSH signature.

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  JR Boucicaut said:
  RadioGaGa said:
Their is a new one called Friendster that is (apparently) going to kill both FB & Twitter.
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Friendster has been around for a LONG time, I had a Friendster account before a MySpace account.

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Oh really....I guess I'm just slow to the party...Mind you I never had a myspace...and waiting a lonog time to get on FB.

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  JR Boucicaut said:
  chikinpotpie said:
To sum it up:

Its for people who believe that other people are interested in the most inane details of their life

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I'm surprised that to this day, you haven't made a comment about the edit I did on your MSH signature.

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Sippin Kirsch and throwin up?

I don't want to hear the story behind that one - lol

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  Race4LastPlace said:
I believe facebook wanted to purchase twitter but got denied, hence the new layout to kinda copy twitter
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I finally logged back into facebook today to accept a couple friend requests and check the details on a party... Holy shit did they make it terrible. The home page is just 50 posts of people saying the most trivial shit. I have used it to 1) look up an address to send a get well card 2) get phone numbers for people I need to call who either switched numbers or I never got one from. Fuck the people who randomly post on my wall to ask questions. I get the email and CALL them. I'd rather pay a quarter for a text than relay through computers when I carry my phone pretty much 24/7.


I've known about twitter for a while, checked some celeb ones such as those mentioned, felt those people should write books instead of observational/sardonic commentary. Bullshit. At least go get a livejournal for christ's sake.

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  Rustpot said:
  Race4LastPlace said:
I believe facebook wanted to purchase twitter but got denied, hence the new layout to kinda copy twitter
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I finally logged back into facebook today to accept a couple friend requests and check the details on a party... Holy shit did they make it terrible. The home page is just 50 posts of people saying the most trivial shit. I have used it to 1) look up an address to send a get well card 2) get phone numbers for people I need to call who either switched numbers or I never got one from. Fuck the people who randomly post on my wall to ask questions. I get the email and CALL them. I'd rather pay a quarter for a text than relay through computers when I carry my phone pretty much 24/7.


I've known about twitter for a while, checked some celeb ones such as those mentioned, felt those people should write books instead of observational/sardonic commentary. Bullshit. At least go get a livejournal for christ's sake.

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lol really have a problem with facebook eh?

If you have several friends on twitter, using like an iphone twitter app i can send messages to everyone without using text messages. asves that quarter ;)

But twitter can be pretty handy. Such as the other night a bunch of us wanted to get together and watch some college basketball. Instead of calling each individual, i sent out a twitter to my friends about where to meet up. There were a few ideas exchanged between us, and a decision. Everyone knew where to go, and it took about 2 minutes. It was a lot easier than playing phone tag or anything like that.

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  Race4LastPlace said:
lol really have a problem with facebook eh?

If you have several friends on twitter, using like an iphone twitter app i can send messages to everyone without using text messages. asves that quarter ;)

But twitter can be pretty handy. Such as the other night a bunch of us wanted to get together and watch some college basketball. Instead of calling each individual, i sent out a twitter to my friends about where to meet up. There were a few ideas exchanged between us, and a decision. Everyone knew where to go, and it took about 2 minutes. It was a lot easier than playing phone tag or anything like that.

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St Patty's is tonight, too many things going on in the evening tomorrow and classes Wednesday to celebrate tomorrow night. I am 1 of 2 drunks; happy/fun/too talkative or; abusive/angry/yelling/violent. Facebook can go die, I would be very happy to either have it back to friends' info and wall posts/messages or be strictly a hip classmates.com info database. Servers are cheap, someone go make me collegefriends.com and leave facebook to the 12 year olds!

People that send texts have texting plans, you can add multiple recipients. I have no text plan, so I don't want a tweet text, nor do I want to wait around my computer waiting for updates. I'd rather get a text that says "get on AIM/Facebook chat/planning something call me" than exchange 5-6 texts with my crew.

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