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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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This kid can skate and dangle better than all of you

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That kid will either end up being really good or hating the game because its no fun for him.

Man he wrecks my 3 year old. Hes almost 3and a half but no way he will be that good by 4.

Impressive, but a little scary.

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Okay, title is a slight exaggeration. But seriously, this kid is amazing. Only 3 years old at the time of the video.

well - he's been known around for quite some time - there're also vids of his first game (playing kids twice his age)...

with that a quick correction - he was 4 (-1 day) at the time of filming, but it's npt to diminish your point - the kid is definitely gifted!

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That kid will either end up being really good or hating the game because its no fun for him.

Impressive, but a little scary.


All depends on his parents.

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I agree...total puck hog hahahaha. But seriously, that kid is hilarious. Usually you are used to seeing the mites on ice at a nhl game and they are all over and falling. This kid would just fly right through them.

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It's funny if you watch the video of his first game. He's so small in all that gear around the bigger kids he looks like short, fat guy from the old Nintendo Ice Hockey game back in the 80's (before Blades of Steel I believe).

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That kid will either end up being really good or hating the game because its no fun for him.

Impressive, but a little scary.


All depends on his parents.

As someone with a 3 year old I can almost guarentee dad is not right. That video is proof of that. That kid is repeatedly running drills at age 3. I mean the baracades etc all setup. He is likely skating them daily. I am guessing I could get micah close to that if I skated him everyday rode him like a mule and sucked all fun out of the game. Whats the point? Dad right there pushing pushing pushing daily. Sounds like a party or hell. Mines almost 3.5 and keeping him focused takes work at time. That kid is almost being setup to fail. While there is no doubt he will be good their are factors that dad wont be able to control. My dad was the same with baseball. By the time I was playing High School ball I just was going through the motions and no longer wanted to play. I played because I was supposed to. I actually still have trouble with my sons like of baseball do to my dad. ROFL

Watching that game was sad. I guess his team must not like him to much. Watching it just made me laugh i dont think he ever even attamtped a pass. Odds are dad will ride him till he hates it and quits or worse and goes off the deep end when he fails or takes a bad injury.

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It mostly depends on the kid. I have two (almost 7 and 4), and they are so different. Since we can go to the rink for free we are there quit often. My 7 year old loves playing out on the ice with his friends. My youngest is out there sometimes, but not nearly as much as his brother. My point is it's either in their personality or it isn't.

I think I remember hearing that Great One's dad had to pull him off the ice he loved it so much. That's how you get good. The love of the sport is in you from the beginning.

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While my son loves to skate and would skate for hours, theres a difference between having fun with friends and practicing and running drills over and over and over again against cones and barricades.

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That kid will either end up being really good or hating the game because its no fun for him.

Impressive, but a little scary.


All depends on his parents.

As someone with a 3 year old I can almost guarentee dad is not right. That video is proof of that. That kid is repeatedly running drills at age 3. I mean the baracades etc all setup. He is likely skating them daily. I am guessing I could get micah close to that if I skated him everyday rode him like a mule and sucked all fun out of the game. Whats the point? Dad right there pushing pushing pushing daily. Sounds like a party or hell. Mines almost 3.5 and keeping him focused takes work at time. That kid is almost being setup to fail. While there is no doubt he will be good their are factors that dad wont be able to control. My dad was the same with baseball. By the time I was playing High School ball I just was going through the motions and no longer wanted to play. I played because I was supposed to. I actually still have trouble with my sons like of baseball do to my dad. ROFL

Watching that game was sad. I guess his team must not like him to much. Watching it just made me laugh i dont think he ever even attamtped a pass. Odds are dad will ride him till he hates it and quits or worse and goes off the deep end when he fails or takes a bad injury.

You can't be serious with your assumptions.... do you have any inside into this kids life besides the youtube video we have watched?

Don't put your personal BS on other peoples lives without knowing what actually is happening in theirs.

For all I can tell the kid was having all sort of fun doing drills and getting the gratitude from improving himself. See...

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sounds like you have no kids based on your argument. It shows you dont understand the mental capabilities of 3 year olds.

As someone with kids and in a huge family with lots of extend family members with kids there are some basic similarities in kids. 3 year olds will not do drills as they find them boring. They will do them if they recieve praise for doing so or punishment for not doing so. They dont generally grasp the concept of self improvement, there friggin three and still pissing themselves. This is why things like potty training and all other developement issues only work with rewards or punishment system. They also crave social interaction with other kids unless they are autistic. This is why things like standing in the corner making them issolated works as a punishment. Go watch a three year old skate class and watch the kids packed up wanting to play and socialize not listen and follow the lesson. My wife also has a masters in early child development and is a teacher of 9 years.

You can tell hes having fun? You cant even see his face but you can tell. sure deal. I know and work with 3 year olds every saturday morning at his rollerhockey class. I know no three year olds that wants to drill and have any desire you describe. They will do it if tied to praise and acceptance. That is why we are contantlypraising them out there to keep them going. I know some psychotic parents who want their kids to be like this kid and yell at them till they cry and drive the shit out of them till all they want to do is stop comming anymore.

You do make a valid point as to gratitude, However the gratitude is praise he is seeking is from his parents or to avoid punishment. If you had kids you would know that at three they seek praise and approval from their parents and friends. I use the term friend loosly. I am unaware of kids at that age having a desire to better themselves as a competitive measure again they dont graps self improvement unless tied to rewards and praise. That is how they learn what is good and what they should do to be good is by praise or punishment. I have never met a 3 year old that seeks to drill to get better. In order for him to be that good at that age he has been skating since probablly just before 2 and been drilling likely for most if not all of his 3rd year. Its horrible to say, but they are a lot like dogs. Unless they have issues they seek the pack and acceptance and they do things based on the reward system. Be it the praise of their parents or a treat or preferably both or punishment for not performing.

This is why NHL teams and almost every pro sports teams now do Psych screening to see if players are playing because they have a passion to play and compete in the game. The teams have found that once these prospects start developing and things get hard if they dont love the game they fail to develop further. I actually heard a GM of a team discussing this as to why persons may not be selected as high as predicted because they see something that concerns them as to heart or character. This psych screening came about because of parents driving their kids to hard to play. At some point they found out the some people were only there cause it was all they had known and been forced to do from childhood but hated doing it. These were not people they wanted on their teams.

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I like your point about psych screening. A lot of players lose their love for the game as they get older. It happened to me for a bit, and I hate myself for it because it wasn't the hockey i was tired of but other factors in my life.

I've seen many kids go this way due to their parents going psycho on them. Been training kids in hockey for almost two years now, of all ages, and I've seen everything form 16 years olds that don't want it to 4 year olds that do. But it doesn't mean they want it for themselves. Many times they're there for the wrong reasons: Dad wants the 6 yr old to make the team. Kid enjoys it because he doesn't know any other life other then hockey school hockey eat sleep. The child never has the chance to make a decision about what they want, they just do what they know.

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exactly man.

My son loves hockey, but also likes baseball and soccer. I let him play both. I am guilty of praising more and participating more in hockey, do to my love of the game. I let him explore though, and that said I throw him baseballs to hit whenever he wants, which is daily of late, and will also kick the ball around with him when he asks.

As someone who has coached kids I think you can agree that kids life appears to be eat hockey sleep repeat. He is a beast no doubt about it for 4. He is also beyond heavily coached. For christ sakes he is drilling at 3 by himself. That is not normal!

Hey Lawgoalie I just got my JD do you practice and if so what field?

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You can see that kid has talent and the dad wants to take hold, run with it & try to maximize the potential, which is not awful, but the risk of this going bad is usually higher than the good.

In my mind and experience this kid quiting the game is much more likely than going pro.

My older bro was the quiting, he probably wasn't at this kids level at 3, but from what my dad said after watching, he was pretty close. My brother always led his league in scoring and was always playing in a age group at least a year ahead. My dad pushed him a little to hard, skating drills after practise, faceoffs and shooting targets in the basement. When my bro was 15 he was run by a big player (Brent Dodginghorse, for those who know WHL) crushed my bro's shoulder, he missed the rest of the year. In his time away, he decided he didn't miss hockey and came to hate hockey, didn't hit the ice again until he was 23. My dad and him have a good relationship now, but for a long time it was really cold. My dad really regrets the pressure he put on him.

I am trying not to make the same mistake. My 6 yr old is obsessed about hockey, tries to play all day, skates good, but can score like crazy. But when I come home from work and he asked to play hockey, I give him 5-10 min of hockey and then it's something different, soccer/baseball/golf/board games.

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Armada I don't think he was saying he knows the exact facts, but was making a generalization and I bet its right. You def. don't have kids do you hahaha. Neither do I, but I spend enough time around my neices who around that age and have to agree ahbroody. Young kids, especially that young, don't even understand the concept of why they need to improve. They do something because it is fun to them or they get praise for doing it. I doubt there is a kid that age that ever wanted to practice so that one day he/she could be a pro and be highly skilled, excpet for maybe Tiger Woods. It just doesn't fit into their thinking pattern.

Look at a lot of great players, they all played a variety of sports before "choosing" hockey as the sport they wanted to pursue. And that really goes for a majority of sports.

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All that training and his dad didn't teach him that you don't steal the puck from your own teammate. That 2nd face off in his 2nd game was freaking hilarious, he actually lifts the stick of his teammate and takes the puck from him and proceeds to try to skate the entire length of the ice to shoot. He's just a little drone.

He might not make it far, not just because his dad will drill his way into therapy, but because his own teammates might take him out.

Apparently in this training regiment backwards skating, one leg skating, deep knee bends and lifting the puck on a shot all come before PASSING.

Don't mean to rag on the little guy, eh, who am I kidding this is frigging idiotic, yeah I mean to rag on him. It's ricockulus.

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