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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

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Helmet - CCM HT2 (not a great fit)

Visor - Oakley Modified Aviator

Shoulder Pads- Jofa

Elbow Pads: - SherWood

Gloves - Custom HGT and M1 Pro

Pants: - M1’s

Shin Pads - Bauer 8000

Skates - Bauer 7000 (They still hurt)

Sticks - XN10, Redlite XN10, SherWood 9950 and 950

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Helmet: Bauer 5000 (EDIT)

Cage: Bauer Tru-Vision which will never change, just great

Shoulder Pads: SherWood 5030 light weight, small, low profile, just awesome, just bought new M-2s(EDIT)

Elbow Pads: Bauer 5000's too big and bulky, new TPS Contours, sweet pads(EDIT)

Gloves: Easton Ultra Lite with wrist wrap, and TPS HGTs, by far the best gloves I have ever worn (EDIT)

Pants: Bauer Pro. Can't say enough about them, absoloutly in love

Shin Pads: Really, really old ones, I don't even know what they are because the logo's are gone. Looking into TPS Contour ones

Skates: Graf 502's, like them alot. Wish I had the money for 705's

Sticks: Tricore with PTC Tkchuck blade, absoloute TANK. THis thing takes a beating and a half and still preforms great. Awesome puck feel, snap, and weight is good too, and I love Pro-Radius. Synthesis with shaved down SherWood blade, Response + Tkchuck curve in the mail! (EDIT)

Edited by Dan_The_Man_16

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Helmet-CCM 652 x-ray

stick-franklin air core 7035...z-buble...and koho revolution(shaft) got franklin and ultra graphite blade

Shoulder- easton extreme..(i think that the name)

Elbow- itech...don't know the name...

Gloves- easton ultra lite PRO..looking for vapor XV or XX

Pants- bauer supreme 6000

Shins- bauer shift(like supreme 7000)

Skates- ccm pro tack 1152 t blade

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Roller hockey here :D

Helmet: ProStock Bauer 4000/5000 hybrid type deal-Used it for about a year, and this thing fits like a stretch-fit baseball cap. Amazingly comfortable.l

Elbow Pads: V12's-Best fitting elbow pad ever.

Shin Pads: Nike V10-Didnt like the non-elastic strap, so i cut it off. Very comfortable and protective.

Shoulders: None, but if i need to wear them, i throw on a Tour moisture wicking/foam padded shirt

Inline pants: Mission Injections, Mission d1's, Eagles, and many others. I stick with mission due mostly to sponsorship reasons, and have no compaints.

Gloves: Eagle Special Edition X70 Goatskin.I have never put a better glove on my hands. Custom Pink Eagle X70's with split fingers for S&G's. Split Fingers are the way to go. Mission M1's-yellow. And hopefully some Heliums when the become availbile.

Skates: S500 boot, RS alloy, SE Blue Dynasty's, MOC-9 airride bearings. I had XX's on alloy's and seriously think that the s500's are lighter. MOC9-Airride bearings are superlight and spin forever with the right lubrication :) Mission D2c and V12's sitting around somewhere. Had one complaint with the D2c's and the very nice people over @ mission got my back on track.

Sticks: Basically everything on the market except for the vectors. I use a RP Stealth, 3 parrish si-cores, RLXn10/PTC all in rotation.

Edited by Thockey17

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helmet- bauer 5000 with itech cage. need a new bucket bad

shoulders-jofa 9800, awesome protection

shins-jofa 8060, couldnt be happier

pants- nike quest 1, way too small and tight, not too happy

gloves- CCM GI Paul Laus, love em plus they have awesome protection

skates- vapor xx, love em even though my shoes are stiffer lol

sticks- easton synergy 85 drury, prototype ccm v110 vector thornton, love em both but leaning towards drury now

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Helmet-Bauer 5000 one black/one blue. Nice fit for my head

Cage- Chrome jofa. looks sweet and protects!

Shoulders-Synergy. Nice liner and protects me good, hate the neck piece tho

Elbow- Z-air 2003. slip to wrist but dont plan on buying new ones :)

Pants- M-1. nice pants with great price!

Shin Gaurds- synergy....i love them, there just like my old z-airs

Skates- Graf 727 with t-blades......Best skates ive owned

Sticks- Hull xn10 painted like response plus and many shafts with dury z-carbons

Gloves- Eagle x70 with repalmed goatskin. nice but the original palms sucked,

Easton Z-air 2003.Good glove again, i hated the plam cause it ripped easy.

Last, My custom HGT's (frolov WC editions) which ill get in a few weeks.


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Helmet-Bauer 3000

Visor-Itech Combo Deluxe 2

Shoulderpads-Itech 895 I think

Elbowpads-Jofa somethings

Gloves-Eagle H35

Pants-NYR Franklins

Shins-Jofa 9040

Skates-Nike V12's

Sticks-Innovative Commander/1100 260 Flex Modano Z Carbons

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Helmet: Bauer 8000

Visor: Itech Pro Wave

Elbow pads: Old School Coopers (nice and small)

Gloves: Ramzi Abid Game Used Black Nylon Easton's, NYR Easton Pro 4400's and Eagle X-70 Black and White Pro Glo's

Pants: Easton Air

Shin pads: Easton Air

Shoulders: Hespeler Classic (Lace up style)

Ice Skates: Z-Airs

Inline Skates: Easton Air's with Kuzak Split Frame Chasis

Sticks: Carter M-1 (Weird thing is it's marked Gaborik), Drury Old Gold Grip Synergy, Z-Bubble Grip with Pro Hull Blade and Pro Return Tom Poti Aluminum w/ Z-Bubble Graphics with Koho Poti Blade

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Helmet- Bauer 5000, and Nike Quest

Gloves- Black Synergys

shoulder pads- missions

elbow pads- bauer 8000

pants- mission warp

shin pads- bauer X-act

skates- Bauer 8090

sticks- misson m2 shaft, syn grip, vector 120, repsponce plus, reg syn, tri flex, and old ignite 1 shaft

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Helmet: Bauer 8000 package- very comfortable, not the best looking helmet out there but what can ya do about it.

Shin pads: some old bauer things

Stick: Louisville xn10 messier

Skates: Vapor xx's- fairly good skates so far haven't had anything to complain about.

Elbow Pads: Easton Ultra lights

Pants: CCM 852

Gloves:Eagle x50i

Shoulder Pads: Bauer supreme

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Helmet- Bauer 5000

Shin pads- Bauer 300's

Stick- Anything wood, Synthesis and a SL

Skates- Graf 735 with blue clips.

Elbow pads- Bauer Supreme 1000

Pants- Tackla

Gloves- Oakley Mace

Shoulder pads- Bauer Supreme 1000

Bag- Graf carry

Shampoo- Lo`real Kids Strawberry Smoothie

Edited by Morrow

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Helmet: Bauer 5000

Elbow Pads: Easton Ultra Lites

Gloves: Bauer Vapor XX(great fit, very snug but lose on the cuffs)

Pants: CCM

Shin Pads: Bauer(too old to know the model)

Skates: CCM 352 and Nike Hi-Ho Silvers

Stick: TPS Redlite XN10 with a TPS Tkachuk X-1 Blade(great feel and balance)

Also I recently took off my cage and am looking for a visor if anyone would have some recomendations it would be grand.

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Helmet: Bauer 4000 w/jofa 480 cage

Skates: Bauer Supreme 8090

Pants: Bauer girdle with tackla shell

Gloves: Custom nylon, green/white MIA Mb22, Bauer Vapor XX black

Stick: Easton Synergy sl grip, forsberg 100 flex

Shoulder:Bauer 8000 lightspeed

Elbow: Bauer ek46

Shin: Bauer 4000

Edited by MJDhcky9

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Helmet: Nike 0004 - Ok fit, would prefer something a lil more comfy but it doesn't bother me enough to change

Visor: Itech straight shield - pretty happy with it, some fogging after 2 seasons of using anti-fog sprays on it

Gloves: Easton Air '02s - decent glove, will try Helium's or XVs down the road

Skates: Bauer Vapor 6 - fit my feet great, really like em

Pants: Mission Warp Zero - too bulky, way too heavy, but great protection

Shin Pads: Itech Kinetix - no complaints here, they were cheap

Elbow Pads: Franklin - but will be switching to V-10s in future

Shoulder Pads: Itech Kinetix - good light pad

Stick: Mission Flyweight 12-9 Bio w/R2 Comp (Tucker), love it. A cut 10-7 Fly with TPS XX wood blade as backup.

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Skates: Bauer Vapor XX

Shinguards: Jofa 8090

Pants: Tackla 9000

Shoulder Pads: Jofa 9800

Elbow Pads: Some tiny, old TPS ones

Gloves: TPS HGT

Helmet: Bauer 5000

Sticks: P31 TPS XN10, McCarty Inno Novius, and soon to be McCarty Inno True 1. I've never really liked the XN10, so I'm probably going to sell it.

Edited by tkachukfan

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Helmet-Bauer 5000

Cage-Jofa 480 with non-floating chin

Shoulder-Bauer Vapor 10's (sternum protector sticks out way to far and is uncomfortable

Elbow-CCM 552 (No complaints)

Breezers- Old school CCM Supra from the old high school order.

Shins-Easton Air's too small though. I'm looking at a pair of Jofas on closeout.

Skates-705's with Tuuks

Stick-Mission M-2 Holmstorom Long Hoselled Inno and a Grip lite with a short hoselled Kariya Inno

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Helmet: Itech HP 100 with a Bauer 8000 Cage

Shoulders: 02 Easton Air

Elbow: Bauer Shifters

Pants:Itech 8000s, Easton Z-air

Gloves: Easton Synergy, and 02 Easton Airs

Shin: Easton Air

Skates:03 Easton Air, and 04 Easton Air SBX

Sticks: 04 Easton Silver Synergy, O3 Easton Synthesis, and soon to be Stealth. All Sakic

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Helmet : Nike Quest with Jofa white cage....great ventilation!

Shin Guards: Jofa 3500 (old and cracked) and Mission M-1's (VERY COMFY)

Elbows: Some Koho's (3590 i think) that i got on major clearence for like $1.00 :lol: Very comfy though

Skates: More of a roller player. Mission Wicked lights with a Mission Team pro Generator Chassis ,Rink Rat Hot Shots and Titanium BSB bearings. I have Nike Quest 4 for ice......

Sticks: TPS Response + whip Tkachuk (My Favorite for slappers), XN10 Int. Tkachuk (favorite for snappers and wristers), Mission L-2 Int. with a TPS x-lite Jr. Messier in it.......Nice stick too, great whip.....

Gloves: Eagle X70 PRO GLO Red/Black 14" ( had these for over a year and a half and love them ;) )

Edited by kovalchuk71

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Helmet- 8000 helmet and cage

Shoulder Pads- Vapor 10

Elbow Pads- Some jofas dont know model

Pants- Nike Quest 2

Jock- Plain yellow one

Shin Pads- Easton PLD (basically airs, just smu)

Gloves- Eagle x70

Skates- Easton Air

Stick- Free sicore

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helmet-bauer 5000

shoulder- easton old school

elbow-easton synergy

pants-easton synergy

shins-easton ultra air

skates-easton Air sbx

gloves- easton z-air

jock- ITECH!!!

i think thats everything, and if it isnt i think u can guess...

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Helmet: Bauer 8000 w/ Jofa 480 chrome

Shoulder pads: Bauer 2000

Elbow Pads: Bauer 5000

Gloves: Mission M-1

Pants: Bauer Vapor 8 girdle w/ tackla shell

shingaurds: Bauer 5000

Skates: Mission Purefly

Sticks: Mission M-1, Easton Synergy Si-Core, 2 Mission flyweights w/Easton Synthesis and Louisville R2

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