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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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present for the g/f

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i really am stuck with this and need some ideas. Her birthday is on saturday and i cant seem to find something to get her. Most people would say jewelry or clothes ect.. but the problem is that she has EVERYTHING. Any ideas?? i know at the minimum im taking her for dinner. I dont want to get her something ridiculously huge .. just something unique and that will make her happy. HELP!!!

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Has she used the line: "You'd know what to get me" yet? If so, she gets an Xbox 360. End of story.

In all seriousness though, if she really does have 'everything', get her a nice $200 giftcard to some high end clothing line.

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Don't get her anything. Teach her material objects aren't important. The only thing that's important is that she keeps you happy and your happiness is the greatest present she can ever get.

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Yeah man, I don't know about the $200 giftcard...any girl I've been with, you gotta come up with something better than that.

A good cop out is something you can do together, an event rather than a material object...if you are in TO, tickets to some musical or play is usually a decent option.

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i wouldnt give her something, i would take her somewhere nice to eat, and then as said before a play or musical, or maybe even take her to a romantic place for a night or two...lol..

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My go-to is tell her you have plans for 'something' just start driving and surprise her with an event when you get there. I did for my girlfreind's birthday last year, and probably had the best reaction from it of than any other surprise or gift I have given to her.

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I'm a fan of the activities as well. Go out for a day trip, maybe see a band she likes, go somewhere she's always wanted (within reason), etc..

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make her something? a little keepsake or something that's pretty cheap and she will think is oh-so-cute.

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Something that I did once was tell her to not plan anything for one day and show up at my house in sweats..

What she didn’t know is that I reserved her a full day at the spa with all the fixings hair nails massage etc.. So I surprise her and drop her off and pick her up when she was done... Then we both got dressed up I gave her some flowers and we then went to dinner and a show at the local theater... Didn’t spend a whole ton of money but the key was I made the day all about her... Hope that helps..

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Concert tickets or spa day. Both are something you can do together and are something she doesn't already have.

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If you actually like the girl ask one of her friends to help you out. Bonus points include:

Getting to know her friends - It'll probobly mean alot more to her then you.

If the presents crap you have a scapegoat.

If your lucky she'll think your cheating on her with said friend and you'll go from zero to hero twice as fast when she find out.

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hahahah if you want to be cheap and not get her anything use " i just ordered it and it hasnt come in yet."

take her somewhere nice. if its a nice day take her to the beach and then after dinner.

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Gift cards are great gifts for men, for women it's like saying "I don't know you that well and/or didn't put a lot of effort into this gift." A decent dinner and a funny t-shirt, if it has some person effect, will get you a lot more milage than gift cards. I'd go with the event ticket suggestion, women love that crap.

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Whatever you decide to get her....get her a sex toy of some kind as well...

Then, if she doesn't like the first gift...she can go screw herself.

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Whatever you decide to get her....get her a sex toy of some kind as well...

Then, if she doesn't like the first gift...she can go screw herself.


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Whatever you decide to get her....get her a sex toy of some kind as well...

Then, if she doesn't like the first gift...she can go screw herself.


I'm sure it's been used before...but I stole it from a Sopranos episode.

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Ok this is mushy but depending on how serious you two are, this is something I did for my bf but I'm sure a gf would like it too.

For his 26th bday this year I got him 26 different items that stood for wishes I had for him. Example: "Drive"- round of golf, "Warmth" - sweater, "Get what you aim for"- ammo, "Vision"- hockey visor... it wasn't all expensive stuff as there were a few things like "Kisses"-Hersheys kisses & "Health"-Superman bandaids.

Pretty much anything that shows a girl you put some thought into and shows how much you care about them should be something they end up really loving over anything materalistic.

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Buy her a teddy bear or something and put earrings on the ears. Worked wonders for my gf. Then I found out she was sleepin with my teammate. :/

nice idea and dam that sucks for her sleepin with your teammate.

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Yeah man, I don't know about the $200 giftcard...any girl I've been with, you gotta come up with something better than that.

A good cop out is something you can do together, an event rather than a material object...if you are in TO, tickets to some musical or play is usually a decent option.

Yeah, but my girlfriend loves clothing lines. Me and the woman have had several discussions on this, and it's just a safer route for me to take. But that's just the small side gift. Take her out for dinner, maybe a show in downtown at one of the theaters, etc...

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hahah thanks for all the responses. I spoke to her "best friend" and she didnt know what to mention, then mentioned the most vague things possible.. I think i might do a day at the spa, she works a ton and i know would appreciate that. Ill keep you guys posted

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