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Reebok 10k Sickick II

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I received an email from Reebok today stating that the new Reebok 10k Sickick II is the lightest stick ever at 429 grams. Correct me if I am wrong, wasn't the original stealth at 395 grams? I'm curious as to how they can state that.

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It all depends on the length that they are measuring. I believe the original Stealth was weighed at a shorter than "industry standard" length.

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I received an email from Reebok today stating that the new Reebok 10k Sickick II is the lightest stick ever at 429 grams. Correct me if I am wrong, wasn't the original stealth at 395 grams? I'm curious as to how they can state that.

It specifically says that it is REEBOK's lightest stick ever, not THE lightest stick ever.

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I received an email from Reebok today stating that the new Reebok 10k Sickick II is the lightest stick ever at 429 grams. Correct me if I am wrong, wasn't the original stealth at 395 grams? I'm curious as to how they can state that.



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No, he had the 9K last year, and then been with the 10K as soon as he could get out of the 9. I've never actually seen him with a 8.0.8., unless someone can provide evidence to contrary.

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i'm like totally confused about the dog btw...and i don't think datsyuk ever used a 8.0.8 , i think they might have made the 10k too good lol

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Yah, I'm confused too. How does your dog line up a gig with Scholastic?

But the 10k is a sweet looking stick. For those that have used it does it feel well balanced?

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A long time ago, when someone didn't read something correctly, I would post that. It is my dog, Chico, who did an ad for Scholastic Books. My sister owns a graphic design firm and Scholastic is one of her accounts. So Chico was the star of the ad. LOL so if you see that picture posted by me, it means YOU DID NOT READ, and perhaps, you should read more so that you can improve your fluency, latency and comprehension. And if you don't, he'll bite...er...lick you to death. Cuz he's a punk.

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Can anyone remember the weight of reebok's top end stick from 2006 I think, for some reason I'm under the inpression that it was quite light as well....?

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ye 395 grams...wasn't it the original 7k? blue/white

hey JR where's chico now?

Exactly the weight I was thinking, they had them listed on the monkey till a couple of days ago, so now I'm not sure if that may have been an intermediate stick...

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i just recieved an email from rbk saying "Reebok Hockey - Introducing the new 10K Sickick II. Click here for more details." meaning that its going to come out on the market very soon

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