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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL '12

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I have that happen to me at times in a GM season and it's annoying as hell. It'd be one thing if it was a softer d-man missing the hit but this has happened to me with Hamhuis and Weber. 90% of the time that shit ends up as a goal on a 2-on-1 but I can put a big chunk of that blame on Pekka Rinne's rating.

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I have that happen to me at times in a GM season and it's annoying as hell. It'd be one thing if it was a softer d-man missing the hit but this has happened to me with Hamhuis and Weber. 90% of the time that shit ends up as a goal on a 2-on-1 but I can put a big chunk of that blame on Pekka Rinne's rating.

Yup. Exactly what I'm saying. Sure, a small D man wont lay out someone like Joe Thornton but it should at least cause him to lose the puck and some momentum.

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Some days I love this game, other days I hate it. The worst part about it is I don't know why. Meaning I don't know if it's lag, host advantage, me sucking, playing against very good players or what. But there are times when I just feel like I can't do anything. The worst is people that zig zag as the try to take your blue line. It's almost impossible for me to hit them or stop them. The Defensive AI SUCKS in this game as well. I'll try to play the trap and stand em up and the blue line and force the oppposing player into one of my dmen, but he'll just let him go by. That shit is irritating. My record is like 160-100 or something and I've probably raged quit about 15 times :lol: Some days the game feels smooth, other it doesn't and I don't know why. I'm talking about vs. mode here too. And I play as the Sabres about 80% of the time. I just can't seem to get into offline mode anymore, nothing beats playing against a real person.

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I'll try to ... stand em up and the blue line and force the oppposing player into one of my dmen, but he'll just let him go by. That shit is irritating.

Kinda reminds me of my men's league team! :lol:

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Some days I love this game, other days I hate it. The worst part about it is I don't know why. Meaning I don't know if it's lag, host advantage, me sucking, playing against very good players or what. But there are times when I just feel like I can't do anything. The worst is people that zig zag as the try to take your blue line. It's almost impossible for me to hit them or stop them. The Defensive AI SUCKS in this game as well. I'll try to play the trap and stand em up and the blue line and force the oppposing player into one of my dmen, but he'll just let him go by. That shit is irritating. My record is like 160-100 or something and I've probably raged quit about 15 times :lol: Some days the game feels smooth, other it doesn't and I don't know why. I'm talking about vs. mode here too. And I play as the Sabres about 80% of the time. I just can't seem to get into offline mode anymore, nothing beats playing against a real person.

i share your feeling, if guys deeke franticly with there skillstick, all of a sudden, all your players turn away and the goalie falls into a full split...

One thing they need to correct is guys holding a guy against the boards wen the player does not have the puck...

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Sounds neat, but I wish they'd fix what's wrong with the current version before going onto new additions that they'll no doubt screw up.

In more screwed up trade logic, I was offered this whopper last night:


Mike Rupp

Mark Eaton


Marty Brodeur

4th rd pick

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Sounds neat, but I wish they'd fix what's wrong with the current version before going onto new additions that they'll no doubt screw up.

In more screwed up trade logic, I was offered this whopper last night:


Mike Rupp

Mark Eaton


Marty Brodeur

4th rd pick

What team were you?

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NJ. I try to keep outrageous trades to a minimum but it's pointless when I know two computer-controlled teams will actually make a stupid trade like that. I reset the GM season I started before that when I saw Crosby traded.

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Sometimes I feel like the online one on one part of the game will reflect what is actually going on in the NHL. Maybe it's just me but when the Kings were on that 9 game win streak I was unstoppable as them in NHL 10. I was like "Wow, I'm getting reallllly good!" then as soon as Quick started playing badly it seemed like any blue line slapper or wrist shot would whiz under his blocker or below his pads. Anyone know if they try to do things like that? I mean, it would make sense I guess to mess with the AI like that since they constantly change rosters based on injury anyway. I would just like to be told "This team is sucking IRL right now... so they suck here"

Am I crazy?

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Sometimes I feel like the online one on one part of the game will reflect what is actually going on in the NHL. Maybe it's just me but when the Kings were on that 9 game win streak I was unstoppable as them in NHL 10. I was like "Wow, I'm getting reallllly good!" then as soon as Quick started playing badly it seemed like any blue line slapper or wrist shot would whiz under his blocker or below his pads. Anyone know if they try to do things like that? I mean, it would make sense I guess to mess with the AI like that since they constantly change rosters based on injury anyway. I would just like to be told "This team is sucking IRL right now... so they suck here"

Am I crazy?

i notice that too but one train of thought is that you mimic what you see, if a team plays bad, you might play bad too...

i know what you mean buddy, trust me but i cant confirm that...

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Fuck no. Trees scare me.

If you get out and say Hi every couple weeks, they won't hurt you

In Soviet Russia, you scare tree!!!!!!

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If you get out and say Hi every couple weeks, they won't hurt you

Yeah, you have to make it seem like you want to be their friend. If they find out you're avoiding them, it might not turn out well.

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If you get out and say Hi every couple weeks, they won't hurt you

In Soviet Russia, you scare tree!!!!!!

Im sorry but your avatar and sig .. Are you a Yakov fan ?? I know the dude as I lived in Branson , MO , where he has a theatre, for a few years.

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Im sorry but your avatar and sig .. Are you a Yakov fan ?? I know the dude as I lived in Branson , MO , where he has a theatre, for a few years.

Never saw him live, but my dad loved him and had tapes of most of his stuff. he's ridiculously funny.

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