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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL '12

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Maybe try the aggressiveness slider for the AI? Not sure what it tweaks, but maybe that will get their D to stay back a little. It might make their forwards play like little girls though.

As I said before, turning shot power up a notch seems to help a bit. I still mostly score on garbage rebounds, but when you turn shot power up a bit you can actually beat a goalie clean on a wrist/slapshot. I went up one notch on power, and shot speeds seem to be pretty realistic. Guys with big shots have 100+ MPH slapshots and 60-70 mph wrist shots. I remember seeing Fernando Pisani hit 70-some mph on a snapshot (he was showing his training center in Canada) and I don't think he has the hardest shot in the NHL.

I'm a little frustrated that it seems like they put so much emphasis on shots from the point to get rebound goals. As I'm getting used to the new passing, I'm liking it more and more, but I'm still trying to find a fine line on pass assistance and pass speed. It's weird that I'm pressing the pass button the same (or it seems like I am) but sometimes I get a hard pass, and other times I get a little floater. Frustrating when I miss a guy for a breakaway because I can't pass it hard enough to him.

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Playing online ranked matches blows now. Didn't take long. All anyone ever does is the pass across the crease one timer goal. Over and over. I spend all my time setting up the D-Man to kneel and block that pass. There is no sense in trying any other way to score yourself because they are going to be able to score more goals doing that than playing normally.

my sentiment exactly, and why cant you score on a good wrist shot blows my mind...

Goaltenders are superheros, I mean I get 40 shots and hes still stopping em like its nothing, 10 shots on one power play, I mean why dont they get tired like players do?...

The glitch goal wrap around from behind the net is still there...

The game just feels broken, it does not reward good positioning or lack there of...

Once the NBA season starts, this game becomes a coster...

NHL 09 is the best game they ever made...

Complain about glitch shots and you say NHL 09 is the best game ever? '10 is far and above better in all aspects of gameplay compared to NHL 09.

09 had a ton of glitch shots.....so far the only one in 10 is the across the crease one timer.

dude the cross crease pass is a stapple of hockey, if you somehow mess that up in a videogame, you might as well close shop...

Yes 09 had a couple of glitch shots but you could actually defend against them and honestly, to me the fun factor was way better in 09, all this bs after the wistle just makes the game long for no reason, also mapping the lift the stick with a hooking must be the dumbest thing ever, why even include hooking? its like putting a button where you throw a elbow...

honestly dude, the game is wack online anyway, the game was not perfect in 09 but it was not that broken where they needed to reinvent the game, sometimes less is more

and dont get me started on these unlockables and game packs, how shamefull is that

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Any of you guys unable to access all your players in the "Roster Moves" section? It seems a bunch of my guys just aren't listed there and aren't on the trade screens either, anyone know what's up?

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The odd part is my defenseman gets way more goals than my sniper, all from the point, all slappers, mostly unscreened. Oh well. It's still fun for me.

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See I can never center it out to my guy, it always goes right on the other player's stick.

Maybe you can crank up interceptions?

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Click down on the right stick.

I just had the CPU score two unanswered goals in the last two minutes, two games in a row. Both game tying goals were cross crease in the last minute, because my AI teammates are standing around with their thumbs in their asses. One of the four goals was my fault, but both tying goals were because the AI didn't pick up their guys, and let the pass go right through the crease. Talk about frustrating.

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How do you leg fake for 360?

click the right thumbstick

sidenote: im loving this game so far. Currently riding a 12 game winning streak in versus play. I really started to pick up the little things in the game to enhance game-play. Definitely an improvement to 09 in my eyes...

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One major thing that I dont like is, that its really hard to get experience points in "Be a Pro" mode. If you ever played UEFA you score a goal and get about 700 points in NHL I score 6 + 5 assists and manage only 22 points for offense.

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One major thing that I dont like is, that its really hard to get experience points in "Be a Pro" mode. If you ever played UEFA you score a goal and get about 700 points in NHL I score 6 + 5 assists and manage only 22 points for offense.

I was complaining about the same thing then I realized, the reason they made it so hard to get experience in BAP is so you'll buy more of the boost slots, and upgrade items. Lame, I know, and agree, but it's part of the marketing strategy.

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One major thing that I dont like is, that its really hard to get experience points in "Be a Pro" mode. If you ever played UEFA you score a goal and get about 700 points in NHL I score 6 + 5 assists and manage only 22 points for offense.

I was complaining about the same thing then I realized, the reason they made it so hard to get experience in BAP is so you'll buy more of the boost slots, and upgrade items. Lame, I know, and agree, but it's part of the marketing strategy.

So why was it like that in 09?

It takes 2 years of dominating the NHL and breaking every record to get your player to an overall of 80, and don't even think of simulating a single game.

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As far as online goes they should change it to mensleague 10. I can't play it without my settings. The passing is Brutal, NHL passes are crisp and acutate, the stock settings are a joke. Mensleague 10

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One major thing that I dont like is, that its really hard to get experience points in "Be a Pro" mode. If you ever played UEFA you score a goal and get about 700 points in NHL I score 6 + 5 assists and manage only 22 points for offense.

I was complaining about the same thing then I realized, the reason they made it so hard to get experience in BAP is so you'll buy more of the boost slots, and upgrade items. Lame, I know, and agree, but it's part of the marketing strategy.

So why was it like that in 09?

It takes 2 years of dominating the NHL and breaking every record to get your player to an overall of 80, and don't even think of simulating a single game.

Unfortunately, I didn't experience this. I believe you leveled up much faster in NHL 09 than you do in 10.

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Click down on the right stick.

I just had the CPU score two unanswered goals in the last two minutes, two games in a row. Both game tying goals were cross crease in the last minute, because my AI teammates are standing around with their thumbs in their asses. One of the four goals was my fault, but both tying goals were because the AI didn't pick up their guys, and let the pass go right through the crease. Talk about frustrating.

I have the same thing, it's like my defensemen only know how to stand about two feet off from the post in no man's land, never chase the guy in the corner and never clear the crease or cover the man in the slot.

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Click down on the right stick.

I just had the CPU score two unanswered goals in the last two minutes, two games in a row. Both game tying goals were cross crease in the last minute, because my AI teammates are standing around with their thumbs in their asses. One of the four goals was my fault, but both tying goals were because the AI didn't pick up their guys, and let the pass go right through the crease. Talk about frustrating.

I have the same thing, it's like my defensemen only know how to stand about two feet off from the post in no man's land, never chase the guy in the corner and never clear the crease or cover the man in the slot.

Soo.. your defensemen do everything BUT play defense? That makes sense.. lol

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Yeah, it's dumb. They'll cover the weakside post, but ignore the guy wide open in the slot. I watched the defenseman do that, while my center stood around and did nothing. CPU passed it to the slot of a one timer goal. It gets really frustrating when you're playing Be a Pro goalie mode....

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Random trade of the day in my season: Scott Niedermayer for Ian White. Wat.

I got that beat, Bobby Ryan for Sean Bergenheim.

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There are some real head-scratchers with this "trade value" crap. I made the mistake of starting a season at the Draft and saw a lot of weird, shitty trades made. Then I'm stuck trying to haggle with the computer and can never pull off such deals nor am I ever offered any. Except for stealing Getzlaf off the Ducks.

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i agree for the mensleague 10 online, the passes are terrible, and the poke check is NOT that effective in real life, the games ive played thats alll the other guy does and it ends up being 1-0 lucky goals and bounces while we chase the puck around

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