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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL '12

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Personally, I'm not giving EA 60 bucks for re-releasing last year's game with some minor tweaks and updated rosters.

Have you read anything in this thread? They completely redid the game so that its using a new physics engine, which means that nothing is scripted. Meaning that anything can happen with hits, the puck bounces/handles realistically, etc. Its probably the biggest update in the whole NHL series ever...

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Have you read anything in this thread? They completely redid the game so that its using a new physics engine, which means that nothing is scripted. Meaning that anything can happen with hits, the puck bounces/handles realistically, etc. Its probably the biggest update in the whole NHL series ever...

It would hardly be the first time EA greatly exaggerated the extent of an upgrade to any of their sports series. Even if this is the one that actually represents a real upgrade, it doesn't justify the years when the game is simply updated rosters for a full price game. I'd wager the hype evaporates the instant the legions of douchebags online discover all the cheap tricks.

Of course, what you're describing is actually impossible. Nothing is ever truly random with computer software. Maybe they have some great new algorithm to create the appearance of random occurrence, but it isn't. Nor would you even want random occurrence, you'd want the game to follow real world physics. I'd also wager it's full of bugs and this it's a big beta test for implementing something like this in the Madden series.

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My guess/hope for the broken sticks concept is that the likelihood of a broken stick will increase on a whiffed one timer (very likely to break a stick), slapshots (moderately likely), etc. It'd be nice if it was possible for the game to log how many shots have been taken on a stick and developers could say that the probability of a broken stick increases after X number of shots. My guess is these are all lofty expectations and I don't really expect anything as complex as that to be implemented in the game. Personally, I won't get it when it first comes out, I'll wait a month or two and see how major the bugs are.

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It would hardly be the first time EA greatly exaggerated the extent of an upgrade to any of their sports series. Even if this is the one that actually represents a real upgrade, it doesn't justify the years when the game is simply updated rosters for a full price game. I'd wager the hype evaporates the instant the legions of douchebags online discover all the cheap tricks.

Of course, what you're describing is actually impossible. Nothing is ever truly random with computer software. Maybe they have some great new algorithm to create the appearance of random occurrence, but it isn't. Nor would you even want random occurrence, you'd want the game to follow real world physics. I'd also wager it's full of bugs and this it's a big beta test for implementing something like this in the Madden series.

I guess you should never ever buy a sports video game again. You also realize that if you have friends you can not play with random kids and cheaters online, and that the single player game modes can be enough fun to avoid online, right?

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Demo is out for PS3 and 360...

I am thoroughly unimpressed. The EA HUT thing feels a bit weak - I don't play video games to play card games. Me buying the game would be based on updates to Be A Pro and GM modes and how much better they would be. Seems like the focus has gone from having a real team to having a team made up of the most random-ass group of players, who must retire when they've played too much and can have limited training?

Something tells me a casual player with a few NHL guys and CHL/AHL members will be decimated by someone with maxed out chemistry playing a full regular NHL team. I don't think I'm sold on the way chemistry is set up either. I get players will play better when their real linemates or at least familiar players are paired with them, but when the game tells me "Most of your time will be spent here, changing around your lineup to maximize chemistry" it smells like boring shit that has no way of being figured out logically.

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After playing the demo here are my thoughts...

It felt very clunky at first, like really clunky. But once i got used to it seemed to get smoother and felt much better.

The passing changes speed the longer you hold down the trigger. Like hardcore mode last year, gonna take some getting used to.

I like the faceoff system so far, its simple yet still deep.

Physics engine is awesome, the hits are bigger then last year and you can just FLATTEN people, last year i missed laying people out often. Plus the puck seems to bounce more realistically. Time will tell if this is a bad thing or a good thing. Cross crease goals aren't as easy as last years either. Animations look more realistic. When deck someone, they stay down for a few seconds, its nice.

I HATE the fact that the cup game doesn't have the same rosters as the real game. But i understand. The graphics dont look that different but the faces and equipment in particular look clearer. Total one stick and new Reebok helmet on Pronger was very detailed.

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Liked the demo so far, but some changes I would suggest if I had any authority, which I don't.

When the hell is EA going to start using a HOCKEY announcer? I became sick of Gary Thorne about four years ago.

They need to change the bench, because even though us gear whores are the only ones who notice, but RbK 5K sticks, and TPS Response + haven't been made for years.

And in my game, I was tied 0-0, and Jeff Carter scored the winning goal with 41 seconds left. Jeff Carter finishes?! WHAT?1

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a lil disappointing imo, the physics is pretty good, but it doesnt happen enough, like tiny body contact when you skate by and what not, a lot of time the AI's still running around like it was nhl 10, its only when you do an action when the physics come into play, it just doesnt look right, maybe i'm nitpicking but ive seen what physics engines can do and it can do a lot better than this

however the faceoff systems pretty damn good and the entire feels a tad more realistic so its a step in the right direction

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I wish they had Be a Pro in the demo, or just a normal game. I hate the HUT thing, it seems really dumb, I just wanna play the game. I wish you could do replay in the demo to see all the new gear, or create a pro like in NHL 10 for the intro, so you could see the gear. Oh well. The physics thing is pretty cool, I thought it would feel a lot different than 10 but i didn't feel a ton of difference.

also that 11k helmet is the gayest helmet Ive ever seen.

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The HUT gimmick is a thinly veiled attempt by EA to grab more, a lot more, of your money. They have it in Madden too and I've already spent about $5 just buying some extra cards so my team isn't so damn crappy. I realize my error now and will not buy any more, but I can see that a lot of kids out there that have their parent's credit cards on the Live account are going to give them a real surprise next month when the Amex bill comes.

They better not have nerfed the GM mode - that was the best feature last year.

I did like the playing physics once I got used to it. I'm sure when the real game comes out you'll be able to adjust all the sliders like last year so you don't have to use the push sensitive passing. I did get used to it once I figured it out though. I still don't understand how to execute the different options on the faceoff though. I just try to do the same thing as last year.

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Did anyone else notice TPS hockey signs on the boards and in the stands in the NHL 11 demo? Are products still going to be sold under that label?

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man, scorin is real easy and defence is tricky, theres going to be allot of quitters online this year lol

Lol I'm opposite. Played 10 games so far, 0 ga, 6 gf. Sadface.

Probably doesn't help my hut team sucks, but still. Want to team up in in eashl and dominate? Lol

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Played twice. Every offensive zone faceoff that one of my wingers picks up the puck and shoots is an instant goal. :facepalm:

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I suck at faceoffs :) Hitting seems a little harder in the open ice areas, but when you do catch someone and lay them out its very rewarding. My brother and I were playing the first game against each other and I caught him in the neutral zone and his guys stick went flying, I had to let out an exuberant wooo! Then I tried to skate into the stick so he couldnt pick it up and his guy without the stick laid me out. Pretty nice! Do they pick up the stick if its close? I havn't seen a stick break, but only played two games so far.

The loose puck dekes seem to have been tweaked, but is there any new dekes? The leg pump is still in it.

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Played twice. Every offensive zone faceoff that one of my wingers picks up the puck and shoots is an instant goal. :facepalm:

Do you mean after you tie up the opposing faceoff guy? Thats not working for me...

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Man I got the stick knocked out of my hands in the offensive zone and I had to play the puck with my skates, that did not go too well lol!

The still stick is crazy this year...

Im kind if on the fence about the animations for tripping...

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So far I haven’t encountered any NHL11 gitches, of course, it’s not like I’ve played online against terrible human beings with poor judgement who love to cheat cheat and then cheat some more (like in nhl 10 and 09).

I would love to get nhl11 if I could be certain that all the glitches were removed. I don’t understand how there can be people willing to exploit errors in game mechanics and not give me the decency of a fair clean realistic game.

it's really discouraged me from playing nhl 10. My friends and I are actually very good at nhl 10, but we don't glitch, cheat, exploit, or any of that bs. Every goal in a game is mostly different. It's very tiring and stressing to lose games by one goal or in OT where we never have a fair shot to prevent a glitch or even play a clean match because people who can't play well enough legitimately resort to cheating.

We tried going down in the EASHL to recreational just to see if there was going to be people who legit wanted to play for fun and maybe there would even be less glitchers. Not the case.

Just don't forget to file your complaints.

(Also, we play crazy hella-defense and have thwarted a lot of glitchers attempts. But there is always the odd pass back to the point where the computer decides to stay still and let the opponent get a clean 1-on-1 curve shot glitch or back wards skating cross crease).

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Ha what if EA put a glitch in the demo for "Battle for the Cup" and if the game went to OT and you were the Blackhawks you could go to the bottom of the circle with Kane and it went in every time

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Ha what if EA put a glitch in the demo for "Battle for the Cup" and if the game went to OT and you were the Blackhawks you could go to the bottom of the circle with Kane and it went in every time

Only between a certain time frame in the period though, say within a couple minutes of the actual time he scored. Would be funny.

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They better not have nerfed the GM mode - that was the best feature last year.

Actually they've added even more to BeaGM...

- restricted free agents and offer sheets

- trading up to 6 years of draft picks

Apparently there will be more announced next week. If you press the help button at any point, you can see some of the features listed for GM and Pro modes...

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