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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Peaches PR/Georges HR

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For what it's worth, I was talking to Mark at peaches, he has to talk with someone about whether he will be able to continue getting MSH2 for repalms, he told me to call him back on the 22nd and he'll know for sure if he can do them or not.

does Peaches still carry the MSH2 palms. Never had work done on my gloves, or any other piece of equipment really. What details must be ironed out when I contact Peaches for my re-palming? My current glove is a nash palm and soaks up any sweat way too quickly and can not "wick" it away. It is just trapped throughout the game.

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eagle is not supplying him with MSH2 palm anymore. nas is great when its dry, but by the middle of the game, i hate it.

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eagle is not supplying him with MSH2 palm anymore. nas is great when its dry, but by the middle of the game, i hate it.

is there a reason why eagle is no longer supplying Peaches with the palm anymore? (if you know...)

will Georges carry the MSH2 palm? Or has Eagle not supplying anymore period?

BTW have contacted both shops via email and no reply thus far.

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probably because MSH2 is their proprietary material, and they want it go on their gloves only. just a guess.

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Shotty is probably exactly right.

However, I think it would be a wise move for Eagle to sell the palms on their own. If there are a lot of people putting Eagle palms on "Glove X", I would imagine that is a good thing for them.

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That's not what I meant.

I'm simply saying, I think it would be wise for them to sell the palms to their dealers (Peaches for example) and let them repair any gloves.

(dealer -ok , retail customer - no)

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I was told by Eagle Hockey that they are exclusively distributing the palms themselves. Won't sell to retailer or repair shops now. Told me to snap some pics of my palms and they would tell me how much it would cost to repalm/repair them. Didn't have a chance to ask if they will repalm other gloves besides Eagles :S

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BTW have contacted both shops via email and no reply thus far.

I think George's was closed for vacation recently. I know they have an 800 number so just give them a call. very nice folks and easy to deal with.

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I think George's was closed for vacation recently. I know they have an 800 number so just give them a call. very nice folks and easy to deal with.

They did actually just email me back just now, around the same time Peaches did as well. I will be sending my gloves off to George's, is their price of $60 include shipping as well? He also asked if I need my gusets, and to be honest I dont know if i do need them or not. Should I just ask for his recommendation? or how do I know if i should keep the gusets or not? thx

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Last I checked, Georges did have the Eagle palms. I've had about 3-4 gloves re-done there and a couple breezers repaired.

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Talked to Eagle people a couple months ago.....they will not be supplying MSH2 palms to anyone...they actually had to make me a set, for a repair(warranty) job....they will be putting them on their gloves and that's all....Sorry guys!

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They did actually just email me back just now, around the same time Peaches did as well. I will be sending my gloves off to George's, is their price of $60 include shipping as well? He also asked if I need my gusets, and to be honest I dont know if i do need them or not. Should I just ask for his recommendation? or how do I know if i should keep the gusets or not? thx

George's has a policy of free shipping with repairs of $50 or more. when I sent mine up they changed out the gussets at no charge. something about making the MSH2 palm fit correctly.



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Just spoke to someone at hockeyrepair.com and I asked if he had MSH2, he said 'absolutely.'

I'm guessing its leftover stock...get em done quick, boys and girls, before their gone!!!

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Talked to Eagle people a couple months ago.....they will not be supplying MSH2 palms to anyone...they actually had to make me a set, for a repair(warranty) job....they will be putting them on their gloves and that's all....Sorry guys!

Spoke to eagle today. They said their supply of msh2 palms are low and they don't want to sell them to the point where they have none for themselves. So during the mean time they are only doing "warranty jobs" and repairs on eagle branded gloves.

Just spoke to someone at hockeyrepair.com and I asked if he had MSH2, he said 'absolutely.'

Ya they still have them in stock so I'm sending mine to them. I hope everything will go well.

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Saw him last weekend at the Hockey Hall Of Fame.


Ended up going with Georges as they have the MSH2 palm in stock. Still waiting for confirmation regarding my gloves being received at their shop. Will comment once I have them repaired and worn during an ice session.

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SO I got the gloves back from Georges. TBH the right palm feels right in place in my gloves, BUT the left palm not so much. There is a bit of slack on the Left Thumb area where the palm is stitched, therefore creating somewhat a fold in the palm when I close my left hand. Anyone else had this type of problem after a repalming? (doesn't matter where it was done)

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I just bought a pair of 4 rolls and am looking at getting MSH2 palms from George's. They do have it in stock right now so hopefully I can get it done. I'm horrendously broke at the moment unfortunately.

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At some point an owner of these gloves (I assume David T on MSH who I bought them from - Thanks for the gloves by the way) has removed the inside padding, see the photo above. I'm sure this is something that Peaches or Georges could do, but does anyone have any experience with having this kind of thing done? Or able to recommend anyone specifically? I'm not sure how it would work, I don't have the original padding, not sure you get spares..?

I've also got a couple of pairs that are in need of re-palming and/or re-gusseting, so if anyone came recommended for all 3 that would be great.

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Anyone can do them for you, however, I trust my old friend Peaches with anything. This repair that you want is very simple. Remove the cuff/cuffroll, sew in the new back hand pad, sew cuff/cuffroll back on, and you're done. Peaches can easily create the pad for you and sew it in.

Re-palm, same thing, he can do it.

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At some point an owner of these gloves (I assume David T on MSH who I bought them from - Thanks for the gloves by the way) has removed the inside padding, see the photo above. I'm sure this is something that Peaches or Georges could do, but does anyone have any experience with having this kind of thing done? Or able to recommend anyone specifically? I'm not sure how it would work, I don't have the original padding, not sure you get spares..?

I've also got a couple of pairs that are in need of re-palming and/or re-gusseting, so if anyone came recommended for all 3 that would be great.

I remember asking about replacement of the inside padding "flaps" when I spoke to someone at George's. I'm not too sure if they knew what i was referring to, but he kept mentiong taking apart the cuff and such to get inside to do the stitching....

i decided not to go ahead with it at that point. prior to calling him, I removed some padding from an old pair of gloves and as I was about to stitch them onto the new pair, I said "WTF how am i going to do this?" lol

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Was at George's yesterday to drop off skates....I asked about MSH2 palms...they do not have them anymore.

FYI.. Just to reconfirm..Had my LHS call Eagle the other day, put me on speakerphone so I could listen...They will not sell MSH2 replacement palms.

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