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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Dead hockey brands.

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IceTech was also sued by BNH. However, today the paten has expired on the tuuk blade holder, i.e. Mission's new pitch blade holder and F-pro holder. Graf copied the Perfecta blade holder that is still used by Wayne Gretzky. If you take a good look at the CORBA blade holder, you will see the resemblances.

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Those Crew holders are kind've weird, They come with the Flite and Rebellion skates were carrying. It's supposed to be really easy to change blades in them. They look like alright holders, and the Flite skate's don't look too shappy either, but the backs kind've scare me. The just look so wide.

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Those Crew holders are kind've weird, They come with the Flite and Rebellion skates were carrying. It's supposed to be really easy to change blades in them. They look like alright holders, and the Flite skate's don't look too shappy either, but the backs kind've scare me. The just look so wide.

Yeah I thought that too about FLITE skates, but it gives a better fit around the caff musle and locks the heel of the foot in place better with a hockey sock on.

I've talked to the CEO of FLITE Gerry McSorley brother of Marty McSorley and they are going to be coming out with a new line of skates in the new year.

These skates are used a lot in the NHL just that a lot of the players black out the logo on the skate. Yanic Perreault has been using FLITE hockey skates for the past few years and accourding to McSorley he too black's out the name on the skate. Even Wayne Gretzky used FLITE skates!

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By those players do you mean Dauost skates? I'm considering getting a pair for in-line to dick around with on the street and see how I like'em.

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Those Crew holders are kind've weird, They come with the Flite and Rebellion skates were carrying. It's supposed to be really easy to change blades in them. They look like alright holders, and the Flite skate's don't look too shappy either, but the backs kind've scare me. The just look so wide.

Yeah I thought that too about FLITE skates, but it gives a better fit around the caff musle and locks the heel of the foot in place better with a hockey sock on.

I've talked to the CEO of FLITE Gerry McSorley brother of Marty McSorley and they are going to be coming out with a new line of skates in the new year.

These skates are used a lot in the NHL just that a lot of the players black out the logo on the skate. Yanic Perreault has been using FLITE hockey skates for the past few years and accourding to McSorley he too black's out the name on the skate. Even Wayne Gretzky used FLITE skates!

Gerry makes a lot of claims, many of them have been proven wrong.

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I'm not negative to Gerry. I spoke with him a couple of times and some of the things he told my partner don't match up with what I've seen from the product.

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WinnWell is owned by Canadian toy company milton badley. They still own the name and have sold the baseball part of WinnWell to Itech.

The WinnWell name is actually owned by Nike. Cooper bought out WinnWell in the late 70s, then Bauer bought Cooper in the late 80s, then Nike bought Bauer in the mid 90s. Bauer/Nike Hockey licensed the WinnWell Hockey and Cooper Baseball (and other sports excluding hockey) to Canadian toy company Irwin (not Milton Bradley). Irwin ran WinnWell/Cooper until a couple years ago, when they folded their sports division. Itech bought the Cooper Baseball brand, and the WinnWell name reverted back to Nike. Now, The Hockey Group, a buying group made up of larger hockey retail stores, has licensed the name from Nike and is making WinnWell equipment.

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WinnWell is owned by Canadian toy company milton badley.  They still own the name and have sold the baseball part of WinnWell to Itech.

The WinnWell name is actually owned by Nike. Cooper bought out WinnWell in the late 70s, then Bauer bought Cooper in the late 80s, then Nike bought Bauer in the mid 90s. Bauer/Nike Hockey licensed the WinnWell Hockey and Cooper Baseball (and other sports excluding hockey) to Canadian toy company Irwin (not Milton Bradley). Irwin ran WinnWell/Cooper until a couple years ago, when they folded their sports division. Itech bought the Cooper Baseball brand, and the WinnWell name reverted back to Nike. Now, The Hockey Group, a buying group made up of larger hockey retail stores, has licensed the name from Nike and is making WinnWell equipment.

Are you sure about Nike owning the name and licensing it?

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I'm not negative to Gerry. I spoke with him a couple of times and some of the things he told my partner don't match up with what I've seen from the product.

Ok just to be fair about it can you give us some examples of what didn’t match up with the product?

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I'm not negative to Gerry. I spoke with him a couple of times and some of the things he told my partner don't match up with what I've seen from the product.

Ok just to be fair about it can you give us some examples of what didn’t match up with the product?

Sorry, I don't go into detail on those conversations.

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Are you sure about Nike owning the name and licensing it?

Pretty sure, Murph... although I could be mistaken on that one. BNH could have sold it outright at some point.

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I still have one of those old cooper helmets like mess wears

Messier actually wears a Winn-Well helmet, that eventually was changed into the Cooper SK2000. The two helmets are slightly different though.

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That's not the point...he should back up what he's talking about. If there's a problem with a product let the people know. Just don't say this person says this and that.....isn't that what this site all about?

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I still have one of those old cooper helmets like mess wears

Messier actually wears a Winn-Well helmet, that eventually was changed into the Cooper SK2000. The two helmets are slightly different though.

Oh. I got the sk2000. Tempted to use it but its close to 20 years old now so it's probably best where it is and that's in my parents garage.

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I still have one of those old cooper helmets like mess wears

Messier actually wears a Winn-Well helmet, that eventually was changed into the Cooper SK2000. The two helmets are slightly different though.

Oh. I got the sk2000. Tempted to use it but its close to 20 years old now so it's probably best where it is and that's in my parents garage.

Make a lamp out of it! It'd make a great conversation piece in your home.

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I still have one of those old cooper helmets like mess wears

Messier actually wears a Winn-Well helmet, that eventually was changed into the Cooper SK2000. The two helmets are slightly different though.

Oh. I got the sk2000. Tempted to use it but its close to 20 years old now so it's probably best where it is and that's in my parents garage.

Make a lamp out of it! It'd make a great conversation piece in your home.

Yeah I was tempted to call Mess and Buchberger in case either of them was going to play again to let them know I have one ;) A lamp is a good idea though.

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