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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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new graf stick?

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You can barely see that the graphics are supposed to be a flame paint job in the pic. I always liked the feel of the Busch true one pice sticks and they have always been very durable. That said, I wasn't impressed with the G-force at the expo. It seemed like a grip laser, hopefully they were able to shave some weight off of it.

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What exactly is Sharkskin grip and how is it?

its probably just like inno polarfibre. sandpaper like.

It was like a light rubber if I remember correctly.

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What exactly is Sharkskin grip and how is it?

its probably just like inno polarfibre. sandpaper like.

It was like a light rubber if I remember correctly.

really? didn't some company have a shark skin like grip a long time ago? i would have figured it would be sandpaper like since real shark skin is like that. my mistake.

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What exactly is Sharkskin grip and how is it?

its probably just like inno polarfibre. sandpaper like.

It was like a light rubber if I remember correctly.

Is it similiar to the Inno soft grip?

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What exactly is Sharkskin grip and how is it?

its probably just like inno polarfibre. sandpaper like.

It was like a light rubber if I remember correctly.

really? didn't some company have a shark skin like grip a long time ago? i would have figured it would be sandpaper like since real shark skin is like that. my mistake.

Easton had a sharkskin grip back in the day.

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I only held it for a few minutes about 9 months ago, I could be wrong. Wasn't it Easton that had the sharkskin grip way back when?


I't's most like the rubber as I recall, but the grip seemed much thinner than the TPS rubber.

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my lhs just got a couple of them g-forces in, and i like the paint job on them...but they seemed a little cheaply made. they reminded me of the koho revolution one piece in terms of make, and the grip is like the inno soft grip

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for those of you saying there isn't much detail in the stick, that is exactly what it looks like. It is. in my opinion, a peice of junk. I held it at the store and i can say just with the weight it isn't worth tyhat much moula.

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