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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2009-2010 Gear Sightings

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Stronger in what way; in the fact that they have Adidas' deep pockets writing the checks?
Plus RBK/CCM is stronger than Easton...

Only thing Easton sells more of than RBK/CCM is sticks.

For protective gear, HA! Easton sells horribly in gloves, helmets and protection....even bags! Only thing they do great is sticks, and their skates, while a good seller, have fallen apart year after year.

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Stronger in what way; in the fact that they have Adidas' deep pockets writing the checks?
Plus RBK/CCM is stronger than Easton...

Only thing Easton sells more of than RBK/CCM is sticks.

For protective gear, HA! Easton sells horribly in gloves, helmets and protection....even bags! Only thing they do great is sticks, and their skates, while a good seller, have fallen apart year after year.

Fall apart or not, they sell a hell of a lot better than CCM/RBK in most areas.

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Fall apart or not, they sell a hell of a lot better than CCM/RBK in most areas.

Really? wow. Everywhere I've been its been about 45% easton to a 55% rbk/ccm. In the midwest we are bauer's & rbk/ccm with slightly less easton than rbk/ccm. Guess that is logical though having different companies sell better in different regions. I mean, if certain shops ONLY carry Bauer children's skates, then most of them growing up will stick with bauer, same with an easton or rbk/ccm.

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Working for the Bloomington Prairie Thunder here and we had a guy show up to camp with these. Don't know if a close up has been posted or not. They are extremely light and look pretty nice.

Any chance of getting a picture of the insides of the skate?

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Easton's Pro Glove is one of the best gloves I've ever worn. Better than any RBK/CCM I've tried.

If this is weighing in on the Easton vs RBK/CCM retail discussion your point is kinda moot. The E-Pro glove is different from the pro glove. There's numerous threads on this.

If not the, yeah they are comfy.

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anyone see Jaime Langenbrunner's helmet? it looks like the RBK 6/8k but with out the slots. The front of the helmet has the RBK vector and it looks like the normal 6/8k

ill try to get a picture

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don't know if this is a new sighting but bergeron with the ak-27 and i thought he was one of the poster boy for the 8.0.8


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ovi was using a one95 tonight in the 3rd.

i wonder if he's actually using one95's this season. The ones I've seen are XXXX painted as one95's.

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Easton's Pro Glove is one of the best gloves I've ever worn. Better than any RBK/CCM I've tried.

If this is weighing in on the Easton vs RBK/CCM retail discussion your point is kinda moot. The E-Pro glove is different from the pro glove. There's numerous threads on this.

If not the, yeah they are comfy.

and regardless of the fact, we're talking volume of sales here and market share.

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don't know if this is a new sighting but bergeron with the ak-27 and i thought he was one of the poster boy for the 8.0.8


Bergeron seems to be searching for a stick right now. He has used a few different ones already in this young season.

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haha cool

anyways check out wisneiski's, however the crap you spell, warrior gloves in the background...how sick is that?


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