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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2009-2010 Gear Sightings

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wow, those are major differences. I wonder how long the designers took to come up with those. :lol: the thumb, the four rolls, the wrist cuff, the split fingers, now those differences are really subtle. :lol:

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wow, those are major differences. I wonder how long the designers took to come up with those. :lol: the thumb, the four rolls, the wrist cuff, the split fingers, now those differences are really subtle. :lol:

Come on, you know there are more differences than that. That pic highlighted ONE styling variation between the gloves mentioned. It's to illustrate an easy way to tell the gloves apart. You know most skates look a whole lot alike too right? Definitely doesn't mean each is made from the same materials, perform and/or fit the same way. :blink:

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It is just two different points of reference, that's all. I look at it from the manufacturing view since so many vendors have always used the same overseas factories to produce the same products while you(I think) are looking at the design differences, some major, others minor. NP.

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Waiting to find pictures, but Mike Richards and Scott Hartnell are using pink Bauer sticks today...not sure if they're ONE95's or X60's, but obviously something for Breast Cancer month?

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Stamkos made Elliott and Chris Phillips his bitches last night. I was sitting right behind Elliott on that goal. Jaw dropped.

He certainly did...

Hell of a snipe; boy knows how to use his slingshot.

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not a very good pic, i think thats a x60 **jeff carter pic

Oh how fitting, Jeff Carter is using a pink stick. I'm sure it matches his purse he almost hit Andrew Alberts with. (I kid, I kid)

Most of the Flyers Bauer guys were using the pink sticks today.

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was about to post...spacek in a sherwood (most likely tps) glove

good game too, habs jersey nearly gave me a migraine though

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im liking the habs gloves - and thats about it

Remember back at the 96 all-star game Hull had those colour gloves? Lol he said he wanted to start a trend of getting one colour of gloves for several different teams in youth hockey..

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Remember back at the 96 all-star game Hull had those colour gloves? Lol he said he wanted to start a trend of getting one colour of gloves for several different teams in youth hockey..

I remember that, and I remember thinking, "ummm, they already have a color for that, it's called black"

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