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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2009-2010 Gear Sightings

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They have to be the New Supreme 100s. I have been hearing about them through the grape vine. And with the "hush hush" mod comment....Somethings brewing in the Bauer factory....

except everyone knows what the supreme One100's look like. and the TotalOnes. seriously, there is no grape vine on those anymore.

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I wasn't trying start an argument. I made the comment "Yeah, but they just don't have that CCMish look." Because that is what I thought.

Then as a follow up I said "I don't really know." Meaning, that I don't really know because I don't really know!

I fail to see where in those two sentences you were able to find the animosity deserving of your reply JR?

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so Adidas-Reebok can add another line with zero clout, to thin their base even more? just doesnt make financial sense at this point for Adidas to enter. if it's a skate put out by THC, it'd make sense to do it under branding that's established. Doubtful you'd see a second reebok line, and their one was overhauled already. Timing is right for Vector, but they do have the Tacks name available if they decide to put out a third skate line... also, the last vector did appear blacked out while they finalized graphics, when it was new.

isnt a new supreme, obviously... knowing bauer's M.O. and history of using mules, i doubt it's a new vapor. could be a flex lite, i guess, those kind of appeared out of no where with little fan fare on the last iteration, in basically final form, too.

graf? yeah right. warrior? too simple. easton? doubtful based on the looks of the construction.

that said, clues and history point heavily toward one direction. and then there's the guy who said it's the new vector, he saw one. so, there's that, too.


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That is definitely not a Flexlite last or toe-box.

In 2011, CCM Hockey plans to launch the next generation of its U+ platform which features a fully thermo-formable skate.


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Just because YOU may think they don't look like CCMs doesn't mean that they aren't.

Regardless, that isn't a final graphics package.

Sorry, all I'm allowed to disclose at this point.

Say Tacks.... cmon... Say Tacks

you know you want to...

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Hopefully a better progression than the movies!

I'm glad someone got that lol. By the looks of it they do look sharp, but I thought the U+ was already fully thermoformable?

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Just the foam inside the Surlyn boot in the current models - what they're talking about for 2011 is (I infer) more like a Kor-style one-piece mouldable composite upper. Again, that's a speculative inference on my part.

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On another note I posted a similar picture on PHEW some may have seen it, petteri nikolainen in the background wearing rebranded koho 4440 gloves


Still my favorit gloves. Just got a pair of 4460's for CHEAP$$$$$

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CCM/RBKs have been the best fit length-wise right out of the box for me for some reason (Bauer size 7's are short, while size 7.5's feel large after break in). I liked the way the 9k's looked (used them for the last year), and I used the Vector Pro's and 10.0's for 3 years and 2 years respectively before getting custom x60's just to do it. Aside from the silver on the aforementioned CCMs, I liked them fit-wise as well. Even if what has been posted isnt the final graphics package, it would be refreshing to see a more blacked-out CCM skate.

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As long as I get some TotalOne's soon, I couldn't care less what some dude on the Senator's is wearing and who made them!

My one95's have a scuff mark on them now so clearly I can't continue to wear them much longer.

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As long as I get some TotalOne's soon, I couldn't care less what some dude on the Senator's is wearing and who made them!

My one95's have a scuff mark on them now so clearly I can't continue to wear them much longer.

Haha, they had two dasher board ads up in the rink where I was playing last night. Can't wait to get my feet in a pair, although I was looking at my one95's this morning and am just amazed at how stiff they still are, and how little wear they have. Considering it has been almost two years since and they've seen ice about 100 hours a month, the durability on them is impressive. I remember only a couple years ago everyone was saying how performance and durability don't go together. Certainly doesn't look that way anymore.

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