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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Aussie Joe

Dealing with moron team mates

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Last night we get off the ice and are all enjoying a brew or two. Whats left of the team gets to talking about this or that and the conversation comes to people with mental illness. One guy gives his opinion that he believes mental illness doesn't exist and that people have a choice to act crazy. Needless to say I lost my sheet at the guy, I have had mental illness in my family and sister currently works as a psychologist, so I consider myself a little more learned then the avg joe. I calmed and explained some things to him but he gave me that glazed "I'm a dumbass and don't really care" look.

Well now the rant is over, how do you guys deal with the muppets in the change room? The people that just open their mouth and just pure ignorance falls out.

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I try to get changed and out the door as fast as possiable, with a quick, "nice game see you next week"...But I am not really "friends" with anyone I play with so that makes a diffrent....However, it dosent matter whether its at the rink,work,or on the street people have opinions and some like to think their opinion is the end all be all right one...Just brush it off, I understand it is a personal subject for you but still even crazy as the guys view is, its still the way he see's it and dosent make it wrong or right...Know what Im sayin?

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This same thing has happen to me, as I also have mental illness in my family. What I did was I first told the kid to shut up and that no one is even listening to him. I then told him that a lot of people with downs syndrome(what my family member has) are actually really cool and are a lot more capable then idiots like you think. Second idea is to change the subject and not give it a second thought, or if I'm already kinda mad (like we just lost) then is when I may be harsher on him.

Good luck to you the dude sounds like a dumbass

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This is largely why I don't talk about anything more serious than hockey related topics, other sports, cars, or TV shows/movies. A couple of years ago I did a weekend tourny, it was a last minute deal and I only casually knew two people on the team. If the team "captain" wasn't on the ice he was screaming direction from the bench. In the locker room after the first game someone said something to the effect that he was "a real slave driver." You had to have three women and one of them got all pissed off because she thought it was anti-black, and seemed to feel the need to be even more so because she was Jewish. I thought it might clam things down to point out that blacks were by no means the only people ever to have been enslaved, and the "slave driver" concept was actually related to anicent rowing ships. It snowballed into threats of legal action. After that I swore I'd never get involved in any discussion of a serious nature again with people from hockey whom I don't know well.

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People say dumb things all the time, there is no reason at all to get worked up about it.

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I thought that to begin with AllSmoke, but then I realised it was because he comes from abit of a hill billy section of Melbourne.

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there's a hill billy section in melbourne? :wacko: if i knew i woulda gone check it out :P

but ye i usually just let people talk, hard to convince them when their set on what they believe (especially if its something stupid), i get why you reacted though but not always the best thing

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I thought that to begin with AllSmoke, but then I realised it was because he comes from abit of a hill billy section of Melbourne.

Are we allowed to guess? :lol:

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Close-minded, ignorant and uneducated people like the clown on your team makes it easy to remind us that there are still good people out there in this world. :)

Sorry that this was absolutely no help at all :P

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Last week at open hockey some guy was going on and on about how this 16 year old kid scored a few goals against his team a few weeks (it's 18+ league but you know, exceptions are made) and apparently they were flashy goals. So he said he ran the kid real hard and winded him, and the kids father who was watching came over and said something. So then he said to get revenge at his father he found the kid again and gave his ankles a chop and took him down.

I ignored it since I don't know the guy, and got my gear on real quick and stood up to leave. He looks at me and says "Are you any good? I might just have to teach you a lesson too!". I told him if he can catch me then he's more than welcome to try. He wasn't too happy, but I pretty much decided the idiot was upset that a kid was scoring goals against his team. Someone who is 40+ years of age does not need to go "teaching" a 16 year old a lesson.

And more recently, I got ragged on hard by my teammates tonight (I was kind of a scapegoat here, in my mind) for not passing and trying to do it all myself in a 3-0 loss. What they do not understand is that if you're sitting still in the neutral zone, I have no reason to pass to you. Move!

Rec hockey drives me nuts sometimes, but the locker room talk at school can be much, muchhhhhh worse.

anyway point is, the shit happens everywhere. People have this strange strange belief that whatever happens in the locker room stays in the locker room. That's taken way out of context by people.

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Like recleaguehero says I try to avoid certain topics. During the presidential election I would do anything to change the topic away from politics. One of the guys was this right wing nut. He would go on and on. I respect opinions different than mine. But when your opinion boils down to Obama being a "monkey" I lose all respect for you.

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I try to get changed and out the door as fast as possiable, with a quick, "nice game see you next week"...But I am not really "friends" with anyone I play with so that makes a diffrent....However, it dosent matter whether its at the rink,work,or on the street people have opinions and some like to think their opinion is the end all be all right one...Just brush it off, I understand it is a personal subject for you but still even crazy as the guys view is, its still the way he see's it and dosent make it wrong or right...Know what Im sayin?

You're not friends with anyone because you are racing out the door and, by doing so, you're missing out on one of the best parts of the game.

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Theres just ignorant and stupid people everywheres. Not just in hockey dressing rooms but all around and you cant let what one completely ignorant and moronic person say bother you. Sure hes entitled to his opinion, however it is completely based off nothing and just flat out dumb. Theres bound to be people like that everywheres you go, you just gotta keep your head above it and not let it get to you. Its a problem i sometimes have however, if someone says something to me on the ice trash talking, a lot of the time im quick to react and it gets me pretty worked up. Its not as visible when im mad but inside I can get pretty angry. I find the best thing to do however is to try and think of other things and if theres someone you know is just a flat out idiot, dont even bother making conversation with them. Theres one guy on my team who has the iq of a toddler and is always trash talking my team mates parents/vechicles/girlfriend, just anything he can do. One day he was commenting on how he had a night with my cousin and i turned around and said 'yeah and she told me the same thing i seen in the hockey shower, guess what god didnt give you in brains he didnt give you down there either' and it shut him right up.

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Theres just ignorant and stupid people everywheres.

Yep, they is everywheres... :huh:

Theres one guy on my team who has the iq of a toddler and is always trash talking my team mates parents/vechicles/girlfriend, just anything he can do. One day he was commenting on how he had a night with my cousin and i turned around and said 'yeah and she told me the same thing i seen in the hockey shower, guess what god didnt give you in brains he didnt give you down there either' and it shut him right up.

Nice one... <_<

On that note, it's best to just smile, nod, and ignore people when they go on their misinformed rants. Anyway, you shouldn't take anything that someone says in the hockey locker room, or after hockey at the bars, too seriously.

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. One day he was commenting on how he had a night with my cousin and i turned around and said 'yeah and she told me the same thing i seen in the hockey shower, guess what god didnt give you in brains he didnt give you down there either' and it shut him right up.

Touche! I'm using that one if any teammates comment on my sister, lol

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Its a pretty touchy subject, LOL. The same guy also hooked up with my ex of 9 months half a year after we broke up and chirped me about it so i responded with the classic Sean Avery line.

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Its a pretty touchy subject, LOL. The same guy also hooked up with my ex of 9 months half a year after we broke up and chirped me about it so i responded with the classic Sean Avery line.

Hahahahaha the same thing happened to me, but it was a with girl I was with one night. I used the same exact line, lol.

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Wow, interesting thread. When I read this:

"One guy gives his opinion that he believes mental illness doesn't exist and that people have a choice to act crazy." I just kept laughing, I can't believe people are that ignorant/dumb ass!

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Same guy who dropped another great one last night...

"Man I'm sick of all these homeless people, they need to go out and get jobs. They are just lazy thats all."

Serious dumkopf, I'm thinking it maybe time to thin the heard.

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