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Top 5 hockey movies

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Youngblood gets love for being so bad. I won't lie, I'll watch whenever I catch it on tv. The hockey scenes were terrible, including the fight at the end, but there were a few gems in there.

"So, did Ms. McGill come in before or after you put the puck in the net?"

"She did that to me last year."

"She did that to me last night."

Deaner having the water bottle on the nightstand and taking a squirt after tagging the coach's daughter.

A young Keanu Reeves trying a brutal French Canadian accent.

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I heard there is a CBC movie being made about Don Cherry? Anyone know when this will be available to view/purchase? If its to be aired soon I will have one of my Canadian buddies record it.

Why not Miracle? Because I already knew what happened.

Most guys love Miracle because its the closest live action hockey movie thats been done. Using real hockey players and teaching them to act was the best idea. Certainly the historical story line is great but I remember when I first saw it I was blown away by how life like the hockey action was.

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I heard there is a CBC movie being made about Don Cherry? Anyone know when this will be available to view/purchase? If its to be aired soon I will have one of my Canadian buddies record it.

I don't know, but I'll find out. I read an article online that they were selling the equipment from the shoot in Winnipeg a week ago. I would have liked some of that.

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1.Miracle (how don't you get a little choked up when Brooks goes in the back tunnel and celebrates)



4.Mystery Alaska


And if we're using the "it counts as a hockey movie because hockey is kind of in it, i.e. Happy Gilmore, Van Wilder...clearly it wasn't her playing but i like to think hot Tara Reid was into hockey, but lost interest when she became sloppy drunk all the time Tara Reid.

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We all rank the top five, and it's funny and pathetic that there's really only five or six to choose from.

So I'll go with...

1. Miracle

2. The Rocket

3. Mystery Alaska

4. Youngblood

5. Slap Shot

Honorable mention to the Brett Hull shooting DVD because I love it.

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