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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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If you need a good laugh. . .

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just came across this website and its pretty funny....i searched to make sure it wasnt already posted and seen that it wasnt but if it is can you pleae close this thread


heres an example...(805): we went back to her place to bone only to find her boyfriend having sex.. with MY girlfriend

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just came across this website and its pretty funny....i searched to make sure it wasnt already posted and seen that it wasnt but if it is can you pleae close this thread


heres an example...(805): we went back to her place to bone only to find her boyfriend having sex.. with MY girlfriend


Is betta.

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just came across this website and its pretty funny....i searched to make sure it wasnt already posted and seen that it wasnt but if it is can you pleae close this thread


heres an example...(805): we went back to her place to bone only to find her boyfriend having sex.. with MY girlfriend


Is betta.

I want to thank you for sharing this website. It is win.

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thanks for posting that site krev didnt realize i read an hour and a halfs worth...but just my opinion do you think all these type of sites are all ran by the same people?

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You are all welcome. B)

I've started reading this site, more than FML: http://mylifeisaverage.com/

2 hours and 33 pages later... thanks a lot Krev :huh:

i know exactly what you mean im on page 57 ^^
thanks for posting that site krev didnt realize i read an hour and a halfs worth...but just my opinion do you think all these type of sites are all ran by the same people?

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some of these are hillarious :L anybody know if they're real or do some people make em up for a laugh ?

You can sort of tell the fake ones from the real ones. FML has been ridiculous lately.

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some of these are hillarious :L anybody know if they're real or do some people make em up for a laugh ?

You can sort of tell the fake ones from the real ones. FML has been ridiculous lately.

Today, I blew a tire on the edge of a cliff. The car lurched and went over the cliff. All but two of my bones are broken. The doctors expect to amputate both legs and my right arm at the shoulder, plus the left up to my elbow. I am typing this with my tongue. FML.

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some of these are hillarious :L anybody know if they're real or do some people make em up for a laugh ?

You can sort of tell the fake ones from the real ones. FML has been ridiculous lately.

Today, I blew a tire on the edge of a cliff. The car lurched and went over the cliff. All but two of my bones are broken. The doctors expect to amputate both legs and my right arm at the shoulder, plus the left up to my elbow. I am typing this with my tongue. FML.

See, that one is obviously real. Easy to tell.

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