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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What flex do YOU use?

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Height: 5'8

Weight: 195

Length: Between upper lip and nose on skates

Flex: 105 to 110

Age: 24

Position: Right Wing

Primary Sticks: One95 and Synergy ST

I put a lot of weight into my shots, even my wristers. Any flex under 100 and my shots lag or I lose accuracy.

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Height: 6'2"

Weight: 160

Length of stick: 60"

Flex: 85 or 87

Postion: Everything but goalie

Current stick: CCM U+ CL and Bauer One95

Current curves: Tavares and P88

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Height: 6'1"

Weight: 210 lbs.

Stick Length: 60" (uncut w/stock endplugs)

Flex: 100 (Easton)/102 (Bauer)

Position: C/LW

Current Stick: Bauer one95 (P92), Easton S19 (Sakic)

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Height: 5' 9"

Weight: 175 lbs

Length of stick: 59" Just above upper lip in skates

Flex: 105

Age(optional): 28

Position: D

I replied to this thread in September, but I've since switched from prostock 95 flex 2 piece dolomites to Bauer one95s. 102 cut to 105.

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Height: 6'

Weight: 205 lbs

Length of stick: at my nose with no skates

Flex: 85

Age(optional): 24

Position: F

Current Stick: Mission Titanium

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Height: 6'

Weight: 185 lbs

Length of stick: 57"

Flex: Dolomite shaft/Harrow blade 75 flex, Salming G1 90 flex.

Age: 22

Position: FWD

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Height: 5'11"

Weight: 225 lbs

Length of stick: just a touch below my chin on skates

Flex: 85

Age: 27

Position: FWD

I used to find a 110 suited me better, but lately I've been using an 85 Flex Easton.

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  Jarick said:
Bumping this because this was pretty interesting.

I dumped all these responses into Excel, and here's what I came up with:

Average Height: 5' 10.8"

Average Weight: 186.78 lbs

Average Flex: 86.44

Average Weight to Flex Ratio: 2.18 lbs to flex (or flex equals 2.18 times body weight)

Average Height to Flex Ratio: 0.83 inches to flex (or height divided by 0.83 equals flex)

Of course when I sorted from smallest to largest, the average flex slowly climbed from 65 to 86.

Finally, I made up an "adjusted flex" which assumed a 5'11 player would use a 60" stick then adjusted 3% up or down in flex for each inch of stick length, and the average was still 86.47. So in other words, players tended to use what would be the equivalent of an 85 flex stick depending on how much they had to cut the stick down or add in length.

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With the original 86 responses, added the next 45, and of course, statistics are fun:

New avg height: 5' 10.8" (no change)

New avg weight: 186.24 lbs (half pound lighter)

New avg flex: 87.81 (increased by 1.5)

Not much of a change, all considered.

As for the average height comment, the average US male height is 5' 9.5", but I used the average response which was 5' 10.8". It makes sense we (or specifically you guys :D) are taller than average because you're athletes.

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Height: 5' 8"

Weight: 175 lbs

Length of stick: 57" - Between chin and lower lip in skates

Flex: 85 cut to about 90.

Age: 20

Position: Center/Defense

Current Stick: 2010 Warrior Dolo Spyne

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Height: 6' 3''

Weight: 150-160

Length of stick: 66 1/2 ''

Flex: TPS regular (95 I believe?)

Age: 18

Position: Defense

Current Stick: TPS Response R8 Lite

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Wow. Talk about someone eating their Wheaties!! :lol:

  freekincage77 said:
Height: 6'3

Weight: 240 lbs

Length of stick: 64"

Flex: 115 easton st when on the points/powerplays, 102 bauer x60 in the 3rd period

Age(optional): 17

Position: Defence

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  17D1998 said:
Height: 6' 3''

Weight: 150-160

Length of stick: 66 1/2 ''

Flex: TPS regular (95 I believe?)

Age: 18

Position: Defense

Current Stick: TPS Response R8 Lite

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Height: 6'7

Weight: 310 lbs

Length of stick: 64" - Between adams apple top of collar bone.

Flex: I have a one95 that is 117 flex it is nice and an X:60 that is a prostock that feels like its rated flex at 64 inches which is 102 that throws ridiculous clappers!

Age: 28

Position: Center/Defense

Current Stick: One95 and x:60

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Height: 5'8.5

Weight: 185 lbs

Length of stick: upto my chin, without skates

Flex: anywhere between 70-85 (depending on type of stick) and how whippy it feels and where. wierd I know.

Age: 27

Position: Winger (left or Right)

Current Stick/Sticks: SE16 (2 piece), 2 peice easton typhoon. 2 piece one95

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  skyscrape said:
Height: 6'7

Weight: 310 lbs

Length of stick: 64" - Between adams apple top of collar bone.

Flex: I have a one95 that is 117 flex it is nice and an X:60 that is a prostock that feels like its rated flex at 64 inches which is 102 that throws ridiculous clappers!

Age: 28

Position: Center/Defense

Current Stick: One95 and x:60

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Just bought a ST 115 flex which I actually had to cut down due to it being 65.5 inches uncut and that thing is a cannon! Love the power!

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