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Stealth CNT

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Thought I had a deal in place to land a RH Stealth CNT which I've been dieing to try out, however, it seems it fell through, anyone else know a place or someone I could pick one up off of? Thanks for the help.

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Ya, just read this post and realized I can't get in the buy/sell thread either, what a crushing blow. I am really looking for a few RH Pro Stock CNT's. Anybody know of any retail stores anywhere that have a few? Thanks.

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They are good sticks but won't match up exactly to top sticks today. They are however very durable.

Some of the older sticks compare quite favorably to new products.

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They are good sticks but won't match up exactly to top sticks today. They are however very durable.

Some of the older sticks compare quite favorably to new products.

Which sticks are you talking about? I heard a lot of pros use the Vapor XXX lites dressed up as XXXXs, but i don't know if it's true.

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They are good sticks but won't match up exactly to top sticks today. They are however very durable.

Some of the older sticks compare quite favorably to new products.

Which sticks are you talking about? I heard a lot of pros use the Vapor XXX lites dressed up as XXXXs, but i don't know if it's true.

Well, the dolomite is essentially just a revised Inno 1100 and those came out something like a decade ago. I would also put the Bauer TFG shaft up against any current model standard shaft. And I think everyone know my feelings on the XN10 series of sticks by now.

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Anyone know if the Pro stock CNTs are much better than retail or essentially the same?

Pro stock could be anything, even other sticks painted like a CNT.

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They are good sticks but won't match up exactly to top sticks today. They are however very durable.

HAHAHA. You read too many stick ads kid, have you used a cnt? Have you used the new sticks? No, by the sounds of it not. Ive been looking for a stick like the cnt forever, there far better then anything else on the market. I currently have a huge stash and im always looking for more, sportcheck had a bunch so i picked up a huge amount.

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Anyone know if the Pro stock CNTs are much better than retail or essentially the same?

Pro stock could be anything, even other sticks painted like a CNT.

This is exactly what I am looking for. I just broke an original stealth repainted like a CNT. Not a fan of the boxy shaft on the actual CNT.

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They are good sticks but won't match up exactly to top sticks today. They are however very durable.

HAHAHA. You read too many stick ads kid, have you used a cnt? Have you used the new sticks? No, by the sounds of it not. Ive been looking for a stick like the cnt forever, there far better then anything else on the market. I currently have a huge stash and im always looking for more, sportcheck had a bunch so i picked up a huge amount.

This is where the phrase "personal preference" comes in. I, for one, hated the CNT Stealth.

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The cnt stealth isnt boxy at all, its actually concave. Its much less boxier then any of the other easton sticks and also if you dont like blade light sticks you will hate the cnt. On the other hand, thats what i like. I dont get great power out of it but i dont lose enough power to pick a one95 over it.

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I have to agree with Chippa, was not a big fan of the CNT (and yes, I realize the irony of just buying Derek Roy's off Hockey Canada). Regardless of the shaft design they were trying to create, the thick corners stuck out and did make the stick feel boxy and square; there was just too much material too them. The original stealth, while feeling hollow (don't know how better to describe it's weight) was still one of my favourite pieces. S17 wasn't too bad either, if only the blade would last.

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There were a couple floating around one of the local shops here last time I checked. I don't remember if they were LH or RH though. Give them a call:


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Kind of off topic but not really. This guy on eBay just listed a TON of pro stocks, mostly leftys so far, including the exact stick I am looking for. Thought about playing lefty but I think my passing would really suffer. On the other hand, my backhand would be deadly. Here is the link to the Pro Stock repainted CNT's. Take a look at everything else he has (bottom link).

eBay Pro Stock CNT's

eBay Store

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Kind of off topic but not really. This guy on eBay just listed a TON of pro stocks, mostly leftys so far, including the exact stick I am looking for. Thought about playing lefty but I think my passing would really suffer. On the other hand, my backhand would be deadly. Here is the link to the Pro Stock repainted CNT's. Take a look at everything else he has (bottom link).

eBay Pro Stock CNT's

eBay Store

Those are the repainted ones?

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Kind of off topic but not really. This guy on eBay just listed a TON of pro stocks, mostly leftys so far, including the exact stick I am looking for. Thought about playing lefty but I think my passing would really suffer. On the other hand, my backhand would be deadly. Here is the link to the Pro Stock repainted CNT's. Take a look at everything else he has (bottom link).

eBay Pro Stock CNT's

eBay Store

Those are the repainted ones?

Ya you can tell because the black paint is around the entire shaft. In the retail version and the actual CNT pro stocks, the corners of the shaft are blue. And because of the pattern of the shaft material, same as the original stealth.

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Anyone know if the Pro stock CNTs are much better than retail or essentially the same?

Pro stock could be anything, even other sticks painted like a CNT.

if you don't gave knowledge of Eastons barcode nomenclature on the tag at the top of the stick, just look for the slightly concave dimple on the backhand side of the shaft near the fusepoint. Bout the only way to tell if it's a legit CNT.

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Anyone know if the Pro stock CNTs are much better than retail or essentially the same?

Pro stock could be anything, even other sticks painted like a CNT.

if you don't gave knowledge of Eastons barcode nomenclature on the tag at the top of the stick, just look for the slightly concave dimple on the backhand side of the shaft near the fusepoint. Bout the only way to tell if it's a legit CNT.

Any chance you can explain the Easton barcodes? I always like to know the little ins and outs of the pro stock equipment.

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