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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nothing can describe this

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This is what happens when children's shows writers get really drunk and wonder how many sex jokes they can make without the kids noticing.

And on the other end of it, all the 5 year olds are wondering why mommy and daddy are bent over laughing.

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It was recorded as a joke and never aired as I understand it.

That's such a shame. It would have gone completely over the heads of the kids watching, and mom and dad would have gotten a hell of a kick out of it.

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I loved that show. I was young though so I didn't get any of the innuendo or at least I don't remember any of it.

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I loved that show. I was young though so I didn't get any of the innuendo or at least I don't remember any of it.

Ha same here. It's pretty funny if you go back and watch it, its amazing what they got away with

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My cat's were named after this show.

Bungle and Zippy.

My parents used to watch this show once a week when they were kids in England.

Oh godddddd no wonder why I am so messed up.

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