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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Thanks bauer!

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This year my team went down to chicago for the bauer international invite. we played in the elite, under 16 category and in one of the rinks that are team played in on the second day had a carbon monoxide leak. After the game almost the whole team was complaining of a massive headache and one guy started throwing up. At this time no one knew what was going on but when we went back to the rink 2 hours later we found out about the leak. so are team was admitted to the hospital 40+ people (players, coaches, parents) were in there for 4 hours on oxygen tanks the clean out all the carbon monoxide from are system.

BUT NOW a little over a week after getting back from the tournament we got a e-mail from the bauer president Kevin Davis saying sorry about what happened and they are returning are entry fee, giving us free entry into the tournament next year, paying for all hospital fees, a free custom stick, free bag, free base layer line, and other accessories.

But the point i'm trying to get to is how classy of a company bauer is they had nothing to do with the tournament they were just the sponsor and yet they are still giving us all free stuff and waving all of the fees. i would just like to say thanks to them for everything they did.

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That is quality customer care (and you weren.t even customers!)

Even if they just offered fees and a customer stick that would have been cool, but they went all out

Nice one Bauer

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What rink were you playing at?

A quick Google search shows 'Center Ice rink' in Glen Ellyn, but OP please correct me if I'm wrong.

There were a few Invitational games at my local rink (leafs) but I think it was too far out to host many more.

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I have known Kevin Davis and his team at Bauer for over three years. While it is easy to consider this a CYA for some, I consider the people at Bauer as doing the right thing for everyone because believe it or not, they do care. If a parent decides to sue Bauer, the rink, and everyone involved, then ultimately what Bauer is doing for that team would have no impact on that person's decision. Their mind is already made up.

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Agreed, DarkStar. If someone wants to sue the rink (or the party responsible for the incident), no stick or bag will really change his/her mind. As a long time Bauer supporter it's nice to see them doing this for the kids of the tourney.

EDIT: wow, just noticed the line about hospital fees. Very generous of Bauer

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That is Bauer generating goodwill in hopes that they don't get named in any potential lawsuit that gets filed by any of the victims of the leak.

^ No doubt.

Even though as title sponsor they have NO legal liability (and certainly Bauer had ALL sorts of indemnity/liability clauses in the contracts) it is still expensive to defend nuisance lawsuits.

I personally think this was beyond normal lawsuit dodging though. They could have just done the entry fee + next years, and the hospital costs and still come off as the good guys in this.

The sticks/bags/accessories puts them over the edge for me, and IMHO they're a company I'm now more likely to do business with.

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Bauer has unbelievable customer service. In '06 or '07 I got pretty decent concussion wearing a Bauer helmet (one of their middle of the road models, can't remember which one) that was only about 4 or 5 weeks old. My dad gave them a call, not to complain or anything, just to comment. They ended up picking up the tab on the medical bills and a Reebok 8K helmet.

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^ No doubt.

Even though as title sponsor they have NO legal liability (and certainly Bauer had ALL sorts of indemnity/liability clauses in the contracts) it is still expensive to defend nuisance lawsuits.

I personally think this was beyond normal lawsuit dodging though. They could have just done the entry fee + next years, and the hospital costs and still come off as the good guys in this.

The sticks/bags/accessories puts them over the edge for me, and IMHO they're a company I'm now more likely to do business with.

Bauer could still technically be bought into a law suit, it would simply be a very slippery slope to climb for anyone wanting to sue them for this reason, essentially the rink's neglegence. Rare and difficult, but not unheard of.

Bauer aren't so much dodging law suits as they are creating advocates of their re-invented brand. This is a very smart step by them as these kids will never forget the negative being turned into a positive for the rest of their lives.

On'ya Bauer!

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That's a great point Joe. Its maddening how many of our franchisees fail to see this, and only see the positive as cash out of their pocket. The companies that do see this are the ones that are successful.

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Yet another reason why all of my gear sans my gloves and stick can, and will be a part of the Canstar Corp/Bauer Hockey. Cooper Pads, Itech Helmet, Bauer Skates. The stick may or may not change to bauer after this part. This is the exact reason why demonstrating class in every situation will help you defuse sticky situations like this in the future.

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Every piece of my Gear is Bauer sans jock (itech), Helmet (RBK, but also have 5000, 8000, and two 9500's) and Stick (Ballistik, but again also have a one95). It's not just the quality, but the type of brand you're associating yourself with that I find important. Almost all businesses could learn a lesson here.

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I think it says more about the company when you look at how they handled the employees at MIH when the company was absorbed. It wasn't the "Everybody pack up your things" take over some expected.

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Bauer has unbelievable customer service. In '06 or '07 I got pretty decent concussion wearing a Bauer helmet (one of their middle of the road models, can't remember which one) that was only about 4 or 5 weeks old. My dad gave them a call, not to complain or anything, just to comment. They ended up picking up the tab on the medical bills and a Reebok 8K helmet.

They actually sent you a Reebok helmet? I can't really see that. That's kind of like admitting that they don't make a helmet as safe as a Reebok.

As far as what they did for the OP...It's things like that makes bauer the industry leader

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Are you on the Colorado team?

no we are the winnipeg team (monarchs) we kinda suck under the media radar (we left before the media got there) we were the last team to play a full game at the rink from what i heard and when we came back 2 hours later the rink was block off by police because of the carbon monoxide. the rink was evacuated 20 minutes after we left to go out for dinner.

very classy move. i am glad you are all okay too :D

how did you guys do in the tourni?

we did ok we beat phoenix 7-5 and Pittsburgh 4-1 and lost to team Illinois 5-3 i think not bad for some random team out of winnipeg

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Yeah I'm a Bauer loyalist also. Bought a pair of One90s (posted pics on Custom/Ice to Roller conversions) and had them converted to roller. I knew this voided the warranty. The outsole started to come apart after a month. I called Bauer and asked for repair options. They asked what happened and I told them. Customer Service rep puts me on hold then tells me that some of the One90s had a problem with the outsoles coming apart. She told me to remove the chassis and return the boots. She then told me that there were no more One90s in my size and that they'll send me a pair of One95s instead (Posted these pics too). I flat out told the customer service rep that I would buy Bauer forever. Only my shinguards and stick aren't Bauer/Mission (stick will soon be).

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That is Bauer generating goodwill in hopes that they don't get named in any potential lawsuit that gets filed by any of the victims of the leak.

i doubt bauer would be held responsible.

its not their fault the rink was not safe.

Wouldn't The rink would be the one at fault?

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