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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut


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Okay, figured I'd get this started as I just booked my flight...

I'll be coming in on Sunday afternoon, taking the redeye back Wed night.

I believe as far as Mods are concerned, we'll have Chadd, Drewhunz and LegoDoom representing MSH with me.

So, who else is going?

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I know there is a convention in Vegas, but what is the name of this one??? That way I can look up the dates...

Now that it is convention season, I am in Vegas about once a month for work/hobby related stuff. Next one planned is the last weekend of January...

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I know there is a convention in Vegas, but what is the name of this one??? That way I can look up the dates...

Now that it is convention season, I am in Vegas about once a month for work/hobby related stuff. Next one planned is the last weekend of January...

26th and 27th at the MGM.

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I know there is a convention in Vegas, but what is the name of this one??? That way I can look up the dates...

Now that it is convention season, I am in Vegas about once a month for work/hobby related stuff. Next one planned is the last weekend of January...

26th and 27th at the MGM.

I am in vegas, is this convention open to the public?


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Can't move my Neurologist appointment so it looks like I'll be taking the redeye home right after the show.

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Someone please eat a double double for me... lived in CA for a long time and miss In N Out like crazy... If only they'd expand east... i'd start a franchise and compete with five guys for the WIN!

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