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Reebok edge socks

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Love 'em. They fit better and hold in place over my shin pad nicely with no shifting, plus, they don't get wet and soggy like the old style do. Haven't had them long enough to say anything about durability, but so far so good. They look way better too.

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played an entire season with them and they show nothing but a few puck marks. standard socks would be torn by the end of a season... and yes, gotta love the wickability. pretty much as dry at the end of the game as the beginning.

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I have used pro and retail, I prefer pro because it's thicker, it doesn't have the velcro and they just look better. BUT I have to repair tears in them every few months, I have tons of repairs on every pair I use.

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+1 ive had to repair them too...(thank god my mom and gf are good with seamstress stuff loL)

ive got a few atlanta thrashers ones (pro)

some retail redwings ones

and pro carolina hurricanes...

they are pretty good socks i like em. i am not good enough to notice the performance difference except for the probablity...not too sure about weight or anything but they look nice too =)

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I was looking at a pair, and they had one long velcro strip in the front. How do you keep them up? Wouldn't they need velcro on both the front and back to match the velcro strips on most shorts?

Having to go back to a garter belt isn't my idea of progress ...

Love 'em. They fit better and hold in place over my shin pad nicely with no shifting, plus, they don't get wet and soggy like the old style do. Haven't had them long enough to say anything about durability, but so far so good. They look way better too.

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My team just got new jerseys so I've been looking for match EDGE socks as well. Does anyone know any place selling Capitals home pro stock socks? I checked eBay but found nothing.

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Yeah, I really don't notice much difference between the EDGE socks and wool socks. Every now and then a breeze catches on the thigh and I feel it through the mesh, but if you don't have zippers on your pants you probably won't notice it. The durability is pretty bad though. One of my pairs has held up pretty well, albeit with a few cuts and nicks here and there. My other pair has a u-shaped hole about the size of a dime, and I've only used them once. Pretty weak. Now I have to try and sew them up.

Not much else I can do if I want the new style Lightning socks though.

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I like this RBK product a lot. I have two pairs I have been wearing since last spring. They stay up with no problem with one velcro strap for me. I just place the back velcro on the jock against the sock and it stays. I like how they are so much lighter and looser then traditional socks. As for durability, both my pairs are holding up perfectly. I think looking for durability in hockey socks is silly. Any hockey sock will get cuts, tears, and rips from skates and sticks. I don't know what else to expect from hockey socks in that department. I think RBK Edge socks are worth treating yourself to at least once to see if you like them. The worst thing that could happen is you get a few tears in them and don't like them!! :lol:

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They cut way too easily and my skates weigh about 10lbs after using them. I'm not really a fan, though I have a bunch of pairs.

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i bought retail ones about a year ago and HATE the fit. i'm 6'0 tall so went with the adult size naturally and they're huge. anyone know if they make an intermediate size?

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larrivee - If you want to sell any let us know.

As for me I love them! I have pro stock and retail, and they have both worn well and I love the feel. The only thing I don't like on the pro stocks in having to remember to carry my garter along and the use it. Small sacrifice for such a nice sock.

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larrivee - If you want to sell any let us know.

As for me I love them! I have pro stock and retail, and they have both worn well and I love the feel. The only thing I don't like on the pro stocks in having to remember to carry my garter along and the use it. Small sacrifice for such a nice sock.

Sew Velcro on...

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I have couple pair of the pro and a pair of the retail. The pro quality ones I have had no durability issues with and love the whicking aspect of them. My retail ones fell apart real quick. both are a real light sock and very comfortable. I also like the fit. I don't find that I need to put any tape on them. overall great sock.

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I got two pairs (white, black) at the Bruins pro sale for 5 bucks a pair. They are pretty nice socks but not worth the money you used to see them going for on eBay. I don't have any experience with the retail versions but if you see your local team (NHL/AHL) and they're having a team sale its def worth getting several pairs at 5 -10 bucks a pair.

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i bought retail ones about a year ago and HATE the fit. i'm 6'0 tall so went with the adult size naturally and they're huge. anyone know if they make an intermediate size?

What size/brand shin pads do you wear?

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i bought retail ones about a year ago and HATE the fit. i'm 6'0 tall so went with the adult size naturally and they're huge. anyone know if they make an intermediate size?

What size/brand shin pads do you wear?

15 inch sherwoods (circa 1996 when i was a sophomore in HS), pretty low-profile. i wonder if the youth size would fit?

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Wow, seems like half and half here if you love them or hate them, and the same with the durability issues. Those who hate them, is this because they weren't durable for you?

For me they have been very durable and performance wise they are great, too. I've only had one pair in the last year and a half. Most people who bought them from us say they love them, only a couple were upset about it (probably 9-1 ratio). Surprisingly a lot of you didn't like them.

For them to stay up, the velcro on the front of your jock will keep them up just fine. if you are anal you could put tape across but i haven't had this necessary. They stay up just fine, more so then standard socks. Anyways if your thinking about getting a pair its worth getting it. 20 bucks at most to get one isn't expensive, so its totally worth it.

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i bought retail ones about a year ago and HATE the fit. i'm 6'0 tall so went with the adult size naturally and they're huge. anyone know if they make an intermediate size?

What size/brand shin pads do you wear?

15 inch sherwoods (circa 1996 when i was a sophomore in HS), pretty low-profile. i wonder if the youth size would fit?

I wear 15 in. RBK 6K's and they are perfect. I think you need bigger shins or no EDGE socks for you

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i bought retail ones about a year ago and HATE the fit. i'm 6'0 tall so went with the adult size naturally and they're huge. anyone know if they make an intermediate size?

I agree. I'm the same height and have a set of 16" One90's and they are just way too loose on them. I was expecting a tight fit.

I'm going to try and pickup a pair of pro stock larges from somewhere. I dont care the color or anything I just want to try and see if the pro stock in the smaller size will fit better.

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I have a pair of retail and a pair of pro ones.

The pro ones have holes stitched up everywhere on them. But I haven't put any new holes in them yet. I really really like them, other than having to sew velcro patches onto them so I could attach them to my shorts like standard socks. They fit absolutely wonderfully with just enough snuggness throughout the whole length of the sock but stretch in the right places to keep your legs/knees bending without resistance.

The retail ones are almost as nice. They're a little wider and a little longer than they should be. I wear 14" RBK 4k shins, I have big thick muscular legs. Anyone who is even remotely skinny must just swim in these socks, they're friggin huge, they'd be folded over and bunched up everywhere on a slimmer guy.

Also I detest the RBK logo in the middle of the sock but I suppose thats just the way things are these days. That all said, I wouldn't wear regular socks again if I have anything to say about it.

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I have been wearing a pair of white pro stock hurricanes socks since about August and I think they're great, haven't got any new cuts on them in that time. Having to go back to a garter was a bit of a pain but no big deal and hopefully someone (you'd think Reebok themselves would think of it) will make a jock short with a snap or something where the velcro currently sits. Just bought a seciond pair of pro stock Portland pirates, haven't skated in them yet.

Both pairs are XL's, and both fit great over my 17" shin pads and calves I don't consider all that big. (Okay so maybe I put my shins and socks on in the living room, big whup want to fight about it :D )

I also paid $18 for the first pair and $15 for the second, and I think they're a great value at that price. I would pay probably up to $35 for new pro stocks, but I wouldn't buy the retail, hate the logo and I hear they were way lower quality.

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I got some white Coyotes pro-sotck (used) edge socks off of ebay.

I have been using them since last spring and I like them. I can't say I notice a huge difference in coolness. There is probably some. I haven't had much of a problem with durability. There are a couple of pea-sized holes right above my knees I should probably stitch up.

The odd this is, I have never had a problem attaching them to the velcro on my jock shorts. I used tape to be sure they didn't fall maybe the first 5 times I skated with them but it never seemed to be a problem so I stopped. There is now piling on the socks where the velcro tabs are but that helps them stick anyway.

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I wore my Reebok branded Portland Pirates socks yesterday, and noticed they are much thicker and seemingly stronger than my RBK branded Carolina Hurricanes socks. Is this an NHL/AHL difference, or were the socks changed as a whole in the re-brand?

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