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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Inno sticks

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Hmmm... I am really torn on this one. Might go for a maniac for a shot to see what it's like. HM replied to me saying it is like a draper curve in RH INT. Was hoping for a Federov/Savard but it might be worth a shot to see how close it is or hopefully they are wrong about it at HM.

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I've been using a Zetterberg curve (which is the Federov in the Warrior world) for a while and I just recently picked up a Dolomite in a Draper and I really like it a lot. Slightly open face with a bit of a toe curve, it's a nice change from the Zetterberg. I kind of hate that my stick says Draper, but that's a different issue. The Maniac sounds like it's the deal, Shoguns were closed out at around the same price as the Inno.

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I understand that they can provide only limited details about the sticks themselves, but why can't they disclose the patterns? That's just stupid. If they have some concern about using the exact same pattern names, they could just do something like what they did with the crazy monkey sticks and make the curve names a letter or two from the player's name and their number such as LD05 for lidstrom #5 and ZT40 for Zetterberg #40

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I understand that they can provide only limited details about the sticks themselves, but why can't they disclose the patterns? That's just stupid. If they have some concern about using the exact same pattern names, they could just do something like what they did with the crazy monkey sticks and make the curve names a letter or two from the player's name and their number such as LD05 for lidstrom #5 and ZT40 for Zetterberg #40

Probably because they are all random pro patterns.

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They can still provide the pro pattern name. There is at least some information floating out and about regarding various pro patterns. I also wonder if that really still applies to the intermediates for example. There aren't many pros using true intermediate sticks.

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They probably dont want us to know that. I have no idea how or when in the production process these were slated to be an SMU. I'm sure they're a quality stick. I'm just confused on the blade patterns..Now they're random pro patterns?

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They can still provide the pro pattern name. There is at least some information floating out and about regarding various pro patterns. I also wonder if that really still applies to the intermediates for example. There aren't many pros using true intermediate sticks.

They are not marked from the pro patterns and they are mixed with retail patterns.

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I personally really liked the megalytes that I got from Hockey World so this is very interesting. If I could buy more of those at $70 I would be all over it. My problem is I don't like getting a "grab bag" curve or the uncertainty that this may be a mid-tier stick instead of higher end. IMO it's worth the risk if you know you're getting a dolo / macdaddy. If you get a shogun or similar, then I am not sure it's cheap enough given the lack of warranty. It would still be a very reasonable deal but nothing great in my opinion.

Another gripe - if this is a mix of retail patterns and pro patterns, can't Hockey Monkey simply state that and note that they are all mid curves or something general?

You can see by all the confusion and inquiries that the product listing is poor regardless. I know they can't specify all the details, but details that are available should not be spared. It just doesn't inspire confidence and makes you feel like they are trying to hide something.

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^^^ Megalytes were the tits. I kick myself all the time for not buying more. I've got two Maniacs and they're good sticks for the price. Of course, when I bought mine from Hockey World I knew what curve I was getting...

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I know a couple guys who have played with the Megalytes and they've been looking for something similar for quite some time. I dont think they will for that price.

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I had a couple maniacs and they were terrible. they were marked as 70s but didnt flex much when using them. they just didnt have the kick that my AK, dolos and even 1100s had.

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on hm it now says under the information on both the maniac and thunderdome that they are "constructed to the same specifications as the Warrior Hitman ($149.99) and the Warrior Dolomite ($169.99)"

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Sure, but you can probably say the same about all of warrior's low end sticks. They are probably made to the same specs just with a different (cheaper) resin, or a higher percentage of fiberglass. If they are actually dolos, then that's a great deal assuming you get a curve that's decent for you. If you get a hitman that's worse but still solid. The random curve thing just makes me nervous because if you don't like it then it doesn't really matter how good the stick is.

on hm it now says under the information on both the maniac and thunderdome that they are "constructed to the same specifications as the Warrior Hitman ($149.99) and the Warrior Dolomite ($169.99)"

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They are not marked from the pro patterns and they are mixed with retail patterns.

Would it not be possible for someone like yourself who seems to know what the truth is about these sticks to simply clarify it for people on this site? After all it is not that complicated:

1. Inno Megalyte is _____.

2. Inno Maniac is _____.

3. Inno Thunderdome is _____.

This along with a simple note such as "Various pro patterns therefore not able to give all of the details." would save everybody an immense amount of time.

Or could you explain to me why it can not be done as I am a a consumer and not a retailer. Having said this it does seem ridiculous that any retailer would not want to give consumers the details like this to make an informed choice. I would certainly be more inclined to purchase the sticks in question if I knew exactly what I was getting. Don't retailers understand that?

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Would it not be possible for someone like yourself who seems to know what the truth is about these sticks to simply clarify it for people on this site? After all it is not that complicated:

1. Inno Megalyte is _____.

2. Inno Maniac is _____.

3. Inno Thunderdome is _____.

This along with a simple note such as "Various pro patterns therefore not able to give all of the details." would save everybody an immense amount of time.

Or could you explain to me why it can not be done as I am a a consumer and not a retailer. Having said this it does seem ridiculous that any retailer would not want to give consumers the details like this to make an informed choice. I would certainly be more inclined to purchase the sticks in question if I knew exactly what I was getting. Don't retailers understand that?

It's the monkey, relax. I'm not sure if anyone knows exactly what these sticks are, but they are a decent twig..........

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Would it not be possible for someone like yourself who seems to know what the truth is about these sticks to simply clarify it for people on this site? After all it is not that complicated:

1. Inno Megalyte is _____.

2. Inno Maniac is _____.

3. Inno Thunderdome is _____.

This along with a simple note such as "Various pro patterns therefore not able to give all of the details." would save everybody an immense amount of time.

Or could you explain to me why it can not be done as I am a a consumer and not a retailer. Having said this it does seem ridiculous that any retailer would not want to give consumers the details like this to make an informed choice. I would certainly be more inclined to purchase the sticks in question if I knew exactly what I was getting. Don't retailers understand that?

I am also confused. So did they change the name of the Warrior Dolomite and Mac Daddy sticks to these new inno ones? And if so, do you guys recommend getting one of them? I am very intrigued considering I have being interested in trying the warrior sticks. Thanks for the info folks.

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I am also confused. So did they change the name of the Warrior Dolomite and Mac Daddy sticks to these new inno ones? And if so, do you guys recommend getting one of them? I am very intrigued considering I have being interested in trying the warrior sticks. Thanks for the info folks.


IDK where you got that idea haha

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Used the thunderdome, nice stick. Tried to buy more and they are out. I too would love to know the warrior equivalent

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Used the thunderdome, nice stick. Tried to buy more and they are out. I too would love to know the warrior equivalent

It's most likely a Johnson, Mac Daddy or Dolo, though it could be an AK-27. If you weigh it on a precise scale, we can probably figure it out :D

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It's most likely a Johnson, Mac Daddy or Dolo, though it could be an AK-27. If you weigh it on a precise scale, we can probably figure it out :D

I believe it was around 480 after taping.

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