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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Semin vs Samsonov

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I haven't used either, but I've seen pictures of both. They both look like pretty big hooks, but the Samsonov is much more open. Based on what I've seen the Samsonov looks like a crazy Sakic retail and the Semin something closer to a Warrior Smyth or TPS Afinigenov. I would love to pick up a Semin stick - it looks like a curve I'd love, but I haven't seen any locally. Did you see one on ebay or something or are you planning to go to a Caps team sale sometime?

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Last time i was at the Verizon center they had about 6 Semin sticks taped together and were trying to sell them for $299 and they were used. The curve was nice, i dont think it was open but it was just a toe hook.

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heatley15 Posted Today, 11:28 PM

Last time i was at the Verizon center they had about 6 Semin sticks taped together and were trying to sell them for $299 and they were used. The curve was nice, i dont think it was open but it was just a toe hook.

Yes, a closed toe hook is what I recall seeing in pictures. $299 per Semin stick or for all 6? If it's per stick that's pricey and if it's for all 6 that's an insane deal. I'm assuming it was per stick.

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Jesse_01 Posted Today, 11:56 PM

If they are $300 for all 6 and still usable, you should pick them up. I will buy them off of you.

He'd have no problem unloading those and making a good profit if they were $300 for all 6...there are more than a few RH toe curve addicts here. I'm one of them.

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From what I've seen of Semin's pattern, it looks more like a SWD Coffey rather than a toe curve.

agreed. its a deeper p10 at best.

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TBLfan Posted Today, 12:07 AM

From what I've seen of Semin's pattern, it looks more like a SWD Coffey rather than a toe curve.

You're right...more like a Coffey or Afinigenov retail curve. I believe I was thinking of the Zherdev curve (another I wouldn't mind getting a hold of) when I typed the word toe. Nothing beats the Kovalchuck pro in my mind, but I haven't had much luck finding any of those in the last while...I should've stocked up a few years ago when the National Sport chain had a tonne of Kovalchuck pro stock Dolomites. I only bought one, tried it, fell in love and then haven't been able to find anything close to it other than the Warrior Smyth curves which has since been discontinued (I did stock up on a few of those blades though).

Back on topic...I still wouldn't mind trying a Semin curve and 6 for $300 would be a great deal if the sticks were usable. I suspect they were asking $300 each though....

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TBLfan Posted Today, 02:12 AM

Zherdev is a Kovalchuk clone, he even uses the same flex.

Good to know. Thanks for that bit of information as it may come in handy someday. Of course I've never come across a Zherdev prostock, but one can hope.

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Try talking to Kynetyk Hockey. They had some Zherdev clones made up a while ago. I was going to try one out, but they couldn't give me a solid picture of the curve. If you really like that curve and don't mind trying out a small name brand, I'd send them an email.

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Here i saved a pic of one i found awhile ago, not sure who the owner is but ill host the pic.


you got it from a guy i know. i think he posted on that facebook group that shall not be named.

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Yes, a closed toe hook is what I recall seeing in pictures. $299 per Semin stick or for all 6? If it's per stick that's pricey and if it's for all 6 that's an insane deal. I'm assuming it was per stick.

Haha no its not for all 6 thats why i didnt pick them up its 299 per stick

Here i saved a pic of one i found awhile ago, not sure who the owner is but ill host the pic.


The Semin sticks i seen didnt have the same curve as that, unless its just the pick but it also wasnt like a coffey either it was just a toe hook.

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The LHS at Brewster Ice Arena in Brewster, NY has some pro-stock Zherdev Dolomites (nipple grip) available. Bought one from them last week. Give them a call. Pretty sure it's a 260 flex, which is a 90 flex for other companies.

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The LHS at Brewster Ice Arena in Brewster, NY has some pro-stock Zherdev Dolomites (nipple grip) available. Bought one from them last week. Give them a call. Pretty sure it's a 260 flex, which is a 90 flex for other companies.

How much did they bang you for on one of those?

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Kynetyk Hockey quoted me $1300 for 10 sticks in any pattern I sent to them.

worth it if you can find a few people to buy some off you.

If they're all left I'd take a couple of crazy curves =)

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The LHS at Brewster Ice Arena in Brewster, NY has some pro-stock Zherdev Dolomites (nipple grip) available. Bought one from them last week. Give them a call. Pretty sure it's a 260 flex, which is a 90 flex for other companies.

maybe its just the few your have but normally he uses a 110flex.

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By highslot84 at 2010-01-28

For those inquiring.. the stick all the way on the right is a Semin PS I picked up in Sept.

I tried to turn my TPS R2 into a clone of it. worked ok and didn't break the blade surprisingly.

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